MorrowindIt's a game so open that I still haven't finished with it When I first started playing, it was so pretty that I walked to the end of the pier in Seyda Neen and watched the rain on the water Later on that day I watched the clouds pass across the two moons moving through the sky.I love it. It's like a home away from home... with diseased demons LOL Netherai.
Duke Nukem 3D
Transport tycoon ELITE,
actually i remember playing a game (damned if i can remember its name it was on the Amiga 500) it was 3d and you were a single player versus the enemy who controlled everything basically you were behind enemy lines, there were jeeps / tanks/ helicopters / boats / windsurfers! & men, your weapons were a gun & grenades (and the vehicles) it was all green for land blue for water. there were sharks in the water and missiles, always watching fuel levels and you got linear 'missions' goto A destroy the antenna and return. etc. I can't beleive i totally forgot this game existed and it annoys the hell out of me that i can't think of its name. its like the original battlefield but not multiplayer, and oddly enough had more vehicles / stuff. it was about the time carrier command was out.