Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475651
stop bickering.

i clearly won this thread yesterday.

crying about ur ex dumping you is winning?

Reply #3225 Posted: July 05, 2007, 07:43:15 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: cobra;475526
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increase knowledge increase sorrow.  ~Ecclesiastes 1:18

and the bible is different from Christianity - i think we all agree that Christians just interpret the bible to suit their purposes

+ quotes from Christians

"There are a lot of things I have concluded to be wrong, without studying them in-depth. Evolution is one of them. The fact that I don't know that much about it does not bother me in the least."  <----- Good for him  If he wants to do a cobra he has every right too.  Its Free WIll.  I like reading about evolution, origin of our roots, etc.  To bad they are aways looking for the missing link.  

"I don't care about logic or science, the Bible says the moon and sun move"  <--- i'll be suprised if this man is still alive.  You can see with your own eyes that the sun and the moon change position in the sky all the time.  I feel sorry for this person.

"I honestly don't care about your rights. If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake and or cast into a river with weights tied to their ankles and or placed before the firing squad, etc etc etc."   <----- as for that person there.  That person will be judged by God.  Christians should say no such thing.  Actually this person needs to ask for the holy spirit  for guidance and to control his thoughts and his speech. He is on the wrong track.

sure these are extreme quotes but the same general attitude has been echoed in most Christians i meet

to accept Christianity you need to ignore a lot of reality

LOL bell was right on the money with "ignorance is bliss."  Im surprised you missed that.  I thought you were anti-ignorance :bounce:

"i think we all agree that Christians just interpret the bible to suit their purposes" i'd have to say so do other radicals in religous groups.  Look at the so called "islamists" reading lines in the quran and they read it to serve their purposes too and go and blow up people.  The quran doesnt want anyone to go and slaughter hundreds of innocent individuals.    This by no means includes WHoLE religions.  Its down to the individual int he end.  

Like the religoin you're following Cobra.  Others take a more tolerant stance and are accepting of othe rpeoples opinions.  WHere as you are so devoted no one can change yoru ways nor will you except the ways of others.

like the Radicals overseas.  they blame jews for everything!  Not to mention Christians.  so they start attackign Israel.  and america is supporting them and they are white people so...  ebcause white people = Christians...   Lets kill all the christians?  or Hey lets fight will all the white people we can find.... jsut because one white person did soemthign wrong.. lets terroise them all...  must be the way...  they like generalising like some people here!   oh ... if one indonesian man kills someone one... lets bring the fight to his whole country!!! lets kill all the peopel who didnt even know what had happened!  

it looks as if you are on a mission to ridicule Christianity?  Infact i dont think you've even mentioned any issues with other religions.  Did you see a so called christian do soemthing bad and from then on had a bad opinion of the whole faith?

If i did that i'd think all bahai's were horrible and all muslims too.  Not to mention all the Hindus out there with the revenge killings overseas.  Not to mention the rip of prices int eh dairies.

If we are happy in belieiving in a God why are you so willing to try and take that happiness away? :sly:

 I mean CRAZY! I WAS BROUGHT UP AS A HINDU!  OMG!!!!  but when i saw teh error in the faith i didn't say./  YOU HINDUS! YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF CRAZIES!!  GET BACK TO REALITY.  No i didn't.  90% of all ym relatives are in other faiths. But that doesnt change who the individual is!

Just accept that there are more than one kind of religion, nation, person, etc in New Zealand and you'll be bumping into them for years to come!

Quote from: KiLL3r;475671
crying about ur ex dumping you is winning?

That was just wrong. :disappoin  Personal stuff like this should be left outside the boards.

Reply #3226 Posted: July 05, 2007, 07:53:26 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: KiLL3r;475671
crying about ur ex dumping you is winning?

No fucktard, about having respect for other people views and letting people get on with their own business, I don't see how other peoples religious views effect you personally - in fact I would bet that Flea would be far more hospitably than you.

