Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline psyche

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Quote from: dirtyape;721665
Labels serve differentiate between things which are recognisably different, e.g. Cats and Dogs. If we didn't use labels we may as well just have one word to describe everything that exists.

Here's a label for you: dumbass.

Quote from: dirtyape;721665
I can not understand the rants of a mind that has forgone logic and reason for madness. You make no sense. You repeat the same things over and over despite being shown the error in your logic.

How have I foregone logic? Why do I make no sense? I make no sense for discussing topics like Big Bang? What exactly doesn't make sense to you? Maybe it's not because it doesn't make sense, but you are just too idiotic to comprehend?

Quote from: dirtyape;721665
You try to use science to justify your assumptions, but don't really understand the science fully, you only understand the little bits and pieces that you select in order to make your jigsaw pieces fit. Fuck the rest, you just ignore them.

OH NO I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE SCIENCE FULLY. Who fucking cares you inbred shitstain? I have a decent understand of what i'm talking about, probably more than you what it seems - you don't even seem to understand what the Big Bang is all about. No, I'm not scientific - whooptyfuckindo, what does that prove? It doesn't prove anything you dumb fuck. Nice that you accuse me of being wrong every chance you get but absolutely fail at providing any kind of evidence to the contrary. Good going you fucking failfag.

Quote from: dirtyape;721665
I think you have a mental disorder. You should probably spend some of you time looking into that.

I think you're a fucking shithead. Who the fuck are you to accuse people of having mental disorders? If that's the way you treat people whom you don't even know then I think the only one with mental problems is you.

Quote from: dirtyape;721665

Agnostics consider all possibilities which was the point i was making, using examples. I should have guessed that it would sail over your head.

And now you know what agnosticism is - do you still consider yourself agnostic?

Because the correct "label" that everyone else will use to describe you is Deist - whether you agree with them or not.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, but maybe I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT ANY OF YOU THINK I AM. You don't think I know what agnosticism is? Do you know what a retard is? I think it's important that an inbred like you is aware of what your "label" is, so here you go:


The term "mental retardation" is a diagnostic term designed to capture and standardize a group of disconnected categories of mental functioning such as "idiot", "imbecile", and "moron" derived from early IQ tests, which acquired pejorative connotations in popular discourse over time. The term "mental retardation" has itself now acquired some pejorative and shameful connotations over the last few decades due to the use of "retarded" as an insult among younger people. This may in turn have contributed to its replacement with expressions such as "mentally challenged" or "intellectual disability".

In North America mental retardation is subsumed into the broader term developmental disability, which also includes epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy and other disorders that develop during the developmental period (birth to age 18.) Because service provision is tied to the designation developmental disability, it is used by many parents, direct support professional, and physicians. However, in school-based settings, the more specific term mental retardation is still typically used, and is one of 13 categories of disability under which children may be identified for special education services under Public Law 108-446.
The phrase intellectual disability is increasingly being used as a synonym for people with significantly below-average cognitive ability.[1] These terms are sometimes used as a means of separating general intellectual limitations from specific, limited deficits as well as indicating that it is not an emotional or psychological disability. Intellectual disability may also used to describe the outcome of traumatic brain injury or lead poisoning or dementing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. It is not specific to congenital disorders such as Down syndrome.
The American Association on Mental Retardation continued to use the term mental retardation until 2006.[2] In June 2006 its members voted to change the name of the organization to the "American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities," rejecting the options to become the AAID or AADD. Part of the rationale for the double name was that many members worked with people with pervasive developmental disorders, most of whom are not mentally retarded.[3]

In the UK, "mental handicap" had become the common medical term, replacing "mental subnormality" in Scotland and "mental deficiency" in England and Wales, until Stephen Dorrell, Secretary of State for Health in England and Wales from 1995-7, changed the NHS's designation to "learning disability." The new term is not yet widely understood, and is often taken to refer to problems affecting schoolwork (the American usage): which are known in the UK as "learning difficulties." British social workers may use "learning difficulty" to refer to both people with MR and those with conditions such as dyslexia.

