Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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What are the chances of rolling doubles three times in a row, and going to Jail?

Someone needs to make Monopoly, The Christian Edition, and instead of jail, you go to hell.
I would so play that.

Reply #6850 Posted: June 24, 2009, 07:58:38 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;951603
can you explain why they never once mentioned scrabble?

Probably because you're an ignorant shit who takes any post that is at odds with your opinion out of context in a sad attempt to seem intelligent.

Reply #6851 Posted: June 24, 2009, 08:58:48 am

Offline Dr Woomanchu

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Quote from: nick247;951623
ouch dude...seriously think about it for a second

we are talking 4500 000 000 years to try and how many seconds/attempts in a day? (actually technically it is less years than that because we assume the initial event happened closer to the begining of our known timeline

but thats on ONE SINGLE big is the universe?

suddenly we have a lot of roles of the dice

probability of 1 event occuring is also a function of how many attempts/ timeframe.

so saying life is improbable based on the percentage chance of it occuring in one single attempt is is even saying that it is improbable given a small time frame.....(as i pointed out we have multiple planets/the universe to consider)

so no you cant claim that life occuring is improbable....if life has a single percentage possibility of it occuring and there is near endless attempts then life is PROBABLE to occur EVENTUALLY...SOMEWHERE....

at the VERY LEAST it is not as improbable as the religious make it out to be

I don't even get to the numbers. My rebuttal has always been that if life in the universe is so unlikely why do those same odds not apply to whoever it was that had to be there first to make it happen. For some reason god(s) seem exempt from the "stunningly unlikely" argument

Reply #6852 Posted: June 24, 2009, 10:45:13 am

Blackwatch Off Topic - Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;951691
I don't even get to the numbers. My rebuttal has always been that if life in the universe is so unlikely why do those same odds not apply to whoever it was that had to be there first to make it happen. For some reason god(s) seem exempt from the "stunningly unlikely" argument

Cause God's not alive.

Anyway, you can't apply odds to whether a god exists or not, it's just ridiculous.

Reply #6853 Posted: June 24, 2009, 01:56:43 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951644
Probably because you're an ignorant shit who takes any post that is at odds with your opinion out of context in a sad attempt to seem intelligent.

wooh buddy,

you posted some retarded shit and it got the respect it deserved, talking about probability in regards to the beginning of life is pointless and the ignorant christian who spread the propaganda to you was only using it to confuse idiots (he's using numbers he must be smarts, who needs critical anaylsis here, he's done all the thinking for us) - no need to have a hissy fit like a bitch

what are you going to rage quit this thread for the 6th time?

I welcome any intelligent posts that are in odds with my opinion, but christian propaganda which you dont understand enough to know that it is rubbish hardly challenges my world view

do some reading, learn a bit and come back when you can keep up with the adults.

its kinda funny, you cry all the time about personal attacks but you make the most abusive posts, all it does is reinforces my view of hypocritical christians tbh

Reply #6854 Posted: June 24, 2009, 03:50:23 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Here's what just happened:
I posted what I heard, ready to be corrected - not attacked ... After having it explained a little, I asked another couple of questions (by the way, not once saying that I had taken it on-board as fact) ... You took exception to my questioning what I was being told and attacked me for being ignorant and my beliefs for being retarded ... again.

Through all this time, do you not wonder why you and I don't get along at all in this thread? I mean, I'm quite happy to go back and forth with everyone else - EVERYONE ELSE - in this thread ... hmm, I wonder why.

Quote from: cobra
do some reading, learn a bit and come back when you can keep up with the adults.

As long as we're doling out advice:
Learn some humility and tolerance. This is just the internet, you know.

Reply #6855 Posted: June 24, 2009, 04:28:07 pm

Offline Zarkov

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;951778
Cause God's not alive.

Anyway, you can't apply odds to whether a god exists or not, it's just ridiculous.

I bet you $5 he doesn't.

Reply #6856 Posted: June 24, 2009, 04:51:49 pm

Offline Bell

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Put me down for $10k
You don't know the odds... now beatem.

Reply #6857 Posted: June 24, 2009, 05:07:57 pm

Offline Zarkov

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Quote from: Bell;951866
Put me down for $10k
You don't know the odds... now beatem.

More chance of being right than winning Lotto tonight.