None of guys are even smart enough to realize that your not going change anything by arguing with him or anyone with religious beliefs. What do you expect to change? What is your connection with science Kill3r? have you suddenly undertaken a BSc? have you experienced the rigors of scientific method - what makes you a expert on commenting on or ridiculing someones else's beliefs? Are your own morals so high that you are beyond reproach, your clearly not pro-gay, since your not religious why is this, are you homophobic or merely insecure?

None of what is being discussed is relevant in New Zealand, we don't have doctors who are pro-abortion being killed outside clinics. Last I checked their aren't communities in the hills with David Koresh type characters arming themselves or Charles Manson breaching about the upcoming race wars. Not being able to accept other peoples views even if they conflict with your own is sign of arrogance.

Reply #3227 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:10:57 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475687

None of guys are even smart enough to realize that your not going change anything by arguing with him or anyone with religious beliefs. What do you expect to change? What is your connection with science Kill3r? have you suddenly undertaken a BSc? have you experienced the rigors of scientific method - what makes you a expert on commenting on or ridiculing someones else's beliefs? Are your own morals so high that you are beyond reproach, your clearly not pro-gay, since your not religious why is this, are you homophobic or merely insecure?

you keep getting my topics confused with cobras i have been talking about flat earth theory's & intelligent design just to bring you back on track thanks.

Reply #3228 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:16:57 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475687
No fucktard, about having respect for other people views and letting people get on with their own business, I don't see how other peoples religious views effect you personally - in fact I would bet that Flea would be far more hospitably than you.

None of guys are even smart enough to realize that your not going change anything by arguing with him or anyone with religious beliefs. What do you expect to change? What is your connection with science Kill3r? have you suddenly undertaken a BSc? have you experienced the rigors of scientific method - what makes you a expert on commenting on or ridiculing someones else's beliefs? Are your own morals so high that you are beyond reproach, your clearly not pro-gay, since your not religious why is this, are you homophobic or merely insecure?

None of what is being discussed is relevant in New Zealand, we don't have doctors who are pro-abortion being killed outside clinics. Last I checked their aren't communities in the hills with David Koresh type characters arming themselves or Charles Manson breaching about the upcoming race wars. Not being able to accept other peoples views even if they conflict with your own is sign of arrogance.

i half agree - respect for other peoples views as long as they dont negatively impact on others

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;475627
You can laugh all you like - stating your opinion and implying that I'm no better than a nazi is over the line mate.

Admin, please refer to my earlier message.

"i am not a fascist - but can the police state smack down on this guy who's option is different to mine" - lol

Reply #3229 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:26:08 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: KiLL3r;475240
Originally Posted by TofuEater
So you're pro-gay?

far from it, just pointing out that even the christian wiki doesnt support fleas claims of peace and understanding

I'm not off track at all,

Back to your own discussion though, I don't think you will find very many Christians who believe that the world was flat. So stop clinging to old stereotypes.

You want everything to be clearly black and white, unfortunately for you things aren't like that in reality, Dr. Francis Collins is the head of the Human Genome Project and unsurprisingly a internationally renowned and celebrated genetic scientist. Yet he is religious.

As Team Bell(TM) already pointed out, stop trying to paint different views and people with the same brush, because you will fail.

Reply #3230 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:28:59 pm

Offline Dark

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if you believe thats theres a "higher power" or a "god" then you are a delusional idiot

Reply #3231 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:51:51 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475703

Back to your own discussion though, I don't think you will find very many Christians who believe that the world was flat. So stop clinging to old stereotypes.

yeesh, im not trying to make you look stupid or anything but your kinda missing my point.  before this thread got merged the discussion was; flea said god made the universe all solar systems etc, i was pointing out according to gods own book the bible that they thought the world was flat so how could he possibly think god also made the universe ;)

something along those lines anyways discussion moved on since then.

Reply #3232 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:55:12 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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Interesting that you would call the man, who is the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute a delusional idiot, I would a large sum of money that he is, infact alot smarter than you, me or anyone who posts on Iconz.

Same again is Freeman John Dyson FRS a British-born American physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, nuclear weapons design and policy who is a non-dogmatic Christian. Clearly he is not a idiot.