In England and Wales the Mental Health Act 1983 defines "mental impairment" and "severe mental impairment" as "a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant/severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning and is associated with abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct on the part of the person concerned."[4] As behavior is involved, these are not necessarily permanent conditions: they are defined for the purpose of authorising detention in hospital or guardianship. However, English statute law uses "mental impairment" elsewhere in a less well-defined manner—e.g. to allow exemption from taxes—implying that mental retardation without any behavioural problems is what is meant. Mental Impairment is scheduled to be removed from the Act when it is amended in 2008.

Reply #5075 Posted: May 23, 2008, 12:12:37 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

Offline psyche

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Quote from: dirtyape;721334
I don't really think anyone needs to claim you are a retard, your comments are enough to establish this as a observable truth. Not for your belief in creation, but for the way you go about justifying it.

And yes Newton, Einstein, or any other person justified creation in the manner in which you do then they too would be considered retards. But they did not, did they, they were much more eloquent.

Heaven forbid, some even addressed the subject objectively.

Oh shit, sorry for not being as intelligent as Newton and Einstein! Maybe if I was as knowledgeable as them maybe I would come to the same solution as eloquently as they did. Are YOU as intelligent as Newton and Einstein? If not, would you care to stop being a hypocritical douchebag?

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
All but proven? Like Newtons laws of motion?

Or like relativity? Quantum mechanics?

Big Bang theory relies on other theories, so until we have a unified theory the big bang is not "all but proven".

I don't think you even understand what a scientific theory really is.

Yes, the Big Bang theory IS all but proven. Because the Big Bang theory doesn't say what caused the Big Bang, where it came from, or why - the Big Bang is about the first moments of the beginning of the universe.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
I don't think you even understand what a scientific theory really is.

I don't think you understand what the Big Bang theory really is. Because you're a fucking moron.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Did you see the word "could" in Dawkins statement? Do you know what "could" means? It does not mean "did".

Another misrepresentation.

It's the fact that Dawkins thinks life being intelligently designed by alien beings is an intriguing possiblity, whilst anyone who thinks God is an intriguing possibility is 'delusional' which is laughable. He's a fucking joke, just like you.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Judging by the comment above it appears as if someone already has.

Says the dumb cunt called dirtyape. You obviously completely missed the point of what I was talking about, but i'm not suprised because you are pretty prone to failure it seems.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
More paradoxical bullshit. If you can't know anything about what occurred before the big bang then how can you say time did not exist?

Okay, put it this way. If we know that no time existed before the Big Bang (and yes, we do know this) then it's going to be very difficult to explain any kind of physical existence existing before that. Obviously. Like Stephen Hawkins said, "It's like asking what's north of the north pole." If the Big Bang is 100% correct, then most likely there was nothing before the Big Bang.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Is this so hard to grasp. Observable space-time was created in the big bang, as above, but because it started with a singularity then no predictions can be made about anything beyond that point. Therefore it is impossible to say if space-time also existed prior to the big bang.

It's not hard to accept that if space, time, energy and all matter of physical existence came from this one point of singularity, then there is most likely not going to be any kind of physical existence before that, extremely unlikely atleast. Go read Stephen Hawking's "A brief history of time" ffs.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Tell me, what observation did you make that allowed you to know that no space-time existed prior to the big bang?

Because spacetime BEGAN with our universe dumbass. I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE for anything to physically exist before the Big Bang, just extremely unlikely in the circumstances, and any parallel universes or anything would be completely fucking irrelevant to us so anyway were they to exist.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Okay, i'll let you have that one. I made a spelling mistake - hey it happens. I can accept my failures.

No, I made the spelling mistake aswell, the point was not the spelling of his name but that he is one of the best examples of someone standing up for their beliefs. If you weren't a complete failure you might have already know this.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Or, perhaps religious scientists are just shit at their jobs?

Nope, you're just shit at being shit.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
I met a religious theoretical physicist, his name was Bojan. He was on the Orkut forums. He tried to prove that the sun went around the Earth by constructing a non-inertial frame of reference where the earth was stationary.

Most physicists would consider this a bit of a joke, I mean I could construct a  non-inertial frame of reference on my cock and that would make it the centre of the universe as well.

Yet to him it seemed to provide solace that the bible was not incorrect.

How does the Earth revolving around the sun make the bible incorrect?

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
Yes, and most of it caused by ignorance and hatred originating in religion.

