Topic: Football Thread (formally Soccer Thread)

Offline Spork

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It's probably a real photo from the training fields. :P

Reply #1575 Posted: February 04, 2011, 09:29:48 pm

Offline Spork

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Just curious, who else here thinks that Video Refereeing should become a part of soccer?

I'm a regular on an Arsenal Forum, and pretty well everyone on there thinks there should be one, but I'm just wondering what other team's fans think of the idea, especially Man U fans, who would never win another league title if they didn't have the refs decisions every game. ;)

Reply #1576 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:53:13 am

Offline R3DM@N

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Yeah video reffing for sure...

Reply #1577 Posted: February 05, 2011, 09:59:28 am

Offline LeadCollector

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In principle I am for some sort of technological assistance but dont want it to be to a point where the game is stopped every 2 minutes to go to the 5th video official.
A simple chip in the ball that clearly displays when the ball has crossed the line and appealing an offside ruling only if it results in a goal.

I lol'd at your man-u comment but I am afraid they would still have a 5th official in their pocket as well as having a detector on the ball which if last touched by a manpoo player would give the chip a greater tolerance :p
Manpoo will die once Fergie does, till then we wait :)

Reply #1578 Posted: February 05, 2011, 10:23:04 am

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline JuDgE MenTaL

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I'm kind of torn. I can see both sides of this argument, and the problem for me is that you definitely take something away from football. The 'fors' will argue that what you replace it with is better, but is it?

I look at Tennis now with their technology and I think it's taken something away from the game and with Tennis you are watching 2 people who have no other contact than a ball. In Football it's 24, (I'm including the managers here) and even with video refereeing you are never going to get it right 100%, it won't catch everything and we might all be sitting there for 5 minutes waiting for an inconclusive call. Also, do you make it only for the top flight, how far down do you go? Making a Championship league team put in expensive technology is also a factor, but bad decisions made at that level are just as damaging and could make or break a club who may have got promoted into another income band but didn't because they had a goal disallowed.

For that reason, I think that goal line technology should definitely be introduced first or at least trialled, but I would say that because of the ridiculous call on Lampard's goal in the World Cup :). With such a lot at stake now, genuine goals like that one being disallowed shouldn't happen, especially in a tourney like that. I think it's worked well for Rugby, but as I'm not the worlds biggest Rugby fan I'm sure there's other opinons, but the impression I get is that it's accepted now.

 Refereeing is not only about enforcing the rules of the game but keeping it flowing and making it entertaining. Stopping for a ruling every five minutes would just add to already lengthy stoppages like injuries, substitutions, ball out of play etc and would constantly have referee's second guess themselves or worse still, inject complacency where they rely purely on the technology and literally 'take their eye off the ball'.

 I think that anything more than goal line tech would be detrimental. Some Goal line tech options are fairly low cost too and therefore available to a wider group.
In reality, who really cares that much if someone was 50mm offside, or when the ball bounced off a hand did the player gesture towards it???? Does it really make that much of a difference in the grand scheme? Those things should be left to the official's interpretation.

 Honestly, 4 referee's should be enough but the calls they make are responsible for the controvesy, excitement and some great talking points, always has been and those things make some games all the more memorable and that's what makes football what it is. Remove that, and you water it all down I think.

Reply #1579 Posted: February 05, 2011, 10:57:53 am
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Offline Spork

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I'm not talking about making decisions for throw ins and unimportant free kicks, I'm talking about stuff like the Saha offside goal against Arsenal, and that Lampard goal in the WC, and Eduardo's dive last season, the handball which disallowed Arsenal a goal when one of our players took a free kick which hit the wall (in exactly the same fashion as what Fabregas and Chamakh got done for earlier this season as well).

Important decisions only, perhaps only once or twice a game. Also, if it was up to me, I would have a fifth official (or two)who is constantly watching the game via video and as soon as there is anything controversial they make a decision about it, so then the captain/ manager of the accusing team complains, the ref buzzes straight through to the 5th official and they have an instant decision.

At the moment there is usually at least a minute or two wasted when ever something happens anyway as they players run over to either ref and shout at him, then there's usually a tussle between two players, and then it takes an extra thirty seconds for the ref to decide what the outcome is.