Reply #3233 Posted: July 05, 2007, 08:58:34 pm

Offline Zarkov

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Quote from: Black Heart;475658
Not really, if you start down that road you'll be suprised what offends people.
I think they did the exact wrong thing to this thread, each aspect should be given its own seperate thread, not all banged together, this thread is just a messy jumble of of unintelligible crap now.

I think new threads will start up covering more specific arguments.

When they get a bit repetitious we can shovel them into this one.

This is more the dustbin of fantastic stretches of the imagination thread imo.

Reply #3234 Posted: July 05, 2007, 09:00:43 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475722
Interesting that you would call the man, who is the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute a delusional idiot, I would a large sum of money that he is, infact alot smarter than you, me or anyone who posts on Iconz.

Same again is Freeman John Dyson FRS a British-born American physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, nuclear weapons design and policy who is a non-dogmatic Christian. Clearly he is not a idiot.

is this aimed at me because if it is it makes no sense whatoever

Reply #3235 Posted: July 05, 2007, 09:25:12 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: KiLL3r;475734
is this aimed at me because if it is it makes no sense whatoever

nope, whoever it was deleted his post.

Reply #3236 Posted: July 05, 2007, 09:34:07 pm

Offline Into The Void

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475722
Interesting that you would call the man, who is the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute a delusional idiot, I would a large sum of money that he is, infact alot smarter than you, me or anyone who posts on Iconz.

Same again is Freeman John Dyson FRS a British-born American physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, nuclear weapons design and policy who is a non-dogmatic Christian. Clearly he is not a idiot.

Not an idiot. Just gullible and a sheep.

Reply #3237 Posted: July 05, 2007, 10:21:32 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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LoL, your clearly a complete and utter idiot.

Men who devout their life to science (and become renowned for their intelligence) and all it's facets are not gullible, they subject themselves to not only their own analytical review by also by their pairs, that in is how science works - not that I would expect you to understand.

Give the fact that Quantum physics and unlocking the Human Genome is on the frontier of science today I don't think it would be a stretch to say that these men are some of the most inquisitive minds on the planet.

Reply #3238 Posted: July 05, 2007, 10:36:56 pm

Offline krasher

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Stolen from another thread...not aimed at anyone, not about hating, and no I don't have anything against 'special' people cobra but...

Reply #3239 Posted: July 05, 2007, 10:43:12 pm

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Offline Into The Void

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475774
LoL, your clearly a complete and utter idiot.

You may want to check the dictionary. I think you meant you're and not your. Your sentence doesn't make sense. Next time you call someone an idiot, try not to make yourself look foolish.

Dumb fuck.

Reply #3240 Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:05:53 am

Offline Simon_NZ

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Try and change the topic if you want, but I'm not the calling some of the top scientists in their respective field gullible am I now?

But then again I would be clinging to pointless little things like if I didn't have anything else to say too.


Reply #3241 Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:29:36 am

Offline Black Heart

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Reply #3242 Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:31:11 am

Offline Into The Void

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Quote from: Simon_NZ;475997
Try and change the topic if you want, but I'm not the calling some of the top scientists in their respective field gullible am I now?

But then again I would be clinging to pointless little things like if I didn't have anything else to say too.


I wouldn't have commented on spelling or anything if you hadn't been calling me an idiot in the same sentence. I don't take offense to that kind of hypocrisy.

So what, 1 scientist is a christian. What does that prove? That 1 christian isn't stupid? I refuse to believe in something with no proof.

What I don't get is why people, and this is for any religion, will waste their life for something unproven. Like those people who blow themselves up for religion. Or people who go to church. What a waste. Even if God was real, do you think it's gonna give a shit about going to church?

Oh and by the way. This made me chuckle.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

First thing, they didn't sign it themselves. I presume it's this SimonNZ character. Secondly, they're actually wrong and I can prove it.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

I can't give negative rep. I don't know why, have never figured it out. And if it was indeed Simon, as you can see, I successfully clicked his rep logo, meaning I haven't repped him lately.