Reply #6858 Posted: June 24, 2009, 06:04:39 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;950856
.... but in the interview he seemed like a massive jerk and resorted to ad hominem attacks.....

the following for the lols

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951332
...are you just mentally incapable....

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951332
... are you actually just an intolerant prick....

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951644
..... you're an ignorant shit ....

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951644
.... in a sad attempt to seem intelligent.

bless flea, it must be such a gift to be so tolerant.

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;951849
You took exception to my questioning what I was being told and attacked me for being ignorant and my beliefs for being retarded ... again.

I never attacked you for being ignorant, i attacked the retarded ignorant christian propaganda.

Posting probabilities for the beginning of life is an insult to our intelligence, only people lacking any ability to critically analyse arguments would find anything compelling about what you posted. i bet it went down well at your church.

Reply #6859 Posted: June 24, 2009, 08:59:36 pm

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Some interesting articles:

Why (Almost All) Cosmologists are Atheists

Alternate link

Why Evolution is True

Science and Religion are Not Compatible

This last article touches on Gould's concept of 'non-overlapping majisteria'.

I've also got copies of articles regarding the 'origin of life' from a scientific perspective which I am working through and will attempt a synopsis over the weekend.
Some are doozies, such as "What makes a Planet Habitable?' or ' Synthesis of Amino Acid Precursors from Simulated Interstellar Media by High-Energy Particles or Photons "  or  'Concept of Sustained Ordering and an ATP-related Mechanism of Life's Origin' so there is some fun reading ahead!

Sorry Bell.

Reply #6860 Posted: June 25, 2009, 09:47:01 am
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Ngati_Grim;952146
'non-overlapping majisteria'

I think I just found the name of my new band :rnr: lol

Reply #6861 Posted: June 25, 2009, 10:09:16 am

Offline SteddieEddie

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Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;951691
I don't even get to the numbers. My rebuttal has always been that if life in the universe is so unlikely why do those same odds not apply to whoever it was that had to be there first to make it happen. For some reason god(s) seem exempt from the "stunningly unlikely" argument

I do not believe in god, but if he did exist, I kinda of thought of him/she as an energy force. A light, not made of matter. So no need for amino acids.

Reply #6862 Posted: June 25, 2009, 10:14:17 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Reply #6863 Posted: June 28, 2009, 10:11:49 pm

Offline Bell

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I'd just be parroting some of the quotes found in that link but...

Just because something is complex now doesn't mean it couldn't have been simplier and have a lesser function/different function at an earlier point.

See the mousetrap/Catapult example.

Reply #6864 Posted: June 28, 2009, 10:19:22 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;953591
Anyone have any thoughts on "Irreducible Complexity"?

ignorant christian propaganda.....

one of the examples they give is the eye, there is a chapter in "Climbing Mount Improbable" that has an excellent discussion on how the eye evolved.  

But i bet it is a great idea for people with a superstitious agenda who dont want to accept the reality of evolution, and if i had an anti-evolution church i would include this in a series of lectures designed to make it look like the weight of evidence was against evolution when in reality the arguments i was using were flawed.  I would kick off my series of lectures with something along the lines of "the probability of life starting is so close to zero it must have been god" and use scrabble as an analogy. this would be my second lecture.

Reply #6865 Posted: June 28, 2009, 11:35:32 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Bell;953593
I'd just be parroting some of the quotes found in that link but...

Just because something is complex now doesn't mean it couldn't have been simplier and have a lesser function/different function at an earlier point.

See the mousetrap/Catapult example.

Isn't this the argument where you use the example of an eye?

Reply #6866 Posted: June 29, 2009, 12:15:53 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Dante

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Oh man, now I remember why I explicitly try to avoid coming to this forum..

What do you think of this article, Thafleastyler?

...and also, the interpretation of Genesis/the Garden of Eden parable in Christian mysticism:


stories designed to teach a particular but unconventional metaphysical view of reality indirectly, by using analogy

    * One familiar example - the Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve being cast out in shame - has lost its metaphorical meaning over time; the psychological/metaphysical consequences of shame when the innocent creative ego (feminine aspect) is tempted to reach for power and subsequently enters the belief in duality (eating of the tree of good and evil) because reason (masculine aspect of mind) has yet to waken. In the story, return to the Garden and Tree of Eternal Aliveness (divine reality) is only possible through purification of mind (the gate is protected by the lone innocent cherubim/Self wielding a flaming sword.) Compare this to the symbols of fire, masculine/feminine unity, time, fearlessness, and ego transcendence found in images of "Shiva the Destroyer" (Hindu) where the transformational process is described by visual metaphors. Christ is well-known for his use of parables, consistently using them to teach compassion and inclusion, while many contain hidden metaphorical content for "those who have ears to hear."

