why isnt it possible for science to prove god?doesnt your god just have a superior knowledge of everything around us?eg. a ligthbulb. if you had never seen one you wouldnt know how they worked. If i told you how then you have learned that knowledge and are then able to create your own lightbulbs.same applys for godly powers. once you understand how it all works then you too could dom the same miracles. only drawback being these things dont happen naturally around us so we cannt learn from them. this either means they dont exist or we just havnt discovered them yet.everything is attainable with the right knowledge and that is exactly what science does, it searches for new knowledge.knowledge is power and with the right kind you can do anything.
science can not be used to prove things dont exist, science looks for things and the only way you can get the idea that they dont exist is if you cant find them.
To use an example like yours, say you study a motor car, having never seen or heard about one before. You pull it apart and put it back together again until you understand how it works. You still of course know absolutely nothing about Henry Ford...
You'd know a lot about him actually.
You are missing the point. If God exists, then why should the rules of the universe that he created apply to him.To use an example like yours, say you study a motor car, having never seen or heard about one before. You pull it apart and put it back together again until you understand how it works. You still of course know absolutely nothing about Henry Ford...And in terms of 'being a god', well of course you can turn yourself into an omnipresent, all powerful deity just by learning about God...Science has limits. I suggest you read 'The Limits of Science' by Sir Peter Medawar, a Nobel Prize winner. He talks about the difference between questions which can be answered through Scientific method and topics which are best addressed through metaphysics and religion.See above.EDIT: LOL Iblis...
so you would accept that prayer doesn't have an impact on reality - because that would be religion coming into the realms of science and that would be evidence that can be found?
c) believe that he can be petitioned to make changes in our every day life
Those who believe prayer does impact on reality would argue that that in itself is proof of the divine in itself. I know of people just in my own church who believe prayer caused their hearing to return, that prayer caused cancer to go into remission, that prayer got them out of a sticky financial situation, that prayer got them their new house ... I don't really know how that is prayer coming into the realms of science, and I think you're confusing "prayer" with "divine intervention", which are different things.
I know of people just in my own church who believe prayer caused their hearing to return, that prayer caused cancer to go into remission, that prayer got them out of a sticky financial situation, that prayer got them their new house ...
Jim Morrison: "You cannot petition the Lord with prayer".
So what is prayer without 'divine intervention'?Surely if these things happened due to people praying, the Good Lord obviously listened and intervened?
IMO opinion these people either think they are more worthy than others around the world or aren't looking at the bigger picture.Why would earth would god worry about helping someone get a new house yet not answer the prayers of people dying of starvation or help those being raped and murdered in 3rd world countries (which are all generally very religious).I bet those people pray alot more than the people at your church.Shit I'd love to think some dude with magical powers had my back, but I am not that egotastical to think that said dude would give a shit about me and my desire for a house.
How so?
The thing is, prayer is at the end of a chain of things you would need to believe, in order to believe it has an impact on reality. You would need to:a) believe that God existsb) believe that God operates in our every day livesc) believe that he can be petitioned to make changes in our every day lifed) believe that prayer is the way to communicate with GodI think you could believe in God and still believe prayer is B.S. The reason prayer seems ridiculous to people like yourself is that you're missing one of the prior steps (in your case, you don't believe God exists, thus everything past that seems absurd to you).Edit: Those who believe prayer does impact on reality would argue that that in itself is proof of the divine in itself. I know of people just in my own church who believe prayer caused their hearing to return, that prayer caused cancer to go into remission, that prayer got them out of a sticky financial situation, that prayer got them their new house ... I don't really know how that is prayer coming into the realms of science, and I think you're confusing "prayer" with "divine intervention", which are different things.
.... But who could know why? I don't.
the reason why it is coming in to the realms of science is that if prayer did really do things like return hearing or cure cancer then it could be measured, it could be separated from the random fluctuation and could be proven that yes people who pray get healed more than a placebo, yet this has not happened.the trouble with you taking the cases from your church is there is sample bias, you wont hear about the prayers that don't get answered (where are my 30 strippers god?) and so cases which might just be due the the random nature of the universe seem more significantThere have been scientific studies of the effects of prayer which indicate that the results are not the result of a god, for instance pray for a coin to show heads, flip it 100 time and you will get heads 50ish times (i know there is a classic christian out for this)
you dont see that an obvious and simple reason why could be that there is just no god?
The fact that I don't know the nature of God doesn't compel me to believe he doesn't exist, no. I don't know your very nature either, but I believe you exist. Is that what you mean?
, say you study a motor car, having never seen or heard about one before. You pull it apart and put it back together again until you understand how it works. You still of course know absolutely nothing about Henry Ford...
By analysing the work of an individual it is generally possible to tell a reasonable amount of information about them. Hence how psychologists can come up with very accurate portraits of people they've never met.PS. I didn't bother explaining that because it was pretty obviously a flawed premise.
Yea the difference here is that God isn't just another individual conforming to psychological trends and habits...
i accept that you believe theres something up/out/in there but what actually makes you believe he is a "god" not just a all powerful being?
How do you know?
So where does religion draw the line. I have a faith that sees me live my life by treating people with respect and treating people how i would like to be treated and also making sure my actions benefit society as a whole and i give thanks for having life by living my life and enjoying it, doing things that many other people are not able to do.So is that religious?If you are religious you follow "gods" rules. But you guys here admit you dont follow all of gods rules, and in many ways you dont know what gods rules actually are.So you trust your judgement and commonsense to live your life. So what does god have to do with anything?
When you pick and choose what parts of your religion to follow you make religion redundant because you are using your commonsense to make a judgement on how to live your life....which is exactly what non-religious people do.
it is more you asked a question, saying that it is basically impossible to say why god does some thing and not others - many questions arise like this if you start from a point of god, but from the position ofno god these problems vanish and everything falls into placeon the inverse - no problems arise from no god - i never need to ask "why did this burning bush command me to...", "why have i been given these tablets with rules on by a space monster" you never have issues that need a god to explain them
An example for me is I'm attending uni this year(Should be year 13 in college), but I did absolutely NO work during school, at all. I'm serious, I did NOT study. I barely scraped through, but my friend who is smarter and studied half the year is attending his final year rather than coming to uni with me which he would much rather do.
Doesn't seem fair tbh and raises questions, but I have to trust that there is a reason for this.
He's not a human, why would he conform to our trends and habits. That doesn't even make sense...
I lol'd tbh. Of course, that makes perfect sense. If there's no God then a talking burning bush and a space monster giving you tablets with rules on them are perfectly normal. No need to question anything at all there.