Without religion we would not be at the stage we are today, religion paved the way for science. Regardless, i'm not religious so I don't really give a shit.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334
I don't think you quite understand Greek mythology,

Yes, I do. They didn't think the existence of everything came from nothing for absolutely no reason or purpose did they? No, they didn't. Dumbass.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334

Primarily they are remembered for their scientific achievements. Not their creed.

Purely your opinion. And a pretty retarded opinion at that.

Quote from: dirtyape;721334

Don't bother, it will likely be useless drivel anyway.

I could say the same about you!

Quote from: Tiwaking!;721630

Conclusion 3 reached: You are a psychopath. This was the last piece of evidence required

So basically, you can't come up with any coherent posts or arguments to respond to mine, so you'll just try to appear 'witty' with one of your shit posts completely devoid of any content whatsoever. Nice one Tiwanoob.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;721420

Circular arguments are not good solutions. Your pseudosciencientific explanations are also baseless

What the fuck are you talking about? Quit talking out of your ass, it's unpleasant. FYI I was talking about a solution to all the bickering and insulting that goes on in this thread, but if you would all rather act like a bunch of immature fuckin children then so be it.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;721420
Emphasis mine. The whole community is against you. It is quite unprecedented for that to happen
+rep for the Snatch quote

I used the Snatch quote first Tiwanoob. Is the whole community against Thefleastyler and Krasher for being Christians aswell?

Quote from: Tiwaking!;721420
Actually your rabid drooling, frothy mouth-foaming attempts to assert yourself make you look bad. The massive amounts of spouted hypocrisy speak for themselves

Do you know what's so hilarious? Out of all my posts and arguments, this is the BEST response you can come up with? Man you fail. You even fail at failing.

Reply #5076 Posted: May 23, 2008, 12:32:36 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

Offline SittingDuck

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Quote from: mish;721003
Take your pick, as plenty of others here have.

Are you fucking Kidding me? I'v never had such a good read... Read the thread title, then come back and post something constructive. I on the other hand have nothing to offer to this discussion based on RvS, but the insider talk off bash Psyche, i say...

More OT discussion, less Bashing ;)

Reply #5077 Posted: May 23, 2008, 12:59:51 pm

Offline philo-sofa

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Quote from: psyche;721435
Tiwaking, out of all the people that post in this thread, your posts are always by far the stupidest.

That.... really isn't true. I actually lol'd.

Quote from: psyche;721435

Yes we know you are scientifically-minded (or atleast pretend to be) Congrat-u-fucking-lations. And while you limit yourself solely to the pursuit of nothing else but scientific knowledge, never even thinking about anything other than the how the universe works; everyone else who is wise will pursue knowledge in all areas and become more enlightened about the universe than you will ever be. Don't respond to my posts. Thank you.

Science > Numerology

Reply #5078 Posted: May 23, 2008, 01:33:17 pm

Offline psyche

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Quote from: philo-sofa;721764
That.... really isn't true. I actually lol'd.

No, you're right, it isn't. But he's still being an asshole for no reason.

Quote from: philo-sofa;721764
Science > Numerology


Reply #5079 Posted: May 23, 2008, 02:19:21 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

Offline Retardobot

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It's funny how you shrug off DirtyApe's replies thinking that he is a "dumbass". He is quite possibly the most intelligent person i have ever met, and i work amongst the countries brightest PhD's/Doctorate's.

Reply #5080 Posted: May 23, 2008, 02:30:13 pm

Offline psyche

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The thing is; I don't deny that he is intelligent. If I did then I wouldn't even bother arguing with him in the first place. But the fact that he accuses me of not being intelligent and not knowing what the fuck i'm talking about severely pisses me off considering there are a fair few things I have corrected him about. I don't think anyone here is stupid, even if I sometimes say I do. It's rather just that I constantly get the insults thrown at me for no good fucking reason, so I'll throw them right back.

NO I am not scientifically minded DirtyApe and thus is probably the reason I am not capable of providing better, more thorough explanations as what some people might be; did the fact that some philosophers didn't work in the field of science prevent them from understanding scientific concepts and theories? No it did not.