In one of the most enigmatic stories from the Gospel of Thomas, he describes the Kingdom of Heaven as like an old woman returning home after a long journey, carrying all she values - a bag full of grain - on her back. A tear allows the grain to escape during the journey and she arrives home to discover it empty. Very Buddhist in tone, each word of the story has significance in describing the return path to the divine through a gradual emptying of earthbound value concepts and subtle internal conflicts. The use of the term, old woman, is a common metaphor related to the mind's incapacity to create, when controlled by embedded defensive ego values.

- from the wikipedia page on 'mysticism'

Reply #6867 Posted: June 29, 2009, 04:38:28 am

Offline Dante

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Oh man, now I remember why I explicitly try to avoid coming to this forum..

What do you think of this article, Thafleastyler?

...and also, this interpretation of Genesis/the Garden of Eden parable in Christian mysticism:


stories designed to teach a particular but unconventional metaphysical view of reality indirectly, by using analogy

    * One familiar example - the Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve being cast out in shame - has lost its metaphorical meaning over time; the psychological/metaphysical consequences of shame when the innocent creative ego (feminine aspect) is tempted to reach for power and subsequently enters the belief in duality (eating of the tree of good and evil) because reason (masculine aspect of mind) has yet to waken. In the story, return to the Garden and Tree of Eternal Aliveness (divine reality) is only possible through purification of mind (the gate is protected by the lone innocent cherubim/Self wielding a flaming sword.) Compare this to the symbols of fire, masculine/feminine unity, time, fearlessness, and ego transcendence found in images of "Shiva the Destroyer" (Hindu) where the transformational process is described by visual metaphors. Christ is well-known for his use of parables, consistently using them to teach compassion and inclusion, while many contain hidden metaphorical content for "those who have ears to hear."

In one of the most enigmatic stories from the Gospel of Thomas, he describes the Kingdom of Heaven as like an old woman returning home after a long journey, carrying all she values - a bag full of grain - on her back. A tear allows the grain to escape during the journey and she arrives home to discover it empty. Very Buddhist in tone, each word of the story has significance in describing the return path to the divine through a gradual emptying of earthbound value concepts and subtle internal conflicts. The use of the term, old woman, is a common metaphor related to the mind's incapacity to create, when controlled by embedded defensive ego values.

- from the wikipedia page on 'mysticism'

Reply #6868 Posted: June 29, 2009, 04:44:34 am

Offline Dante

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Oh man, now I remember why I explicitly try to avoid coming to this forum..

What do you think of this article, Thafleastyler?

...and also, this interpretation of Genesis/the Garden of Eden parable in Christian mysticism:


stories designed to teach a particular but unconventional metaphysical view of reality indirectly, by using analogy

    * One familiar example - the Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve being cast out in shame - has lost its metaphorical meaning over time; the psychological/metaphysical consequences of shame when the innocent creative ego (feminine aspect) is tempted to reach for power and subsequently enters the belief in duality (eating of the tree of good and evil) because reason (masculine aspect of mind) has yet to waken. In the story, return to the Garden and Tree of Eternal Aliveness (divine reality) is only possible through purification of mind (the gate is protected by the lone innocent cherubim/Self wielding a flaming sword.) Compare this to the symbols of fire, masculine/feminine unity, time, fearlessness, and ego transcendence found in images of "Shiva the Destroyer" (Hindu) where the transformational process is described by visual metaphors. Christ is well-known for his use of parables, consistently using them to teach compassion and inclusion, while many contain hidden metaphorical content for "those who have ears to hear."

In one of the most enigmatic stories from the Gospel of Thomas, he describes the Kingdom of Heaven as like an old woman returning home after a long journey, carrying all she values - a bag full of grain - on her back. A tear allows the grain to escape during the journey and she arrives home to discover it empty. Very Buddhist in tone, each word of the story has significance in describing the return path to the divine through a gradual emptying of earthbound value concepts and subtle internal conflicts. The use of the term, old woman, is a common metaphor related to the mind's incapacity to create, when controlled by embedded defensive ego values.

