Have a look at bridge cameras if you just want to get started. My Panasonic DMC-FZ28 does straight RAW files as well as normal JPEGS so it gives you that ability to play with Raw files without breaking your wallet on a full D-SLR. It also has the ability to screw filters on (56mm though which is a little expensive) so you can play with polar lens etc....I bought mine for about $680NZ, but not sure how much you can get it for in Aus.You can get into photography with any camera though, its mainly about finding the right subject and then getting the best composition.
Went to Victoria (mainly Melbourne) on the weekend as my brother lives over there, got a few photos.A lot of my photos had a lot of noise in them, is there some setting that I have changed, or does something else change the amount of noise that gets into a photo?
Also, is there a setting so that if I was to focus on a certain distance/ object, the rest of the photo would be blurred?Say I'm looking at a sign on a road, and I want the sign to be clear, but everything else out of focus?I know by changing the aperture you focus on different.. distances or lengths, but is there a way to change the settings of what is not focused on?Hopefully this is understandable.. EDIT:Ah, never mind.http://www.slrphotographyguide.com/camera/settings/av-mode.shtml