i do use the expressions dear god and god bless - English language is filled with old sayings that have lost connection with there original meaning, but i dont believe in any superstitious creatures
I guess you are pro your religion trying to brainwash children with lies?
The very idea that evolution, as a physical process, doesn't exist simply because "we [ID supporters] believe God created man" is no more than throwing the baby out with the bathwater (to borrow an old saying).
Tell you what, when I die, if I go to heaven and see the Christian's God I'll commit suicide in the after life.
But if you don't believe in God, why cry out to him forhelp against people who DO believe in God? It makes no sense. Though your assertion that old sayings are still in use, despite losing their meaning is certainly correct - but "Dear God no" could be classed as blasphemy by those who believe in God, and thus would never have been used sincerely by Christians, OR in passing by non-Christians who would have been afraid to be seen as blasphemous in the ultra-religious times of years gone by. Thus, irony imo.Why not just write "omg" or "zomg" - they do the same thing.
Hope there is a God or that sort of thing. But lately Im doubting it.
Just curious, but why do you hope there is a god?Me, I hope there isn't lol!
Sounds more like karma to me
We are essentially saying "Jesus Christ is a synonym for fuck." Which isn't exactly polite.
science pics
We are essentially saying "Jesus Christ is a synonym for fuck."
tplease you tube/google the planent nibiru and the anunaki. i have perhaps just saved your life, send your dollars now lol.
This idea that there is something out there seems to have some validity to it - even in a "well, it is odd that every civilisation believed in a God at one point or another" kind of way - does it not?