Reply #1580 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:05:59 pm

Offline Thetruereddevil

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I am only for it if the flow of the game is kept, no sitting around waiting for decisions, 30 seconds max on a goal ruling sort of thing. Offside im not such a huge fan of that being video reffed, need to keep a bit of the human element to it, and that means there will be far too many stoppages in the end.

As for the Man U boo boys.....tissue?


Reply #1581 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:08:49 pm

Offline Spork

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Quote from: Thetruereddevil;1357440
I am only for it if the flow of the game is kept, no sitting around waiting for decisions, 30 seconds max on a goal ruling sort of thing. Offside im not such a huge fan of that being video reffed, need to keep a bit of the human element to it, and that means there will be far too many stoppages in the end.

As for the Man U boo boys.....tissue?


Human error is fine when you are refereeing an under 12s match, but when game after game after game the refs fuck up huge decisions (such as the Arsenal V Everton game) then that is too far, I would happily give up every decision which has been wrongly given to Arsenal if it means that the game is fair from now on.

Reply #1582 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:11:33 pm

Offline Thetruereddevil

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Referees need to be more accountable i think. Problem is where do you draw the line with decisions, red cards? offsides? Penalties? has the potential to get a bit much

Thing is whether we want this or not, Blatter has pretty much said its not happening, so that may be that for now

Reply #1583 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:33:32 pm

Offline Spork

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He said late last year that it may be a possibility, the only thing holding them back now is it is going to cost a crapload.

Reply #1584 Posted: February 05, 2011, 12:54:20 pm

Offline SteddieEddie

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cost doesn't seem to be a problem in football

Reply #1585 Posted: February 05, 2011, 04:48:04 pm

Offline R3DM@N

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agree with eddie, they can pay billions to players etc but they cant afford video equipment..i dont mean offisdes and shit, thats just refereeing.. but in terms of goals, im all for it especially because drogba always hits the line and goals are disallowed :P

Reply #1586 Posted: February 05, 2011, 06:34:17 pm


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Quote from: Spork;1356546
Arsenal's only major problem is defence, at the moment we have Vermaelan out injured, Squillaci suspended for three games, Koscielny one yellow card away from being suspended, and Djourou is our only CB who has no issues except for the fact that up until recently he has been more injury prone than RVP.

Nothing wrong with your defence :)  Go Newcastle.  Would love to here Wenger in the dressing room after that

Reply #1587 Posted: February 06, 2011, 06:02:44 am

Offline R3DM@N

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Go the wolves! Upset!

Reply #1588 Posted: February 06, 2011, 09:02:24 am

Offline maorifulla

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mean wolves mean!!

WHat about the geordies LOL go newcastle LOL

oh shit cant wait for tomorrow

Reply #1589 Posted: February 06, 2011, 09:42:34 am

Offline R3DM@N

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Cant wait either maori! Altho cant watch it because work :(

Reply #1590 Posted: February 06, 2011, 10:18:38 am

Offline Thetruereddevil

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dirty old Wolves eh

Newcastle did alright too, limited the damage

Reply #1591 Posted: February 06, 2011, 10:20:15 am

Offline maorifulla

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Quote from: R3DM@N;1357628
Cant wait either maori! Altho cant watch it because work :(

OH BL. ill be watching before i head off to work

Reply #1592 Posted: February 06, 2011, 12:32:38 pm

Offline Spork

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God fucking damn it.

Turn on TV and flicked over to the game which I had recorded, thought I had only missed 20 minutes, see a scoreline of 1-4 at 70 minutes, think 'You beauty!' log onto The Sun to check out the match report or any controversy - see how the ref fucked up this game, and see Man U lost!! 'You Beauty!!' Then I see we fucking drew 4-4.. WHAT THE HELL?? lol fucking football.

I just noticed that Man U and Arsenal have scored the same amount of goals as they have points on the table.
Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 03:04:11 pm by Spork

Reply #1593 Posted: February 06, 2011, 02:58:18 pm

Offline Spork

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Fucking hell, I just watched the game.

Ref was shit, I mean even if football had a video ref Arsenal wouldn't have enough appeals in them to be able to appeal every major wrong decision.

