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there not related or anything just two i found. well they are both about photoshop i guess. just look at the seperatly and its kinda funny, hopefully
It's never as funny when you have to spell it out.
going up...Pictures were taken by the proud owner who wanted to record the happy event of his boat being launched.
Where did you find these?
http://www.cargolaw.com/2007nightmare_marquis.ride.htmlthere's heaps of stuff like that in there.
http://www.cargolaw.com/2007nightmare_marquis.ride.htmlthere's heaps of stuff like that in there.[edit:]:bigglasse
You forgot to mention the two guys who rode it down.
Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes...there\'s too much fraternizing with the enemy.-Henry Kissinger
I apologize for the "pissy speed demon" remark, but you hit a nerve, telling me to STFU, twice.