Well, I guess this is _one_ way of drawing attention to an issue, sure
Too much carnage, less skill.
That's exactly what GG is. No skill, just pure carnage.
Sounds like growler's sort of game.
Sounds like you're a 2yr old who can't seem to get over it.You do realise the more attention to pay to Growler, the harder his penis gets?
I didn't know any of the grrls still played.cash/fairy is off in BF2 land...fembot to stuck in 2nd life...laurasaur got married...Slapper... well *shrug*.kek's up and dissappeard while I was still playing. I guess wow claimed another one or something...Infact, I blame WoW for the entire downfall of ICONZ CSS.
Infact, I blame WoW for the entire downfall of ICONZ CSS.
The noobs and kiddies home from school during the day populate it and later in the afternoon/evening it's already full. CBF starting a new server up.
We've always had a regular rotational server, it never ever ever ever left. I don't understand why everyone has it in their mind that we only offer dd2 24/7. Don't say its because thats the only one populated either, because you guys are the ones who are populating it instead of the servers you supposedly want.
Rather than find fault with the DD2 , ... as a matter of interest , whats wrong with iconz #2 and #3 ?I used to like playing those personally (well dying on them) , but no-one plays on them ?:disappoin
true true no one is ever on them
A conversation was had in the admin forums and we came to the conclusion that some server changes were in order but that the infamous DD2 24/7 server must stay as it is. Also, the "noobs and kiddies" Void mentions are the future gamers, it's obvious they enjoy our dd2 24/7 server and so their gaming needs are catered for. The regulars (all you other guys) voted for the current setup but have yet to make use of it on a regular basis.
Because the setup on them is shit.