
What things do YOU look for in a game

Open environment, multiple endings
58 (20.9%)
Straightforwards gameplay, limited plot
3 (1.1%)
Character development, detailed and immersive story
49 (17.7%)
Intensely multiplayer focused
51 (18.4%)
Fantasy, Anything your imagination desires
19 (6.9%)
Shooting - FPS, 3rd person
56 (20.2%)
Mind - RTS, puzzle games
24 (8.7%)
Action - Martial arts and swordplay
17 (6.1%)

Total Members Voted: 314

Topic: What would YOU look for in a future game?

Offline AfroDizzzy

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Small country size maps, 240 players, no lag... must be fps >.>

Reply #100 Posted: March 05, 2009, 09:46:40 pm


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inb4 Dwarf Fortress

Reply #101 Posted: March 05, 2009, 09:55:36 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ™swindLe..;898999
How about...wait for it...


MMOFPS (beef2 style) is pretty average wothout it. An online game that you use teamwork in would be nice.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;898985

Although RB and GH4 are bad examples since, other than syncronized overdrive/star power, just having really awesome players is enough. There are many MANY mods which not only add really good teamwork, they also add alot of character. One of my favourites is the cyberpunk based Dystopia for Half Life 2. Others include Natural Selection and Insurrection

Most online games use teamwork, usually by splitting up combat roles amongst different classes or races. There are a FEW which dont do this and are better for it but there are many more which take it to the absolute extreme and are nothing more than clones of the original White-Box Dungeons and Dragons
Quote from: Tiwaking!;898985
Although there are many(MANY) FPS mods which add alot of depth to a mutiplayer game, a commercial game which does contain depth is, although I hate to admit it, Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2's depth comes from squads cooperating at SQUAD level, not individual level. We've come a long way from the old 'heli-flag capture' days

Doesnt stop Commander box sploiting on Karkand though

Teamwork can be quite hard to implement if you think about it. Although meat-shielding is technically 'teamwork', most people dont like to do it. That doesnt mean there will ever be a shortage of heavies in Team Fortress 2 though

Reply #102 Posted: March 05, 2009, 10:46:05 pm
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Quote from: Zhija;899068
It is quite possible that the reason people love half life so much is not just because of the story, but the way they present it. I played... maybe two levels and loved it but only because it seemed so cinematic. It was literally like playing a movie.

I agree entirely. More recently, Left 4 dead also has done the same thing, with things like the film grain effect and the movie poster loadup screen.

Quote from: Bane;899073
HL2 was epic in the whole presentation.. it drew you into it as you played it

Basically.. you *WERE* gordon freeman..

I also agree entirely.

+1 both of you

Reply #103 Posted: March 07, 2009, 01:59:21 pm

Offline Bobyoby

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Agreed as well, got to respect Freeman.

These aspects are needed for a good game, or a game of my taste.

*Character development NOW!
*Good story not just some garbage like the beginning red alert 3
*A long sustainably fun game
*Cleavage, lots of it

Reply #104 Posted: March 09, 2009, 10:10:38 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Bobyoby;901017
*A long sustainably fun game

A "Can always pickup, play and putdown" fun or "Refuse to put down" fun?

Reply #105 Posted: March 10, 2009, 08:19:07 am
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Offline Bell

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Quote from: Bobyoby;901017

*Cleavage, lots of it

I still don't get the whole "ZOMG Virtual boobies!" thing.

Reply #106 Posted: March 10, 2009, 09:24:54 am

Offline bobziolla

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Probably because you're not an anti social teen.

Reply #107 Posted: March 10, 2009, 09:28:59 am
One cool cat :orange:

Offline Tiwaking!

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I've taken the day off school to play video games and have been raging at my computer for the past 20 minutes. Why?


This is the worst game of 2009.

Future games NEED the following. In fact, ANY game needs the following:

Story - A story, ANY story. Hell even a game which forces you to make a story than actually give you a story is better than any game which RAILROADS you into doing things. Yes FABLE 2, Im looking at you, you useless piece of shit game

WORKING(FUCKING WORKING) Gameplay Mechanics - Jump towards a platform, auto-grabs the ledge if you miss. How hard is that to program?

Apparently TOO FUCKING HARD for some lazy, overpaid useless coding hack fucker. Introduce sublime, platforming gameplay in Prince of Persia back in NINETEEN FUCKING EIGHTY NINE and twenty years later some dumbarse cant even get it right!

Also, FUCKING WITH ALREADY WORKING CONTROLS IS DOES NOT MAKE YOUR GAME UNIQUE! Sometimes I wonder if people even make games that should be PLAYED, its like they should just be looked at and admired for the scenery presented. Which gracefully leads me to my next point.....

