Pokemon arent real but they should be.
MX revolution or the G9 guys?Don't you have a MX spork? and someone here most likely has a G9.The only thing i dont like about the g9 is it has cords :S
Wireless ftl im srsG9 ftw
Sif nub, I can use my mouse while sitting in bed, and my keyboard.I love the MX Revolution, it is so awesome.+1 for MX tbh. I don't think I could ever go back to having a mouse with a lead.
can you bind keys ingame?you knowmousebutton one to priamry weapn and shit
"About three weeks agoI used an app called "CurrPorts" to check how many tcp connections I had open during a torrentdownload and it was around 350, with realatively good speeds. Tested tonight with two torrentsrunning and same setup in utorrent. Currports shows only 128 tcp connections. Perhaps xnet islimiting the amount of tcp connections somehow. Who knows really. Its all smoke and mirrors atthe moment."I rarely ever connect to more than 150 seeders and there is apparently 36642 atm ><
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.No offense.
not all of are dieing to top the scoreboards in fucking bf2 m80
go back to school and l2english properly.
lol zomg I made a mistake!!!!1 my pride