Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

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Quote from: woofnstuff;473258
or if you go faster than light things go a bit wackky

Degree in physics > what you think.

Reply #3050 Posted: July 03, 2007, 04:56:58 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;473245
This is a pointless argument you guys are having, which is why I've stayed out of it.

You can't possibly expect that the Bible would be a cut-and-dry, black-and-white account of exactly what God wants to say, do you? Keep in mind that it is considered divinely inspired, not divinely written; its not a dictation - God didn't sit the writers of the Bible down with a typewriter each then say "Ok, type this ..." - God "spoke" to each of the writers and they wrote what they thought God was trying to say.

As for attacking literary devices as though they were meant to be taken literally (like the "four corners" BS which obviously refers to the 4 directions - North, South, East, West - in the Bible, as it does in every other book, article or scrap of paper on which it is scrawled), thats just petty guys - and that goes for Revelations as well; as DaCollector said, there are very few people who could say they understand the meaning of that book, in the context of faith - I know of, officially, none. The Bible is open to interpretation and is considered by Christians (and many others) to be as relevant now as it ever was.

You will find that most of the pro-science people dont take the bible literally as it is obviously myths/legends - what they have a problem with is christians quoting parts of the bible as literal truth when promoting their hate campains (when they are trying to stop homosexuals or prostitutes from being treated like humans) and then claiming other parts are not literal truth when it doesn't suit them

Quote from: Pyromanik;473467
Degree in physics > what you think.

yeah - lets make a degree in physics the minimum requirements to post

Reply #3051 Posted: July 03, 2007, 05:30:49 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;473521
You will find that most of the pro-science people dont take the bible literally as it is obviously myths/legends - what they have a problem with is christians quoting parts of the bible as literal truth when promoting their hate campains (when they are trying to stop homosexuals or prostitutes from being treated like humans) and then claiming other parts are not literal truth when it doesn't suit them

You very obviously didn't read what I said, you arrogant prick.


Reply #3052 Posted: July 03, 2007, 06:05:20 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;473576
You very obviously didn't read what I said, you arrogant prick.


no i read what you wrote

"arrogant prick" - you're making jesus cry

nice argument by the way

Reply #3053 Posted: July 03, 2007, 06:08:58 pm

Offline DaCollector

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Quote from: KiLL3r;473178
the book of revelations is the worst book of all. ask most christians and they'll tell you global warming and everything thats happened recently was in revelations. 9/11 etc

Its so badly written you can apply almost any disaster to its writings if your gullible enough

I wouldn't call it badly written but certainly it is left up to the interpretation of the church or individual.
Personally i think its an incredibly interesting book. Trying to unlock a ancient mans trip to the future as such. The future if that was what he saw would have been incredibly frightening to see.
Helicopters, massive cities reaching heights unknown, warfare so much more devastating than a archer/swordsman bloodbath.

Who knows really but i keep my mind open even to Christianities sometimes unexplainable beliefs and also to some theories put forward by scientists and lets be real, both have some theories which rely on belief with no factual basis to them.

Reply #3054 Posted: July 03, 2007, 08:25:13 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Posts too fucking big. I'm leaving.

Reply #3055 Posted: July 03, 2007, 08:28:26 pm

Offline krasher

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Quote from: cobra;473521
You will find that most of the pro-science people dont take the bible literally as it is obviously myths/legends - what they have a problem with is christians quoting parts of the bible as literal truth when promoting their hate campains (when they are trying to stop homosexuals or prostitutes from being treated like humans) and then claiming other parts are not literal truth when it doesn't suit them.

Hate campaigns. Are you that blind - or that gullible. The media has a lot to answer for. If arguments have to be based on fact/evidence - and that is probably a good intention - what evidence do you have that it is hate that motivates these Christians to discourage things like homosexuality and prostitution?

It seems that you are the one that hates. Not just you but several others seem to hate Christianity and Christians. That I object to. You seem to think that you are better because of your beliefs. Do you hear any Christians here rattling off abuse constantly at all of the people that don't identify themselves as Christians? Go on, find all the abusive comments now that you have ever heard a Christian say and prove me wrong. Miss the point. Again.

