
Do you help the axis of Game Piracy turn?

No, i hold a lot of respect for game developers.
16 (19.8%)
Occasionaly, just to trial it before i buy.
35 (43.2%)
Yes, but not very much. My cap doesn't allow it.
16 (19.8%)
Hell yeah, my entire catalogue is pirated.
14 (17.3%)

Total Members Voted: 337

Topic: Game Piracy.

Offline Equity

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I often dont know what the game is like or play the games that i dl enough to warrant my purchasing them. the games i play alot are the multiplayer ones and those i have to purchase to avoid   being caught and banned.

i mostly play online games, so i mostly purchase them...BUT if there not for online play i will download them without remorse, as with tv shows, movies.

Oblivion, civ 4 are two of my fav games, both illegal.  i have no cap here, and 100 mb net so that doesnt factor into it...in nz i would consider buying them over downloading em due to the net.

I have downloaded a few games that ive lost thru moving, but i think thats legit.

New games ill buy, to get in first.

Reply #25 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:05:27 pm
"think c2w might be a little to hard core for my skills atm anyways"-Splatter

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: INmOTION;730495
Well, lets set a ground rule for this poll.

I have a fairly simple rule:

If Im still playing it ten years later and enjoying it just as much as when I first played it, I buy it.

Very few games can pass this stringent test.

Reply #26 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:12:15 pm
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Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;730725
I have a fairly simple rule:

If Im still playing it ten years later and enjoying it just as much as when I first played it, I buy it.

Very few games can pass this stringent test.
That's just BS.

Do you say the same about a car? Or your clothes or any other product out there?

No you don't.

If you d/l anything that isn't available free of charge you're a thief. End of.

Reply #27 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:17:34 pm

Offline Equity

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Quote from: Plasma;730563

I love it how alot more games can be bought and downloaded online.

i love that about steam. no matter where i am in the world, no matter what comp, i can log in and download my games for free.
Online sales are so conveniant for me and i dont mind firing out my credit card to purchase games that can always be downloaded.

Reply #28 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:24:59 pm
"think c2w might be a little to hard core for my skills atm anyways"-Splatter

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730729
If you d/l anything that isn't available free of charge you're a thief. End of.

there is a big difference to walking into a game store and picking up the latest EA screwup and walking outta the store and downloading the same crappy game off the internet.

In the first instance you are a thief because it cost the publisher money to put the game in all that fancy packaging and on dvd's, it also costs the devleoper because thats 1 game less that they could have sold.

in the latter instance it costs neither the publisher or the developer.

why? you'll no doubt ask?

Because by downloading the game the publisher is not losing any money because they havn't printed any box covers, burned any DVD's, its digital and that takes the publisher right out of the picture.

As for the developer who has worked on the game for X many months they are also no less out of pocket. Chances are that the pirate would never have gotten the game otherwise so the developer due to their piss poor game design or what not hasn't lost anything either.

So of course we dont do the same with our clothes or cars. they all cost money to produce the steel, fabric etc

Reply #29 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:30:25 pm

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: KiLL3r;730742
there is a big difference to walking into a game store and picking up the latest EA screwup and walking outta the store and downloading the same crappy game off the internet.

In the first instance you are a thief because it cost the publisher money to put the game in all that fancy packaging and on dvd's, it also costs the devleoper because thats 1 game less that they could have sold.

in the latter instance it costs neither the publisher or the developer.

why? you'll no doubt ask?

Because by downloading the game the publisher is not losing any money because they havn't printed any box covers, burned any DVD's, its digital and that takes the publisher right out of the picture.

As for the developer who has worked on the game for X many months they are also no less out of pocket. Chances are that the pirate would never have gotten the game otherwise so the developer due to their piss poor game design or what not hasn't lost anything either.

So of course we dont do the same with our clothes or cars. they all cost money to produce the steel, fabric etc
Do you really believe that?

There is something called intelectual property - look it up if you don't know what it is.

And by d/l something that you haven't bought you are infinging on not only copyright but also intellectual property. So of course the developer is out of pocket - you are using their IP with no right to do so.

So once again I call you a thief.

Reply #30 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:38:52 pm

Offline Spork

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Now I am fairly sure that most people know my opinion on all of this. Sure it may be bad, but I don't care. I have no good excuse for doing it, except for the fact that it is far easier to download the game.

I dont download many games any more though, there aren't many available that are even worth the download.

I have about 5 games on my external hard drive, only two of them have been downloaded in the last year.

Also, I have downloaded both BF2 and COD4, but I own both of them, but especially for BF2 (which I have the CD version) it is much easier to just open up the file and click a couple of buttons than it is to find my BF2 case, insert disk 1, click all these buttons, wait for half an hour, take out disk 1, put in disk 2, wait half an hour, take out disk 2, put in disk 3, wait half an hour* just to have the last file become corrupt and I have to do it all over again.