Enough with the GRAPHICS already! - My IT class consists of a large amount of people who cant game their way out of a paper bag, let alone a single full level of Super Paper Mario. However I cant go too long without someone spouting "Come play BLACK or MIRRORS EDGE, or " and then have them point out how nice the graphics are.

So what I do is point at Crysis and say "'s graphics arent even good enough to be Crysis' afterbirth", that is BEFORE I start tearing into how shit the recommended game is and, if that is not enough, LECTURING them on the shitness and if that doesnt work DEMONSTRATING the shitness.

Thats not to say graphics arent necessary, its just that they shouldnt need to generate a playerbase who's obvious blindness to a games flaws hang soley on the way a game looks. If that were true in real life, then all our politicians would be prostitutes

.....though technically that is true, since they're behaviour pretty much mirrors prostitutes. They'd just be really ugly prostitutes, that no one would pay for

Reply #108 Posted: June 18, 2009, 12:02:52 pm
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Offline EnjoyTheSauce

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Too right you are unfortunately. I hope you're studying to be a game dev Tiwa cause you know what us more intelligent gamers desire.

Reply #109 Posted: June 18, 2009, 12:09:42 pm
Related to *juice*. The Orz like *sauce*, which they seem to acquire through killing: "After the *dancing*, Orz think you will make good *special sauce*. Maybe even for other Orz *party*." It would seem this is likely to be something sinister. The Orz apparently wish those who take part in *parties* to enjoy the *sauce*, as in the above quote, or in their parting words from random encounters: "Do not forget to *enjoy the sauce*."

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: EnjoyTheSauce;910904
Too right you are unfortunately. I hope you're studying to be a game dev Tiwa cause you know what us more intelligent gamers desire.

Unfortunately there are no tertiary institutes in New Zealand that I know of that offer such study.
There is a list here from the New Zealand Game Developers Association
Which NZ training institutions currently offer game development related courses?
Media Design School
Otago University (Computer Science)
Unitec (Computers and IT)
Waikato University (Computer Science)
UCOL (Wanganui Campus)
Wairiki Institute of Technology (Computer Science and Interactive Gaming)
Victoria University of Wellington (Computer Science)

Note: The above list is provided for reference only. The NZGDA does not officially endorse any academic programme, and takes no responsibility for the quality and management of any individual course listed above.

The Media Design School is probably the only listed institute that does offer actual Game Development related courses.
I know for a fact that Otago Universitys Computer Science degree does NOT offer Game Development related courses. There is one programming paper which may or may not be game related. Which means the other universities offer much in the same thing (a paper that may include gaming elements but no actual game creation required). And, with my extensive experience with Polytechs, the listed institutes are most probably not of great help either.

The Careers website lists the following:
Entry requirements

To become a game developer you usually need a tertiary qualification such as:
a degree in computer science or programming
a degree or higher diploma in games art or computer animation.

The New Zealand Game Developers Association recommends you also build up a portfolio of paid or voluntary game development work that you have done outside of your course.

Game developers gain many skills on the job. They also attend conferences and training sessions to help them keep up to date with changes in the gaming industry, computer technologies, and software.
NZ Game Developers Association website - information about getting into the industry
Secondary education

A tertiary entrance qualification is needed to enter tertiary training. Useful subjects at school include maths, art, graphics and computer studies.
Personal requirements

Game developers need to be:
creative and artistic
methodical and accurate
patient and adaptable
able to work well under pressure
able to work well in a team
good at managing projects
skilled in analysing computer and video game software and systems
good at planning, organising and problem-solving
good oral and written communicators.
Useful experience

Useful experience for game developers includes:
writing computer code to create games, software or websites
art or design work
experience recording or editing film
playing computer and video games.
Physical requirements

Game developers spend a lot of time using computers and video game equipment, so need to know how to use equipment properly to minimise the risk of occupational overuse syndrome (OOS).

A persons best bet at becoming a game designer is to start with the programming and end with the designing. Oh, and to ignore anyone who tells you 'it is impossible'.

Oh and get help. Lots and lots of quality help.

Reply #110 Posted: February 25, 2013, 02:38:48 pm
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Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Ninja Attack has all these elements and more!