I can't stand the hypocracy in this thread. What is so threatening about the Christian faith that it provokes such responses from people.

Reply #3056 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:01:23 pm

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Offline cobra

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Quote from: krasher;473805
Hate campaigns. Are you that blind - or that gullible. The media has a lot to answer for. If arguments have to be based on fact/evidence - and that is probably a good intention - what evidence do you have that it is hate that motivates these Christians to discourage things like homosexuality and prostitution?

It seems that you are the one that hates. Not just you but several others seem to hate Christianity and Christians. That I object to. You seem to think that you are better because of your beliefs. Do you hear any Christians here rattling off abuse constantly at all of the people that don't identify themselves as Christians? Go on, find all the abusive comments now that you have ever heard a Christian say and prove me wrong. Miss the point. Again.

I can't stand the hypocracy in this thread. What is so threatening about the Christian faith that it provokes such responses from people.

how are campaigns to stop people being treated with the same human rights as everyone else anything other than hate campaigns? - calling me blind? are you sure that years of brain washing by the church have not made you blind to these hate missions

I dont hate christians - but i hate the promotion of hatred and ignorance - someone posts a link to a man working to understand the universe better and a christian disrespects his work -
only because the more light science shines on the world, the fewer shadows left for god to hid in

the trouble with modern christianity is that it is 100-200 years past it's used by date - but it has been successful for a few thousand years because of quite strong memes - it will take a while for evolution to wipe it out

can you explain the hypocrisy (hypocracy?) in the thread? - be careful of using that word in this debate

and for abusive posts from christians - you implied that if i became christian, then i would become a pedophile - i take offense that you think i might become a christian, and the post above calling me a prick?

Reply #3057 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:23:09 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;473826
how are campaigns to stop people being treated with the same human rights as everyone else anything other than hate campaigns? - calling me blind? are you sure that years of brain washing by the church have made you blind to these hate missions

I dont hate christians - but i hate the promotion of hatred and ignorance - someone posts a link to a man working to understand the universe better and a christian disrespects his work -
only because the more light science shines on the world, the fewer shadows left for god to hid in

the trouble with modern christianity is that it is 100-200 years past it's used by date - but it has been successful for a few thousand years because of quite strong memes - it will take a while for evolution to wipe it out

can you explain the hypocrisy (hypocracy?) in the thread? - be careful of using that word in this debate

and for abusive posts from christians - you implied that if i became christian, then i would become a pedophile - i take offense that you think i might become a christian, and the post above calling me a prick?

All of which only goes further to show your ignorance.

I don't necessarily think you would become a Christian and that is not my intention of saying you should go to a church sometime. What I am trying to say - and what I believe krasher is trying to say - is that your comments are offensive and ill-informed; if you were ever to actually give a Christian church your time, you would find that are not involved in a hate campaign, but merely trying to do what they feel is best based on their beliefs - EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHAT THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING.

And you are an arrogant prick - instead of reading my post and replying based on its own merit, you instead chose to ignore it and respond based on what YOU had already said. That was an arrogant move, and you came across like a prick, thus you are an arrogant prick.

Reply #3058 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:37:46 pm

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Reply #3059 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:42:53 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;473840
All of which only goes further to show your ignorance.

I don't necessarily think you would become a Christian and that is not my intention of saying you should go to a church sometime. What I am trying to say - and what I believe krasher is trying to say - is that your comments are offensive and ill-informed; if you were ever to actually give a Christian church your time, you would find that are not involved in a hate campaign, but merely trying to do what they feel is best based on their beliefs - EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHAT THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING.

And you are an arrogant prick - instead of reading my post and replying based on its own merit, you instead chose to ignore it and respond based on what YOU had already said. That was an arrogant move, and you came across like a prick, thus you are an arrogant prick.

wasn't talking about your post when i was talking about the whole me becoming a christian

my girlfriends sister goes to church - for both the bills trying to give homosexuals and prostitutes basic human rights her church had a petition to try and stop them - to me that is part of a hate campain

dude - i dont care that you called me an arrogant prick - you are obviously filled with a lot of anger and hatred - krasher was just saying that you christians dont resort to name calling - just pointing out that you pick insults before debating points

Reply #3060 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:51:53 pm

Offline Bell

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Everyone settle down and watch some videos.


