Topic: Football Thread (formally Soccer Thread)

Offline SteddieEddie

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LOL Arsenal fans barking mad

Reply #2075 Posted: May 18, 2011, 03:33:51 pm

Offline Spork

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Yea, that dog is very brave for barking so much during his rage.

Reply #2076 Posted: May 18, 2011, 03:37:17 pm

Offline maorifulla

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that must of been that game vs liverpool when they scored

and then conceeded a penalty in the box in the last seconds LOL

Reply #2077 Posted: May 18, 2011, 03:38:06 pm

Offline Spork

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Newcastle 4-4 game.

But yep, I felt the same during the pool game, and the spurs game, and the west brom game, and the stoke game, and the game two weeks ago.. oh wait no.. That is one of our 3 wins from the last 14...

Reply #2078 Posted: May 18, 2011, 03:46:11 pm

Offline SteddieEddie

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shit yeah you must be worried about the piss poor end to the season, wonder whats going on in with the squad?

Reply #2079 Posted: May 18, 2011, 03:58:39 pm

Offline Spork

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No idea, it's not enough to say that they are stuffed because of how we lost the CC final, because that is a pathetic excuse. I don't accept this whole bottling shit, because what the hell is bottling? Also a team who 'bottle it' every year, would surely see that after the first year and say 'well we will have to work on that to make sure it doesn't happen next year'.. 5-6 years later and it's still happening.

Shit needs a fixing. I doubt the fans will pay such high prices to go see us win one in 15 games.

Reply #2080 Posted: May 18, 2011, 04:26:41 pm

Offline LeadCollector

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Where is the video of what happened next? Or is that in front of the courts as exhibit a? :)

Reply #2081 Posted: May 18, 2011, 08:45:36 pm

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline Spork

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Well considering his told his missus or whomever to fuck off after the 3rd goal, i'd say she is probably six feet under after Newcastle's fourth. :P

Reply #2082 Posted: May 18, 2011, 09:38:58 pm

Offline maorifulla

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he was being a bit of a bell end

Reply #2083 Posted: May 19, 2011, 01:16:38 pm

Offline SteddieEddie

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Loved the bit were he almost started crying

Reply #2084 Posted: May 19, 2011, 02:02:06 pm

Offline Spork

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The joys of being an Arsenal supporter.

Reply #2085 Posted: May 19, 2011, 02:04:16 pm

Offline Wandarah

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I read today that Denilson wants out. Gutted.

Reply #2086 Posted: May 20, 2011, 01:58:08 pm
Immanentize the eschaton

Offline Spork

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FFS, serious? Damn, I guess we will be stuck with Fabregas in midfield now then? I don't get it, why do all the shit players stay, and the good ones like Denny boy want out.. We must be doing something wrong.

DENILSON rocked Arsenal

LOL. Serious?

wtf? What a cunt, fuck that bloke right off.

Good to see that he wrote off Tottenscum though, always good to see an Arsenal player - no matter how shit, to say that he will never go to Tottnumb.

EDIT: INB4 people say 'It's the Sun'.

Something is missing at Arsenal
THE giant, red suitcases already lined up in the hall of his Hertfordshire home say a lot.
But it is the look on the face of Arsenal star Denilson that says it all.
It's a mixture of relief and regret.
Relief that manager Arsène Wenger has agreed to his request to leave after five years in North London.
Regret that he was unable to help end the six-year silverware famine that has blighted Arsène Wenger's team.
And the 23-year-old Brazilian midfielder is as bemused as anyone as to why it has all gone so horribly wrong.
He sighs: "There's something missing at Arsenal but no one knows what it is. Not the manager, not the players - nobody.
"Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool spend millions and millions on players.
"But we are still the best footballing side in Britain, we play beautiful football. Only Barcelona do it better. But we don't win trophies.
"That's so frustrating, you can't imagine how frustrating.
"Arsenal is a great club, we have a great manager and so many talented players. So we should be collecting silverware. And there are no excuses for it.
"Some people say we don't succeed because we are too young and naive - but that's no excuse.
"We didn't lose the Carling Cup final to Birmingham because we were too young. We lost because our confidence collapsed completely when Obafemi Martins scored for them.
"This was a final we should have won, we were the favourites.
"It was the opportunity to silence all our critics. Here's a trophy to shut you all up after five years - and this is going to be the start of many.
"What a lift that would have given us all. Especially as we were in such a fantastic position in all the other competitions too.
"The quarter-finals of the FA Cup, quarter finals of the Champions League and sitting second in the league. It was all there for us and we were so motivated.
"But when Martins scored it was all over. You could see it in the eyes of the players and the supporters there at Wembley. Our confidence just drained away and we never got it back. It was a catastrophe.
"That was the moment our season was ruined, it started a domino effect and no one could stop it.
"I knew it was a massive moment, the point where it all started to go badly wrong and I think we all knew.