Reply #5081 Posted: May 23, 2008, 02:38:41 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

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Quote from: psyche;721817
The thing is; I don't deny that he is intelligent. If I did then I wouldn't even bother arguing with him in the first place. But the fact that he accuses me of not being intelligent and not knowing what the fuck i'm talking about severely pisses me off considering there are a fair few things I have corrected him about. I don't think anyone here is stupid, even if I sometimes say I do. It's rather just that I constantly get the insults thrown at me for no good fucking reason, so I'll throw them right back.

NO I am not scientifically minded DirtyApe and thus is probably the reason I am not capable of providing better, more thorough explanations as what some people might be; did the fact that some philosophers didn't work in the field of science prevent them from understanding scientific concepts and theories? No it did not.

No no no no.

Now, this is coming from a standpoint in order to educate you on what is happening in this thread, not an insult.

You receive insults for a VERY good reason, and to be brutally honest, everyone here is actually being incredibly tolerant of your behavior, think yourself lucky that you haven't been permanently nerfed from ICONZ.

The way you belittle the users that are taking part in this thread is pathetic. You shrug off very well thought out replies JUST because your beliefs don't match that of the poster. You have shown no signs of even attempting to understand what someone has said. You just write it off as being "incoherent babble".

This isn't an argument nor is it a debate, it's a discussion.

You are treating it as an argument and letting your emotions run rampant. If you had any idea on what you where talking about you would keep a cool head and reply with well structured idea's. You fly off the handle WAY to much, you can't handle someone else challenging your already well cemented ideals and perspective.

Take a stroll through this thread and read DirtyApes, Dr WooHoo's and Tiwakings posts. Notice how none of them get worked up, even in reply to your worked up posts?

They know what they are talking about and it's driving the community of this thread mad that you can't understand that your current behavior is intoxicating and childish.

You seem to be passionate about this subject, which is good. Just learn not to let your emotions get the better of you. Learn to respond with more intelligence and less PMS.

But hey, just do what you have always been doing and ignore the pleas, come back with some degrading response and continue to run around with your ears sewn shut and your hate-speak turned up.

Or you can just put me back on ignore and dismiss this post as rubbish, you'll feel a lot better afterwards, trust me :).

Reply #5082 Posted: May 23, 2008, 02:54:57 pm

Offline hemihapuka

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Quote from: INmOTION;721814
It's funny how you shrug off DirtyApe's replies thinking that he is a "dumbass". He is quite possibly the most intelligent person i have ever met, and i work amongst the countries brightest PhD's/Doctorate's.

I thought I was , stfu then :P

Reply #5083 Posted: May 23, 2008, 03:05:46 pm
The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog ?

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Quote from: hemihapuka;721839
I thought I was , stfu then :P

You were, till you decided to move to Aussie.

Dumbass. :P

Reply #5084 Posted: May 23, 2008, 03:12:48 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: psyche;721745
Oh shit, sorry for not being as intelligent as Newton and Einstein! Maybe if I was as knowledgeable as them maybe I would come to the same solution as eloquently as they did. Are YOU as intelligent as Newton and Einstein? If not, would you care to stop being a hypocritical douchebag?

Yes, the Big Bang theory IS all but proven. Because the Big Bang theory doesn't say what caused the Big Bang, where it came from, or why - the Big Bang is about the first moments of the beginning of the universe.

I don't think you understand what the Big Bang theory really is. Because you're a fucking moron.

It's the fact that Dawkins thinks life being intelligently designed by alien beings is an intriguing possiblity, whilst anyone who thinks God is an intriguing possibility is 'delusional' which is laughable. He's a fucking joke, just like you.

Says the dumb cunt called dirtyape. You obviously completely missed the point of what I was talking about, but i'm not suprised because you are pretty prone to failure it seems.

Okay, put it this way. If we know that no time existed before the Big Bang (and yes, we do know this) then it's going to be very difficult to explain any kind of physical existence existing before that. Obviously. Like Stephen Hawkins said, "It's like asking what's north of the north pole." If the Big Bang is 100% correct, then most likely there was nothing before the Big Bang.

It's not hard to accept that if space, time, energy and all matter of physical existence came from this one point of singularity, then there is most likely not going to be any kind of physical existence before that, extremely unlikely atleast. Go read Stephen Hawking's "A brief history of time" ffs.