Reply #3061 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:54:55 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;473850
my girlfriends sister goes to church - for both the bills trying to give homosexuals and prostitutes basic human rights her church had a petition to try and stop them - to me that is part of a hate campain

As did many churches around the country - as well as independent, non-Christian groups, who want to see the family unit stay in its current state. These things are not a hate campaign - this is just trying to have a say in what is best for the people of this country, but your opinion appears to be that Christians don't know what is best for the people of this country simply because they are Christian.

For too long this government has been passing bills and pandering to the whim of a minority at the expense of the family unit. If parents were taking responsibility for their children, if the family unit was cherished more and if people sought help instead of going it alone, do you really think we would be in the state we are? Yet all of these things are welcomed under this Labour/Greens government.

And you can't honestly think that legalising prostituion was a healthy move for this country?

Anyways, these are waaaaaaay off-topic now.

Reply #3062 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:57:03 pm

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;473856
And you can't honestly think that legalising prostituion was a healthy move for this country?

Yes now they pay taxes!

Reply #3063 Posted: July 03, 2007, 09:58:15 pm

Offline krasher

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Quote from: cobra;473850
dude - i dont care that you called me an arrogant prick - you are obviously filled with a lot of anger and hatred - krasher was just saying that you christians dont resort to name calling - just pointing out that you pick insults before debating points

Flea has showed an incredible amount of patience in his responses considering the abuse that has been demonstrated towards Christians. I admire that I wish I was that patient. I wasn't saying that Christians don't resort to name calling, I was pointing out that....never mind, you are obviously not listening. Just keep it a discussion and quit with the abuse.

Sorry for keeping this off topic.

Reply #3064 Posted: July 03, 2007, 10:42:25 pm

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Offline Black Heart

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fucken a legalising it was good.

Reply #3065 Posted: July 03, 2007, 10:48:59 pm

Offline krasher

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Quote from: Black Heart;473891
fucken a legalising it was good.

lol - I don't always agree with what you say, but it usually makes more sense than that!

Reply #3066 Posted: July 03, 2007, 10:50:54 pm

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Offline cobra

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Quote from: krasher;473887
Flea has showed an incredible amount of patience in his responses considering the abuse that has been demonstrated towards Christians. I admire that I wish I was that patient. I wasn't saying that Christians don't resort to name calling, I was pointing out that....never mind, you are obviously not listening. Just keep it a discussion and quit with the abuse.

what abuse?

there were prostitutes before the bill there are prostitutes after the bill - the bill just gives the workers the same rights as other workers in other industries - and as Bell mentioned - now it is easier to collect taxes

One of my friends is a prostitute -  why should she have no rights because you personally have christianity induced issues about sex? I see trying to stop laws giving her freedoms that you would demand as very hateful

Quote from: krasher;473897
lol - I don't always agree with what you say, but it usually makes more sense than that!

um... maybe they should teach reading comprehension at your church - he was saying legalising prostitution was a good thing

Reply #3067 Posted: July 03, 2007, 10:58:00 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: cobra;473907

One of my friends is a prostitute -  why should she have no rights because you personally have christianity induced issues about sex? I see trying to stop laws giving her freedoms that you would demand as very hateful

how much does she charge and does she have any STD's?

Reply #3068 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:00:10 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;473856

For too long this government has been passing bills and pandering to the whim of a minority at the expense of the family unit. If parents were taking responsibility for their children, if the family unit was cherished more and if people sought help instead of going it alone, do you really think we would be in the state we are? Yet all of these things are welcomed under this Labour/Greens government.

this is that hateful rhetoric that bugs me

there are homosexuals and prostitutes all over the world - they tend not to be part of the christian idea of the family unit - nothing you can do can change this

but they deserved to be treated like humans - if you try to make their lives unpleasant because  you dont agree with there lifestyles then you are a hate filled man - who do they hurt?

you could use the same rhetoric about the laws that made it illegal to beat your wife, is that another "family value" that you support - it is a christian principle isn't it?

