Topic: So whats this game about?

Offline Obbles

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nar Sony paid for me :P

Saw it at the movies on Tuesday

Reply #9575 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:44:19 pm

Offline SittingDuck

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Mom payed for me :P Was a Family movie night thing ;)

Reply #9576 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:46:23 pm

Offline Obbles

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Are you American? :S

Bob, use this its pro

Spoiler :

;[_________BF2 SOLO HELI by DisfunctioN 1.51_____________]
;Many thanks to AZA,Alekoz and Fortran
;for ideas and parts of the code.
;Mouse Wheel Up = Switches to Gunner Seat and Fires Missile (also switcheS back to Pilot Seat after 3.5 seconds)
;Mouse Wheel Down = Switches to Pilot Seat
;Shift = Switches to Gunner Seat MG if pressed once and back to Pilot Seat if pressed again
;XButton1 = Switches between the camera views
;R = Spots through the Commo Rose
;Pause = Suspends the Script
;(you can change the keys to whatever you want at the "KEY SETTINGS" section)


#SingleInstance force

v_Change = 9

   RegRead BF2Path, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2, InstallDir

GoSub TrayMenu

;[_________KEY SETTINGS__________________________________]

Switch_to_Gunner_and_Fire_Missile_Hotkey = WheelUp
Switch_to_Pilot_Seat_Hotkey = WheelDown
Switch_to_Gunner_MG_Hotkey = Shift
View_Change_Hotkey = XButton1
EnemySpotted = R

;[_________BF2 SETTINGS__________________________________]

BF2Filename = BF2.exe
Parameters= +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +restart


HotKey ~%Switch_to_Gunner_and_Fire_Missile_Hotkey%, GunnerSwitch, On UseErrorLevel
HotKey ~%Switch_to_Pilot_Seat_Hotkey%, PilotSwitch, On UseErrorLevel
HotKey ~%Switch_to_Gunner_MG_Hotkey%, MGSwitch, On UseErrorLevel
HotKey $*%View_Change_Hotkey%, ViewChange, On UseErrorLevel
HotKey $*%EnemySpotted%, Spotting, On UseErrorLevel

;[_________GUNNER SWITCH & FIRE MISSILE__________________]

WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A
If szProcessName = %BF2Filename%
   Send {F2 Down}
   Sleep 30
   Send {F2 Up}
   Sleep 30
   Click Down Right
   Sleep 50
   Click Up Right
   Click Down Left
   Sleep 40
   Click Up Left
   Sleep 250
   Click Down Left
   Sleep 40
   Click Up Left
   Sleep 3500
   Send {F1 Down}
   Sleep 30
   Send {F1 Up}
   Send {F9 Down}
   Sleep 30
   Send {F9 Up}

;[_________PILOT SWITCH__________________________________]

   WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A
   If szProcessName = %BF2Filename%
      copilot = 1
   Send {F1 Down}
   Sleep 30
   Send {F1 Up}
   Send {F9 Down}
   Sleep 30
   Send {F9 Up}

;[_________GUNNER MG FIRE TOGGLE_________________________]

WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A
If szProcessName = %BF2Filename%
   If copilot = 1
      Send {F2 Down}
      Sleep 30
      Send {F2 Up}
      Sleep, 30
      Send {C Down}
      Sleep 30
      Send {C Up}
      copilot = 0
      GoSub PilotSwitch

;[_________CAMERA CHANGE_________________________________]

WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A
If szProcessName = %BF2Filename%
   v_Change += 1
   If v_Change >= 13
        v_Change = 9
   Send {F%v_Change% Down}
   Sleep 40
   Send {F%v_Change% Up}

;[_________TRAY MENU_____________________________________]

   Menu Tray, Tip, DisfunctioN.Solo^Heli
   Menu Tray, NoStandard
   Menu Tray, Add, Run BF2 , Run_BF2
   Menu Tray, Add, Run BF2 SF, Run_BF2SF
   Menu Tray, Add
   Menu Tray, Add, Reload
   Menu Tray, Add, Edit
   Menu Tray, Add
   Menu Tray, Add, Suspend
    Menu Tray, Add
   Menu Tray, Add, Exit, Exit



   Suspend Toggle
   Menu Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend
   SoundBeep 500, 100


;[_________RUN BF2_______________________________________]

   TrayTip DisfunctioN.Solo^Heli, Launching Battlefield 2,,1
   SetTimer RemoveTrayTip, 2000
   Run %BF2Path%\%BF2Filename% %Parameters%, %BF2Path%

   TrayTip DisfunctioN.Solo^Heli, Launching Battlefield 2 Special Forces,,1
   SetTimer RemoveTrayTip, 2000
   Run %BF2Path%\%BF2Filename% +modPath mods/xpack %Parameters%, %BF2Path%

   SetTimer RemoveTrayTip, Off

;[_________EXIT & SUSPEND________________________________]

   Suspend Toggle
   Menu Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend
   SoundBeep 500, 100



Reply #9577 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:48:48 pm

Offline shadowguy

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Reply #9578 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:53:08 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline Obbles

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Its not an auto clicker

Reply #9579 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:59:14 pm

Offline SittingDuck

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Lowrex, got Spoiler?

Reply #9580 Posted: November 27, 2008, 08:59:27 pm

Offline shadowguy

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Reply #9581 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:01:32 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline Obbles

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Mav, got milk?

Reply #9582 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:04:01 pm

Offline omgloloffg

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mery christmast

Reply #9583 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:09:28 pm

Offline SittingDuck

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Quote from: lowrex;843262
Mav, got milk?

I do, time for a tea :rnr:

Reply #9584 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:12:32 pm

Offline Obbles

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what does the offg stand for?

Reply #9585 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:12:36 pm

Offline shadowguy

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offg sytnads for thus

Reply #9586 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:13:10 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline omgloloffg

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luok do yuo really wnat 2 kno?

Reply #9587 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:14:52 pm

Offline shadowguy

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um :S

Reply #9588 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:16:20 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline Obbles

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Someones trying really hard to be a downie


Reply #9589 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:17:08 pm

Offline omgloloffg

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me name be ricardo i come form espanonal i learnin de english u undsatsand thes soemewhat yes

Reply #9590 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:17:14 pm

Offline swindle

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Quote from: INmOTION;843192

What a douche.

Obviously wanting people to beef out his thread to make it look like a success.

lol classic

Reply #9591 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:17:28 pm
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

Offline shadowguy

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Quote from: omgloloffg;843280
me name be ricardo i come form espanonal i learnin de english u undsatsand thes soemewhat yes


Reply #9592 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:18:32 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline omgloloffg

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yoghey bear nanana nanana cucumb cucum yoggggggggibear nanannana cucum cucum

Reply #9593 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:19:19 pm

Offline SittingDuck

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hi Bob

Reply #9594 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:19:32 pm

Offline omgloloffg

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gotta be a macho mang macho mang yayay laalaa maccccchoooooo amn

Reply #9595 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:20:26 pm

Offline 3viction

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Good fun in karky tonight

Reply #9596 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:20:51 pm

Offline shadowguy

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gtfo tbh

Reply #9597 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:20:52 pm

Quote from: mattnz;810316
tbh, I think that you need to leave the \'Music\' forum alone, and go post in an \'Over-produced, over-marketed bullshit\' forum.

No offense.

Offline 3viction

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Reply #9598 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:22:58 pm

Offline Obbles

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Quote from: omgloloffg;843280
me name be ricardo i come form espanonal i learnin de english u undsatsand thes soemewhat yes

No sorry

Reply #9599 Posted: November 27, 2008, 09:23:35 pm