Reply #111 Posted: February 25, 2013, 02:44:07 pm

Offline private_hell

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Victoria's Engineering departments offering in terms of computer game design:

Comp308 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-308
Comp313 - Computer Game Development - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-313
Comp408 - Computer Graphics Rendering - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-408
Comp409 - Three - Dimensional Modelling for Computer Graphics - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-409
Comp595 - Computer Graphics Thesis - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-595

there is also other courses for AI etc which are also used in games. Courses are taught in conjunction with the design school and are made up with a mixture of engineering and design students

Reply #112 Posted: February 25, 2013, 04:10:37 pm
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: EXTREAM_FEVAR;860360
inb4 Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress with awesome graphics and amazing UI.

Will play forever.

Reply #113 Posted: February 25, 2013, 04:20:39 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: private_hell;1518975
Victoria's Engineering departments offering in terms of computer game design

Interesting. I have none of the requirements for any of these papers.

Then again, neither does Dean "Rocket" Hall

Reply #114 Posted: February 25, 2013, 05:03:20 pm
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Quote from: Spacemonkey;1518978
Dwarf Fortress with awesome graphics and amazing UI.

Will play forever.


I'd just like to add my bit to this almost 4 year old topic.

I don't like how unfinished so many games are becoming these days. Simple mistakes, simple obvious features, that have been left out / avoided. Dead island is a great example of this, which is sad because it looks like before it was sold, it was actually a product the original dev team really cared about.

Makes me want to get into designing games to show bitches how they should make a game. Not that I know anything about making one right now. ;)

Reply #115 Posted: February 25, 2013, 07:21:02 pm
Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AM
I've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me

Offline private_hell

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you could probably get admission from the course co-ordinator because you already have a degree, and if you can show that you have completed courses which are similar to the pre-requisites you could probably get accepting into the course

Reply #116 Posted: February 25, 2013, 08:01:48 pm
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;910901

Oh hello there Kinect and Playstation Move! A year and a half later and these two turd-burgling pessimistic money grabbing technologies turn up to try and eat up any of the left over money from the Wii's casual gaming money making magnificence.

Unfortunately all we get are Dance Games and the utterly retarded Mind Jack, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, Fighters Uncaged, and the bizarre: Resident Evil: Move Edition and Heavy Rain - Move Edition

Speaking of Heavy Rain. You suck. You are a bad game. Your control scheme is abhorrent. The control scheme is meant to make the player uncomfortable. Things that make me uncomfortable get sent to Guantanamo bay. Your pacing is slower a John Cage Concert. Apparently you are a masterpiece.

Either the future has been infected by a bad case of the Stupids, or the word "Masterpiece" now no longer means anything of value.

Reply #117 Posted: February 26, 2013, 02:52:36 am
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Quote from: private_hell;1519018
you could probably get admission from the course co-ordinator because you already have a degree, and if you can show that you have completed courses which are similar to the pre-requisites you could probably get accepting into the course

Google has recently released a Google In-Game Advertising module for AdSense. It is currently in beta. The requirements are:

Current Requirements
Game plays: Minimum 500,000 per day
Game types: Web-based Flash only
Integration: Must be technically capable of SDK integration
Traffic source: Must be 80% US & UK Traffic
Content: Family safe and targeted at users age 13 and up
Distribution: Must be able to report embed destination and have control over where games are distributed

500,000 game plays/day? That seems unimaginably huge to me. However, interestingly enough:

On what platform(s) do you develop games? *
 Web Based (Flash)
Web Based (Java)

Select all that apply

Reply #118 Posted: February 26, 2013, 03:14:16 am
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Offline Nostargate

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I want a game that doesn't allow Tiwa to necro :|

Reply #119 Posted: February 26, 2013, 08:05:51 am

Offline Retardobot

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I just want my game to have tits.

Plenty of massive tits.

Reply #120 Posted: February 26, 2013, 10:19:04 am

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Retardobot;1519068
I just want my game to have tits.

Plenty of massive tits.

You may have to stick with fighting games

Reply #121 Posted: February 26, 2013, 11:43:58 am
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Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: Retardobot;1519068
I just want my game to have tits.

Plenty of massive tits.


from Tiwas link

Reply #122 Posted: February 26, 2013, 11:49:18 am

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;1518967
Which means the other universities offer much in the same thing (a paper that may include gaming elements but no actual game creation required).

UC had one, dunno if it still does.

But it was coded as an English paper. Or maybe it was Education. Eithery way, wasn't science.
Still though, didn't result in actual creation, but was fully dedicated to the multiple facets of game design.

Reply #123 Posted: February 26, 2013, 07:09:55 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

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Quote from: private_hell;1518975
Victoria's Engineering departments offering in terms of computer game design:

Comp308 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/comp-308

Is Fred Harris teaching this?

Reply #124 Posted: February 28, 2013, 11:54:55 am
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