Reply #3069 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:06:43 pm

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Quote from: KiLL3r;473910
how much does she charge and does she have any STD's?

dont know and dont know - do you want her number

Reply #3070 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:07:14 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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hehehehe  why did everyone decide to pick on Christianity.  You know islam speaks out agains homosexuality as well. and against prostitution.  but did no one brougth that up hehehe :bounce:

acutally you are right prostitues have been around since for ever.  I dont see why they shoudl be persecuted because they are what they are.  but i do feel sorry for them.   they sure could use Jesus to stop their ways but some people want to continue or have no choice but i think we all have a choice.

to be honest.  If everyone lived by the ideals Christianity stands for would teh world be such a bad place?  Treat your fellow man as you'd like to be treated.  which means i wont steal your pies and run away because i wouldnt want that hto happen to me.  I wont punch you int eh face coz i woudltn want to be punched in my face .

repect your mother and father.  they brought you into this world!  and they changed yoru nappies when you were little!  this goes for your elders too!  no people breakign into holmes and beating up old ladies for 5 dollars to go towards thei r p habbit

dont murder people! which means dont knife people. You didnt give him life so you have no right to take it from him!  no people runnign over other people with cars.

dotn commit adultery.  if your married dont have teh secks with anothe rmarried or single person.  it comes down to how you'd liekt o be treated.  would you like to be hurt by your wife/husband doing tha tto you?

dont steal!  same thing how you;d liek to be treated.  dotn steal cars.  what i soemoen stole yoru car and you were late for work! hwo would you feel! not to mention stealing land or nautural resources if you looka t the big picture.  

dont lie!  man it catches up withyou int he end and you look like an idiot and no one will belive you ever again.  

dotn lust after after other peoples wives or husbbands!  how would you like it if they did it with you??  it will lead to adultery and then to how you'd like to be treated.  wont end well in either case.

dont covert other peoples things.  work hard for yoru won.  be happy with what you've got!  if you want more work for it!   You'll be a beter person for it int he end

dont have other Gods before God.  Dont put prioty to games instead of your friends and family.  if you have a wife and she wants you to have dinner go and have dinner! forget about the computer or the tv.  if its time to go to church and teh game is on Go to church!  dont be addicted to everything.  Ciggerettes can also be thought of as the same way!  dotn be a slave to addiction!

thsoe are a few of them.   IM NOT TRYING TO PREACH.  

When jesus was asked what was the msot important law he first saidm, Love your neighbour as you would yourself.  And love God with all yoru heart and all your mind.    

so  wouldnt kill myself. i'd take care of myself.  and a big big aspect of Christianty i have foudn is Forgiveness.

You need to forgive everyone!  even if they cut off yrou leg.  otherwise the hate will stay inside you and it will turn to evil an d hatred is not of God.  The quicker you sincerly forgive anyoen who has done wrogn to you the quicker you can move on and grow.

just my quick thoughts.  

Inside information for all you guys who wanted mroe info! :bounce:

Reply #3071 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:16:24 pm
( •_•)>⌐

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So that could be summed up by saying use common sense.

Reply #3072 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:24:04 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;473924
to be honest.  If everyone lived by the ideals Christianity stands for would teh world be such a bad place?

ffs, they arnt christian ideals. christians just stole general common sense put it in a book and said they created it.

im guessing before the ten commandments everyone just killed anyone whenever they liked with no regard for anything. of course not so stop with the bullshit

Reply #3073 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:27:39 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: KiLL3r;473930
ffs, they arnt christian ideals. christians just stole general commen sense out it in a book and said they created it.

im guessing before the ten commandments everyone just killed anyone whenever they liked with no regard for anything. of course not so stop with the bullshit

LOL.  think about the people who DID.  hehehe

not to mention Islam also promotes similar ideals to Christianitys

Reply #3074 Posted: July 03, 2007, 11:29:09 pm
( •_•)>⌐