Just had the awesome golden ale that is Talley Ho! - the new brewers reserve from Emersons.had a few others. finished with Ganko Oyaji. Japanese Barley wine - http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/baird-ganko-oyaji-stubborn-old-man-barley-wine/73112/was tits. have a Red Rocket "bastardized scotch ale" and a Rogue Chipotle to go with roast lamb for dinner. - both fucking good beers.EDIT: also a SOBA member.
Getting another shipment of Baird kegs soon, along with Nøgne Ø kegs - they will both share a tap, and we will keep the american beers on tap at the same time. I see some rather late (even more late) nights in future.If you like the Ganko Oyaji perhaps try the bottle of west coast wheat wine, its a "fun" barley wine
Im going to come in and try the Sultan Of Swing when its on tap.
8 wired is tits. we have 2 kegs, each fermented with a different yeast, there was another keg fermented with a 3rd, but it wasn't good enough to sell as a trial (or so awesome it didn't make it to the keg)
Sedimentation is good for you, puts hairs on your chest.On another note, who here is a SOBA member?
Enjoying a rather nice home brew. Also had a Mike's Pilsner last night, was very drinkable.
I've heard good things about Mike's. Only drinkable?
Had a Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel Bourbon and a Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel Highland tonight OMFG amazing.
Does the weasel $#@! make it taste better?
Been thinking about doing some homebrew for a bit now and today I spotted this. OMG I want.http://www.williamswarn.com/