Because spacetime BEGAN with our universe dumbass. I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE for anything to physically exist before the Big Bang, just extremely unlikely in the circumstances, and any parallel universes or anything would be completely fucking irrelevant to us so anyway were they to exist.

No, I made the spelling mistake aswell, the point was not the spelling of his name but that he is one of the best examples of someone standing up for their beliefs. If you weren't a complete failure you might have already know this.

Nope, you're just shit at being shit.

How does the Earth revolving around the sun make the bible incorrect?

Without religion we would not be at the stage we are today, religion paved the way for science. Regardless, i'm not religious so I don't really give a shit.

Yes, I do. They didn't think the existence of everything came from nothing for absolutely no reason or purpose did they? No, they didn't. Dumbass.

Purely your opinion. And a pretty retarded opinion at that.

I could say the same about you!

So basically, you can't come up with any coherent posts or arguments to respond to mine, so you'll just try to appear 'witty' with one of your shit posts completely devoid of any content whatsoever. Nice one Tiwanoob.

What the fuck are you talking about? Quit talking out of your ass, it's unpleasant. FYI I was talking about a solution to all the bickering and insulting that goes on in this thread, but if you would all rather act like a bunch of immature fuckin children then so be it.

I used the Snatch quote first Tiwanoob. Is the whole community against Thefleastyler and Krasher for being Christians aswell?

Do you know what's so hilarious? Out of all my posts and arguments, this is the BEST response you can come up with? Man you fail. You even fail at failing.


Reply #5085 Posted: May 23, 2008, 07:32:55 pm

Offline psyche

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Reply #5086 Posted: May 23, 2008, 07:33:26 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

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Yeah I respect your opinion and I see where you are coming from; it would not suprise me at all if some people are sick of me by now - but is it because they dislike me, or they dislike my views? I'm not sure.

If there are two things that should be known about me, it's a) I swear a lot. (it's not because I lack in vocabulary, I just like swearing) and b) I don't take shit from anybody. I don't mind constructive criticism but when it crosses the line into personal insults...

But in my opinion i'm not the one that started the shitty attitude in this thread, I started copping abuse as soon as I began posting here, mind you I was a bit less-well informed back then so my arguments were pretty weak.

Yes I agree this is a discussion and not a debate, how can it be a debate if no-one has any real, solid answers? I might argue against atheism from time to time though because I strongly disagree with it; but I don't want to make the impression that I am trying to convert people to my beliefs or convince everyone to believe the same thing that I do or any shit like that because i'm not , the reason I argue and discuss these topics in this thread is to test my own beliefs - I'm just someone trying to figure out life and the universe like most people are, nothing more.

Because this can be a sensitive topic sometimes, is the reason why there should be some more strict rules in place to prevent any personal attacks - something any other forum which allows this kind of open-discussion should have. Infractions don't really work.

I propose the idea of having a seperate sub-forum devoted entirely to these topic(s)

The title of this thread 'Religion VS Science' seems to imply some kind of hostile predisposition that seems to have an affect on some people in this thread, quite simply a topic like the origin of life and the universe is way too broad for one single thread called Religion VS. Science - I mean, what about philosophy? Also, the implication that religion is in some kind of battle with science is just completely ridiculous. A seperate subforum would (hopefully) encourage more openminded and broad discussion than this thread can.

Anyway that's just my thought, im off to get drunk..

Reply #5087 Posted: May 23, 2008, 07:55:28 pm
The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. -Einstein

Offline Chilli

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I haven't said zip in here but have been reading it a fair bit... this takes me to the below caption.

A wise man once said: "Delete all of psyches posts and ban him for eternity

Reply #5088 Posted: May 23, 2008, 10:36:29 pm
♣ Free Tampons ♣

Offline krasher

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Quote from: Chillipepper;722180
I haven't said zip in here but have been reading it a fair bit... this takes me to the below caption.

A wise man once said: "Delete all of psyches posts and ban him for eternity

Seems we can all agree on something around here....

Reply #5089 Posted: May 23, 2008, 10:44:36 pm

i5 2500k|GTX560ti|GA-Z68X-UD3|8Gig DDR3 1600|24" LG 19x12|650W Corsair|64GB SSD Cache WD640

Offline cnvrt02

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skipped thread, what is it with people coming in to this thread and saying pyc is a moron?