"I went home afterwards and just cried. I was very upset, very sad and I was ashamed."
Denilson was not alone. He says the whole squad, the entire Arsenal staff was devastated.
The crippling damage of that final defeat proved impossible to repair.
Within a fortnight an Arsenal side that was on course for an historic Quadruple was in freefall.
The Gunners were knocked out in the Champions League quarter finals by Barcelona, despite a first-leg lead. And then a third body blow followed when they were dispatched in the FA Cup quarters by Manchester United.
The triple whammy of despair left them so shattered that they have since slipped out of the title race too.
Slumping from second in the table to fourth and facing the prospect of having to qualify for the Champions League next term even if they win at Fulham on Sunday.
Denilson said: "After Birmingham the boss told us to hold our heads up and stressed there was still so much to play for.
"We had Barca and United coming up and we were chasing the title. But although we went into both those games still believing we could win, it wasn't enough. Since then everything has fallen away."
Denilson can barely believe how Arsenal have slumped out of contention. He says they are paying the price for some expensive lapses in games they should have won.
"I remember leading Liverpool 1-0 and they scored in the last seconds. We were 4-0 up at Newcastle but drew.
"We also lost to Newcastle at home and West Brom and Aston Villa.
"We threw it away against Sunderland and Blackburn at the Emirates.
"Let's be honest, some of those games were shocking, shameful. We are better than that.
"But until Arsenal stop throwing away those silly points in those stupid games nothing will change."
Denilson's sorrow is real but he can feel the pain and anguish of his manager too.
"All the players are hurting but we know the supporters suffer even more than we do.
"And most of all the boss suffers it worst of all and that makes me sad because he is a great man and a great manager."

Denilson says Wenger has been brilliant in dealing with his desire to leave. "I went to see him and told him of my decision and he understood.
"He says he will not stand in my way and if the club receive a good offer for me I can go. I was so relieved to hear that. I am very grateful.
"Not every manager would have been like Arsène Wenger, not every club would act like Arsenal. I know in a year's time I might regret it and be wishing I'd stayed. I may go somewhere and find it's just not the same.
"But my heart tells me I have to take that risk, I have to be honest with myself, be true to myself.
"I am a footballer and I want to play every week because I want the chance to play for Brazil.
"Look at Lucas at Liverpool. He's been playing regularly and he's in the Brazil team. That's where I want to be.
"I would love to be able to do that at Arsenal but based on how things have gone this season, I think it's time for a change.
"So I am flying home to Brazil on Sunday and I'm hoping I can make a fresh start in Spain or maybe Italy."

Well said, but he's still a cunt.

He is one of the reasons why we haven't won shit recently.
Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 02:29:02 pm by Spork

Reply #2087 Posted: May 20, 2011, 02:10:23 pm

Offline Wandarah

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He is. As is the mentality that allows him to have a 60k p/w salary.

Reply #2088 Posted: May 20, 2011, 09:16:37 pm
Immanentize the eschaton

Offline Spork

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There was some great matches on last night, went to the pub with a mate and it had quite a few people there, I'd say the Blackburn Wolves game was my favourite, and it was probably the most celebrated match at the pub as well.

Just about to watch the Gunner's match as it wasn't televised in Aus at all... I know the result but oh well, it is the last match of the season.

EDIT: Oh yea.. Also.. What the fuck? I mean come on!,,10268~2364758,00.html

Reply #2089 Posted: May 23, 2011, 02:50:35 pm


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Great results last night, would rather have seen Wigan go down than Blackpool though

I think you guys should start asking the FA to shorten the season as obviously the staying power isn't there.
 perhaps a 4 week season???

Fingers crossed for Saturday and a double

Reply #2090 Posted: May 23, 2011, 05:51:31 pm

Offline LeadCollector

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And based on Henno's snide comment.... I will be sporting a Barcelona top on the weekend :p

Reply #2091 Posted: May 23, 2011, 08:54:10 pm

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline Spork

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It is so difficult for me to choose sides for the CL final, however I know a lot more MU fans whom are cocky dicks than I do Barca fans (at all) so I might have to support Barca.

Reply #2092 Posted: May 23, 2011, 10:31:10 pm

Offline LeadCollector

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So long as Man U get done I will be happy... love watchin fergie's viens pop

Reply #2093 Posted: May 23, 2011, 10:38:48 pm

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline maorifulla

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ill be supporting barca

manure assholes

Reply #2094 Posted: May 24, 2011, 10:01:08 am

Offline SteddieEddie

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I will support manure at least if they win I will not feel so bad about coming second to them

Reply #2095 Posted: May 24, 2011, 11:15:55 am

Offline JuDgE MenTaL

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I wonder if Giggs will pop up in the box unoticed :) *ahem* what a mug.

Reply #2096 Posted: May 24, 2011, 11:16:29 am
[size=+1]Origin ID - JUDG3-M3NTAL[/size]
Quote from: leadcollector
“there is very little vegetables I can eat without gagging like a pron

Offline maorifulla

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i wouldnt be ashamed of tapn imogen if i was giggsy

just been on the twitter

rumours that Charlie Adam and Brad Friedel are preconfirmed with the club

Reply #2097 Posted: May 24, 2011, 12:10:01 pm

Offline Thetruereddevil

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tut all these fair weather supporting Man U coz we hate Spanish divers people....

seriously tho, think both Henno and I are on the tame side of "snide cocky dicks" :P

To quote my work mates

Arse supporter - Fuckin hate both teams, but if i had to its too hard.....oh U because we beat them last month and theyre not Barca...
Chelski supporter - FUCKING BEAT BARCA (everytime he sees me...) Then some ramble about Barca buying refs or something...
Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 04:42:11 pm by Thetruereddevil

Reply #2098 Posted: May 24, 2011, 04:39:03 pm

Offline Wandarah

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Well my good man - despite your desire to slap your hands against the keyboard posting - I take exception with your 'fair weather fans'.

I have hated Barca for years now. They are cheating, tooly, fucking cunts. And I hope someone like Alex *puke* Ferguson takes them down.

Smart money stays on Barca though.

Reply #2099 Posted: May 24, 2011, 10:38:05 pm
Immanentize the eschaton