May not actually take anywhere near half an hour even in total but yea.. You get the point. :P

Then for pirating movies. Why would I buy DVDs now? Blu-Ray is the new way, but not all movies are available on Blu-Ray, however if I download a good movie, or especially a good game or album then I definitely go out and buy it, or at least buy it off ebay from Hong Kong for $2.

EDIT: (Do not take this seriously)

When I download a good anything, if it is good I will suggest it to all of my friends, and most of them wont have heard of what ever I downloaded, and not all of them have internet that is that great or at least not a good enough cap to be able to constantly download stuff, so some of them will go out and buy the product. It's happened for the past two games that I have downloaded (race Driver GRiD - which I have also purchased off of ebay - for PS3, and Anno 1701)

Then also, if I had not downloaded RD GRiD I would not have found out that the wheel compatibility currently SUCKS for PC and is alright for PS3 (well so I have noticed), so if I had bought it straight up for PC which I would have, then I would have to wait months and months because I know that Codies customer support in the are of updating games sucks worse than Race Driver 2 and 3.

Here comes the neg rep....

Reply #31 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:43:46 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730729
That's just BS.

Do you say the same about a car? Or your clothes or any other product out there?

No you don't.

If you d/l anything that isn't available free of charge you're a thief. End of.

Electronic intellectual property is NOT subject to the same rules or law as physical property.

Any attempt to justify the usage of such rules in their case will ultimately fail. Trying to drag opinionated emotional content into the discussion is unnecessary.

Its simple co-relevance law

Reply #32 Posted: June 06, 2008, 09:52:42 pm
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Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;730768
Electronic intellectual property is NOT subject to the same rules or law as physical property.
Yes it is.

The same rights and priveledges of the developer/owner exist. Why do you think that there are copyright protection on any digital format?

Not being emotional, just stating facts.

If you burn a dvd, d/l music/games/other stuff it's theft. No other word for it as far as I know.

Reply #33 Posted: June 06, 2008, 10:01:24 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730771
The same rights and priveledges of the developer/owner exist. Why do you think that there are copyright protection on any digital format?

Because you are wrong.

There are mitigating co-relevant factors which have been thoughtfully brought up in this thread. In relation to Music/Video industry, there are many cases where RIAA/MPAA have lost. Badly

Reply #34 Posted: June 06, 2008, 10:21:05 pm
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Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;730784
There are mitigating co-relevant factors
What's a mitigating factor for stealing something that doesn't belong to you?

Reply #35 Posted: June 06, 2008, 10:28:04 pm

Offline Electric

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730771
Yes it is.

The same rights and priveledges of the developer/owner exist. Why do you think that there are copyright protection on any digital format?

Not being emotional, just stating facts.

If you burn a dvd, d/l music/games/other stuff it's theft. No other word for it as far as I know.

It is not theft.

It is copyright infringement.

Theft is stealing, downloading games/music etc. is not equivalent to stealing. I have never stolen anything from a shop or whatever, and I don't ever want to. Downloading shit is definitely not the same.

Reply #36 Posted: June 06, 2008, 10:50:50 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730771
Yes it is.

The same rights and priveledges of the developer/owner exist. Why do you think that there are copyright protection on any digital format?

Not being emotional, just stating facts.

If you burn a dvd, d/l music/games/other stuff it's theft. No other word for it as far as I know.

i suppose you also have a problem with someone who buys a game, burns it onto a disk as a back up or just to keep after selling it on?

Reply #37 Posted: June 06, 2008, 10:52:20 pm

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: KiLL3r;730813
i suppose you also have a problem with someone who buys a game, burns it onto a disk as a back up or just to keep after selling it on?
Burning it to disc because they are going to on sell it??

LOL - what do you tihnk of that?

Out it this way - I just sold CoD4 - did I burn a copy?

I have no issues with someone doing it to have as backup - just as I used to tape my albums to play in the car, but not to steal it from someone which is in effect what is happening.

Just my opinion, others can have theirs, just as in any opinion - I suppose I am just more honest than a lot of poeple on these forums.

Reply #38 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:05:10 pm

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Electric;730811
It is not theft.

It is copyright infringement.

Theft is stealing, downloading games/music etc. is not equivalent to stealing. I have never stolen anything from a shop or whatever, and I don't ever want to. Downloading shit is definitely not the same.
Justify it anyway you like.

Have you seen the adverts at the start of DVD's?

Says exactly what I am saying - piracy is theft.

You are getting something that you are not entitled to, which should be paid for, that to me is the very definition of theft.

Reply #39 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:06:44 pm

Offline `Dirty Heathen

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So I buy a game I play it for 3 months one of my mates wants to play it so i take it to his house and install it now we both have it did he steal that game?

So same thing but this time my friend lives 300km away so I upload the game that I paid for onto a site so he can download it and play it is that theft?

Reply #40 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:08:52 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730825
You are getting something that you are not entitled to, which should be paid for, that to me is the very definition of theft.

Then, once again, you are wrong and have evoked an emotional response.