Goal 1: Koscielny got the ball and even if he didn't it was clearly a dive. - Not a penalty

Goal 2: Probably the only goal which was deserved from what I saw.

Goal 3: What the fuck? Are you bloody kidding me?
Football Thread (formally Soccer Thread)

Even the fourth official didn't think it was a penalty.

Goal 4: Same shit applies, absolutely ridiculous, Rosicky literally puts his back up against Floppy Barton and Barton JUMPED to the ground, absolute crap. The volley goal was amazing though.

I no longer believe that video refereeing will fix these problems, there needs to be a fifth official on the pitch who punches the referees in the face when they make such bad decisions.
Football Thread (formally Soccer Thread)

35 Million pounds well spent.

Also, their goal which was called offside was onside, so it wasn't just us who got fucked over during the match.

Speaking of getting fucked, I laughed whole heartily at this;
Football Thread (formally Soccer Thread)

This is a quote from a user on another forum, exactly my thoughts.
We often talk about this issue, and almost every week in the EPL there are huge decisions made by officials, which are shown, literally seconds later to us on our television sets as the wrong decision.

My biggest gripe about this is not whether decisions go against my team(Although a nuisance) but the huge amounts of money which hinge on these decisions.

How can a game (which sees transfer fees of £50 million for one player and many teams with much of their squads earning £100K+ per week) continue to be officiated in such an archaic fashion?

People will argue that overall, the wrong decisions that go for you and against you probably even out over a season, but such decisions can mean the difference between a team winning a championship, or perhaps more devastatingly, getting relegated.

West Brom have had three or four clear cut penalties denied in the last month which could have a massive impact on their season. Arsenal conceded a ludicrous offside goal against Everton in the week, which was discussed at length by a referee and the assistant and still given wrongly in Evertons favour. A referee doing his job properly today, would have a little word in Bartons ear early in the first half about his over exuberant tackling/fouling, whatever you want to call it. Perhaps he wouldn't have gone in on Diaby with a potential career ending tackle and the ref lost control of the game as a result!

I've seriously had enough of the situation now. The game is played at lightning pace and we need the technology to suit. Every other major sport is light years ahead in terms of officiating, yet our dinosaurs at FIFA don't see a problem.

What are others thoughts? Do we need such technology? If so, what do we need to make games ruled fairly and more importantly rightly?
Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 07:22:25 pm by Spork

Reply #1594 Posted: February 06, 2011, 06:57:35 pm

Offline Spork

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By the way, this is a link to the best website in the world for football downloads, they had the Arsenal match uploaded IN HD before I even woke up today, I usually have to wait until at least the late afternoon before I can even download a crappy quality version.

Reply #1595 Posted: February 06, 2011, 07:12:46 pm

Offline kilabee

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Quote from: Spork;1357755
Blah blah blah arsenal blah blah blah.
Don't mean to rub you the wrong way Spork but open both eyes when watching the game.

Reply #1596 Posted: February 06, 2011, 07:50:06 pm

Offline Spork

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Even the commentators thought something was up. I was talking to a Spurs fan on Facebook who even agreed with me.

EDIT: Have you seen the highlights of the game? At least two of the goals scored should not have been. I'm serious, it's rubbish how refs get away with this shit constantly. And while I am at it, if this was the other way around, and Arsenal came back from being down 4 to draw or win, I would think the same, of course if it was up to me I wouldn't give up the win in pursuit of fair game, but it's just rubbish.
Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 08:21:56 pm by Spork

Reply #1597 Posted: February 06, 2011, 08:17:05 pm

Offline LeadCollector

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ManU losing = Win :p Love it when Sir Alex's neck vein sticks out and his face goes blood red.

Bad luck Arsenal, yes there where a few bad calls but it seems to be the norm with the refs at the moment and despite the bad calls you still allowed them in 4 times :)

Bring on the show tomorrow morning! I have a feeling it will be one of those Liverpool Vs Chelsea classics.

Reply #1598 Posted: February 06, 2011, 08:58:26 pm

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline Spork

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Yea, I'm definitely not saying that the team isn't at fault, it is 51% the team's fault and 49% Dowd's.

Hopefully there will be another 4-4 draw in the Chelsea Liverpool game. ;)

Reply #1599 Posted: February 06, 2011, 09:14:33 pm