Excellent. I'll definitely be buying this one, if only for the lightsabers!Im glad he does reviews of Wii games. He's one of the very few competent gamers who actually write coherent reviews. Almost all Wii game reviews are written by either totally useless idiots or people in Nintendo's pay
I work part time at a video store, we are no longer getting product for Wii and all games have gone down in price just so they get hired. Hardly anyone has the console to play the games on, most of our hires go out with a machine to play them on.Though in saying that, we got No More Heroes in recently for some strange strange reason, after they said no more Wii. It must be that good of a game.
Thank you Yahtzee for giving me a name for a term for games which descend into the pits of shittinessIndigo Prophecy Syndrome
Like CS:S?
Totally giving it to the fanboys.
"The Xbox is a good all rounder but it occasionally pisses itself and Dies"Gold