- from the wikipedia page on 'mysticism'

Just curious..
(and shamelessly trying to change the topic to something more interesting than the usual evolution debate)

Reply #6869 Posted: June 29, 2009, 05:33:21 am

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Quote from: cobra;953607
ignorant christian propaganda.....

one of the examples they give is the eye, there is a chapter in "Climbing Mount Improbable" that has an excellent discussion on how the eye evolved.  

But i bet it is a great idea for people with a superstitious agenda who dont want to accept the reality of evolution, and if i had an anti-evolution church i would include this in a series of lectures designed to make it look like the weight of evidence was against evolution when in reality the arguments i was using were flawed.  I would kick off my series of lectures with something along the lines of "the probability of life starting is so close to zero it must have been god" and use scrabble as an analogy. this would be my second lecture.

It may sound harsh, but ^this does nail it.

The evolution of the eye is a fascinating story.
"The Blind Watchmaker" is worth looking into.

Dante, this quote from your source( Wiki) "Christ is well-known for his use of parables, consistently using them to teach compassion and inclusion, while many contain hidden metaphorical content for "those who have ears to hear." contains the assumption that Christ was real. That is NOT proven (hence this ongoing debate).

Reply #6870 Posted: June 29, 2009, 07:35:05 am
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;953607
ignorant christian propaganda.....

Quote from: cobra;953607
... But i bet it is a great idea for people with a superstitious agenda ...

Quote from: cobra;953607
... if i had an anti-evolution church ...

Hey man, I asked for your thoughts on the science behind the idea, not your thoughts on the church at large or their willingness to spread "propaganda" (which, by the way, some consider a theory). I'm just getting a bit tired of constantly being met with a back-handed dismissal of anything I ask about - its not like I'm trying to preach at you or anything; I'm just asking for thoughts. Thanks for trying though.

Actually, here's a slightly unrelated question, if I could be forgiven a slight digression: Michael Behe, one of the major proponents of the idea, holds qualifications in biochemistry (B.Sc in Chemistry, PhD in Biochemistry) - do you consider his qualifications valid? Or does his personal beliefs or perspective affect the validity of his qualifications?

Quote from: Dante;953625
Just curious..
(and shamelessly trying to change the topic to something more interesting than the usual evolution debate)

Please read the thread topic. This thread was set up explicitly to discuss the evolution debate. Maybe you could setup another thread to discuss metaphors, since its probably a topic that extends beyond just religion?

Reply #6871 Posted: June 29, 2009, 09:38:54 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;953607
if i had an anti-evolution church

By the way, I'm part of a church that does believe in evolution, in terms of change. The fact of the matter is that you have billions of people worldwide - myself included - who don't believe that evolution is the answer to the very origin of life (specifically, the part where we turned from nothing into single cells).

As for the rest, I am completely open to anything.

"Irreducible complexity", for example, sounds intriguing enough - but I don't know enough about it to say that I believe it at all. Hence why I thought I would ask here, since a few of these guys have some interesting ideas on this stuff.

Reply #6872 Posted: June 29, 2009, 09:44:33 am

Offline Ngati_Grim

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I recommend "The blind Watchmaker", Flea. Even though it is by Richard Dawkins, it covers this question, and a lot more and puts forward (what I believe and understand to be) the correct answer.

The science behind the idea of Irreducible Complexity is flawed in that the science is misapplied and ignores too many facts about evolution and how complexity, yes, i believe that Behe's faith has clouded his judgement in this case.
It is a common ploy of the Intelligent Design community to dress their suppositions as scientific fact and on the surface they make compelling arguments. However, they are just plain wrong.

Reply #6873 Posted: June 29, 2009, 09:50:31 am
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: Ngati_Grim;953630
Dante, this quote from your source( Wiki) "Christ is well-known for his use of parables, consistently using them to teach compassion and inclusion, while many contain hidden metaphorical content for "those who have ears to hear." contains the assumption that Christ was real. That is NOT proven (hence this ongoing debate).

That's a ridiculous statement to make.
Many historical figures are assumed to be real. Jesus has just as much evidence of his existence as say King Leonidas, that is to say the only evidence is historical documents.

I don't even understand why there is a debate at all on whether Jesus existence or not, apart from it steaming from Anti-Christian propaganda.

Reply #6874 Posted: June 29, 2009, 09:53:13 am