Infringement and theft are, by law, two co-opposite states. Anyway, I've got to go to bed as I foolishly agreed to work tomorrow at 9pm. Who works at 9pm!?!

Reply #41 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:11:36 pm
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Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: `Dirty Heathen;730827

So I buy a game I play it for 3 months one of my mates wants to play it so i take it to his house and install it now we both have it did he steal that game?

So same thing but this time my friend lives 300km away so I upload the game that I paid for onto a site so he can download it and play it is that theft?
In effect yes it is.

Especially if you're both gonna play online, but either way it's tantamount to theft in my eyes.

Like I said above, it's no wonder that developers are spending more and more on ways to prevent it - and that we may find less and less being developed for the PC because it's so rife - if it's harder to "Steal" a PS3 or Xbox game in that way of course they are giong to concentrate their efforts to those formats.

In effect you people who do "steal" games in this way are contributin to PC gaming's downfall.

And then you all cry about having to have other software on your computers because of poeple stealing the games..!!!

Reply #42 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:12:27 pm

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;730828
Then, once again, you are wrong and have evoked an emotional response.

Infringement and theft are, by law, two co-opposite states. Anyway, I've got to go to bed as I foolishly agreed to work tomorrow at 9pm. Who works at 9pm!?!
How is that an emotional response? It's pretty clear to anyone - even the perpetrators that they are doing something illegal.

Either way it's wrong - which is what I am getting at.

Reply #43 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:15:37 pm

Offline DDM

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All my games were bought at retail price, i feel safe. Also, when installing games theres a disclaimer included that basically says if you give your copy to anybody then you're a software pirate (yarr) and are guilty of breaking the law.

Doesnt apply to all games of course, just every single game released since 1956 that isnt freeware.

So yeah, i agree with Xtinct.

Reply #44 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:26:45 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730824
Burning it to disc because they are going to on sell it??

LOL - what do you tihnk of that?

Out it this way - I just sold CoD4 - did I burn a copy?

I have no issues with someone doing it to have as backup - just as I used to tape my albums to play in the car, but not to steal it from someone which is in effect what is happening.

Just my opinion, others can have theirs, just as in any opinion - I suppose I am just more honest than a lot of poeple on these forums.

but you just sold on your rights to the intellectual property on that disc so by keeping a copy yourself and from your own definition you are a thief

Reply #45 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:30:42 pm

Offline foRsakEn

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Quote from: KiLL3r;730842
but you just sold on your rights to the intellectual property on that disc so by keeping a copy yourself and from your own definition you are a thief

Exactly, as I may as well import new media (games, music, dvd's) "back them up" and onsell them as new at only a profit and or loss if you wanted to justify "backing them up"

I'll be straight up, the only software I own is Vista ultimate, Steam and the games on it and various other games that mainly revolve around online play as you need the CD key.

And I personally believe there is no way anti piracy protection will help, it's an ongoing "game" if you will between the developers and game hackers to build and destroy the anti piracy software.

In the workd of PSP it's a competition for the top hack teams to hack the latest firmware of the PSP's which is known world wide and the teams get huge recognition for it.

EDIT: In my breif course of web designe, any picture you post or use has to be signed off by the artist/photographer for use by yourself etc etc.. Wohder if any images any of us have used or posted have been signed off for?

Reply #46 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:40:48 pm
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Offline private_hell

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730825
Justify it anyway you like.

Have you seen the adverts at the start of DVD's?

Says exactly what I am saying - piracy is theft.

You are getting something that you are not entitled to, which should be paid for, that to me is the very definition of theft.

what if i dont want the adverts on my dvds - if someone can offer me the dvd with just the movie on it and its cheaper than the movie with other stuff on it, why should i support them?

Reply #47 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:52:31 pm
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Offline `Dirty Heathen

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730830
In effect yes it is.

Especially if you're both gonna play online, but either way it's tantamount to theft in my eyes.

Like I said above, it's no wonder that developers are spending more and more on ways to prevent it - and that we may find less and less being developed for the PC because it's so rife - if it's harder to "Steal" a PS3 or Xbox game in that way of course they are giong to concentrate their efforts to those formats.

In effect you people who do "steal" games in this way are contributin to PC gaming's downfall.

And then you all cry about having to have other software on your computers because of poeple stealing the games..!!!

So you have never borrowed a game or DVD to watch of your friends?

I was not talking about online games more single player.
I have spent thousand of dollars buying CDs DVDs and games over the years and I still do like I said in my other post most games I have brought and I am not a thief.

I like to have collection I still buy CDs and DVDs.
I am not saying that piracy is not theft XT the above post was just more asking a question.

Unfortunately I guess this is just part of the modern world with the net and technology when  I was a kid the only way you could get a song without buying it was was to tape it off the radio lol.

Reply #48 Posted: June 06, 2008, 11:54:15 pm

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Quote from: Xt1ncT;730824
I suppose I am just more honest than a lot of poeple on these forums.

Certainly more British! :asian:

Reply #49 Posted: June 07, 2008, 12:26:46 am
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.