Anyway, i just bought me some new headphones! achives more than this thread does, no wait no it did not, this thread achives hate and rage towards other memebers and abuse thrown left right and center.

/walks off not to come in to thread for another 5 pages to yet again say the same thing, but yet again no one really listens

insert half arse remark about me here

Reply #5090 Posted: May 23, 2008, 11:24:17 pm

Offline SittingDuck

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Quote from: psyche;722086
If there are two things that should be known about me, it's a) I swear a lot. (it's not because I lack in vocabulary, I just like swearing) and b) I don't take shit from anybody. I don't mind constructive criticism but when it crosses the line into personal insults...
Dude, that goes for most people :rnr:

Anyway that's just my thought, im off to get drunk..

Epic idea, Friday FTW

Reply #5091 Posted: May 23, 2008, 11:30:28 pm

Offline Chilli

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There will never be an answer to this thread. We all know. Until we die I guess.

Who was Jesus? To me everyday more and more he sounds like a man who, living in a basically messed up world, got sick to death of people worshipping bulls, mountains, bushes etc and said worship mankind.
I honestly believe he existed but not in the way most churches make out... magical, all seeing, all living...maybe there's 'something or someone'  like that, wouldn't that be awesome, but to me Jesus was just a dude who had his head screwed on correctly, an intelligent man, a man who basically said boohoo sucks to you and your way of life, knew humans were basically sheep and needed to be lead and did it.
Just my 2 cents is all.

I really hope there's something after death and we're not just basically advanced amoeba living on a warm rock from day to day.
I think most people deep down feel the same maybe.
Cheers for reading.


Reply #5092 Posted: May 24, 2008, 12:43:33 am
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Offline A W S M F O X

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Existence is only perpetuated by the futility of life.

Reply #5093 Posted: May 24, 2008, 12:48:35 am
Only give me green rep ploxz k thnx m8

Offline cnvrt02

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Quote from: Chillipepper;722232

I really hope there's something after death and we're not just basically advanced amoeba living on a warm rock from day to day.
I think most people deep down feel the same maybe.
Cheers for reading.


being around people leads me to a need to believe in something else.

Reply #5094 Posted: May 24, 2008, 12:50:32 am

Offline Zarathrustra

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Quote from: Chillipepper;722232
There will never be an answer to this thread. We all know. Until we die I guess.

Who was Jesus? To me everyday more and more he sounds like a man who, living in a basically messed up world, got sick to death of people worshipping bulls, mountains, bushes etc and said worship mankind.
I honestly believe he existed but not in the way most churches make out... magical, all seeing, all living...maybe there's 'something or someone'  like that, wouldn't that be awesome, but to me Jesus was just a dude who had his head screwed on correctly, an intelligent man, a man who basically said boohoo sucks to you and your way of life, knew humans were basically sheep and needed to be lead and did it.
Just my 2 cents is all.

I really hope there's something after death and we're not just basically advanced amoeba living on a warm rock from day to day.
I think most people deep down feel the same maybe.
Cheers for reading.


 There were plenty of smarter people with better ideals that came before and after his supposed existence, but he just had the better networking skills.

Reply #5095 Posted: May 24, 2008, 09:11:41 am

Offline Pyromanik

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Reply #5096 Posted: May 24, 2008, 10:53:02 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

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Quote from: Pyromanik;722293
Jesus did TCP/IP !?

Nah, just packet inspection.

Reply #5097 Posted: May 24, 2008, 11:06:25 am

Offline Chilli

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^ LOL Pryo and INmOTION. :lolol:

Quote from: Zarathrustra;722276
There were plenty of smarter people with better ideals that came before and after his supposed existence, but he just had the better networking skills.

Yup I think so too. People skills ftw you reckon?

Not putting these two people in the same boat as it were (would be interesting irl though wouldn't it :D) but Hitler was the same! Fairly out there man with amazing people skills! Could charm anyone he wanted, cept maybe Stalin or Churchill.

Jesus seemed to have the same skills, minus the mass murder *gulp :eek:
Religion did that by itself.

Reply #5098 Posted: May 24, 2008, 03:05:39 pm
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lol at 167 pages of crap.........

Reply #5099 Posted: May 24, 2008, 07:57:58 pm