Reply #3243 Posted: July 06, 2007, 04:54:27 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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I come back from holiday and find this...this monstrosity of a thread waiting for me? What happened?!?! Did they merge the two religion megathreads into one ungodly unholy mess?

Quote from: Planet of the apes
You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

I'll attempt to catch up at some point

Reply #3244 Posted: July 06, 2007, 05:46:33 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: Into The Void;476198
I wouldn't have commented on spelling or anything if you hadn't been calling me an idiot in the same sentence. I don't take offense to that kind of hypocrisy.

So what, 1 scientist is a christian. What does that prove? That 1 christian isn't stupid? I refuse to believe in something with no proof.

What I don't get is why people, and this is for any religion, will waste their life for something unproven. Like those people who blow themselves up for religion. Or people who go to church. What a waste. Even if God was real, do you think it's gonna give a shit about going to church?

Oh and by the way. This made me chuckle.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

First thing, they didn't sign it themselves. I presume it's this SimonNZ character. Secondly, they're actually wrong and I can prove it.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

I can't give negative rep. I don't know why, have never figured it out. And if it was indeed Simon, as you can see, I successfully clicked his rep logo, meaning I haven't repped him lately.

God doesn't care if you don't go to church.  He cares about you believing in His Son and believing He died for your sins and that you believe you are made right with God by asking for forgiveness.  Thats how i see it.  On Judgement day i think about what i will say to God as to why i should go to heaven.  And i'd say, because my name is written in the book of life and that i know your son and He gave His life for me so that i may live.

If you go to church EVERY sunday for the rest of yoru life but you keep on sinning and doign evil things, that wont matter.   Its only if you believe and try to learn more about him and can acutalyl say.  Hey... Jesus died for me so that i may live.  He washed away my sins with his blood.  And i have repented of my sins and i do so everyday and seek forgiveness for it too.  

Thats my opinion as a Christian.  People who say Church is all yoru need are sadly msitaken.  Infact its written int eh bible and pastors actively teach it.

If you go and sin like mad and then just think. its ok.  Church on sunday... i will ask for forgiveness and then i'll be fine.  That is WRONG.  

not only is it a sin for doing soemthign wrong when you knwo its wrong.  You should ALWAYS be trying to follow the word of God and if you slip pray to be put on the right track and ask for forgiveness.  Then you can move forward with confindence.

If God asked you why you should be allowed into heaven.  What will you say?

Thats my arguement for the post.   And thats just my thoughts ont he matter :)

Reply #3245 Posted: July 06, 2007, 09:48:21 pm
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Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;476383
If you go and sin like mad and then just think. its ok.  Church on sunday... i will ask for forgiveness and then i'll be fine.  That is WRONG.  

thats not what the christian i used to work with said. he said you can commit any sin no matter how horrific as long as you ask for forgiveness youll goto heaven,

also said babies and children who die young and cant ask forgiveness goto HELL!

so sry to those christian mothers who children died at birth because while your  safe with your god in heaven hes sent your child to burn forever in hell. Geez doesnt he sound like a nice guy

Reply #3246 Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:01:45 pm

Offline Into The Void

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;476383
If God asked you why you should be allowed into heaven.  What will you say?

I'd say because I'm smarter then all the fucking idiot christians you let it.

Why do Christians bother going to church for no benefit. Waste of time. Waste of money. Polluting our earth wasting your petrol.

Reply #3247 Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:41:32 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Into The Void;476413
I'd say because I'm smarter then all the fucking idiot christians you let it.

Why do Christians bother going to church for no benefit. Waste of time. Waste of money. Polluting our earth wasting your petrol.

not to mention ringing their bells at 8am on a sunday.

Reply #3248 Posted: July 06, 2007, 11:10:52 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: KiLL3r;476480
not to mention ringing their bells at 8am on a sunday.

my friend lived next to a church that used to wake him up by singing U2 songs, if thats not evidence that the church does evil I dont know what is

Reply #3249 Posted: July 07, 2007, 02:20:27 am