Topic: Grading game

Offline liquidpain

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It's almost been a year since Obama has been in office and most news networks are grading him on his performance so far.

What do you give him?

Me, A-

It's a fun little game.

Posted: January 20, 2010, 11:09:34 pm

Offline Spin

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i give him an achieved

Reply #1 Posted: January 21, 2010, 12:50:05 am

Offline camy205

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He's done alright. Hasn't done a hell of a lot but I don't think anyone could fix up George W. Bush's 8-year-fuck-up in one year!

Not to bad though.

Reply #2 Posted: January 21, 2010, 11:05:57 am
Quote from: Craigorsarus;1484182
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Offline Advent

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I give him 7/10.....
There was lots of talk about assassinating him, yet hes still alive.
An an extra +0.5 for that... :chuckle:

Reply #3 Posted: January 21, 2010, 11:23:33 am

Offline Tiwaking!

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Reply #4 Posted: January 21, 2010, 11:38:56 am
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Offline Distorted

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The American Public don't seem to convinced of Obama's success. His approval rate has fallen nearly 20%. The Healthcare Reform plan is probably partly responsible for that decline in approval, among other things.
The Reform plan is probably going to be stifled further due to Republican Scott Brown winning the Senate seat for Massachusetts vacated by Ted Kennedy and the Democrats losing their Majority

Reply #5 Posted: January 21, 2010, 12:04:36 pm
[23:46] <Hori> I\'d do gay for pay
[23:46] <Hori> if the pay was right

I think I would know where to sign on a sexual harrassment settlement, thank you[/CENTER]

Offline varkk

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They still have a majority, they are just scared to actually use it. They now have 59 to 40 in the senate(with Lieberman Independant to make 100) Due to Senate rules the minority can hold up leglislation by keeping the debate going indefinitely unless they get 60 votes to close off debate and actually vote. The democrats can still try to push their agenda through and make a republican senator stand on the floor wearing adult diapers and reading from the phoneboook to try to stall the senate to stop it. But they seem to be scared of actually doing anything due to them being scared of the nasty republicans.

Reply #6 Posted: January 21, 2010, 03:00:26 pm

Offline SteddieEddie

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Until he closes Q Bay I give him a 3

Reply #7 Posted: January 21, 2010, 03:18:55 pm

Offline Spigalau

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Quote from: runing;1054028
Until he closes E-Bay I give him a 3


Guantánamo Bay

oh and 5/10 - not really achieved anything.

Reply #8 Posted: January 21, 2010, 03:58:55 pm
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in his defence, try and actually make substantial change in your first year. he's done bloody well, considering the state of things when he took over.

i won't really pass judgement until the end of the 1st term, but he is definately moving in a good direction IMO

Reply #9 Posted: January 21, 2010, 04:02:06 pm
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline Rusty Bolt

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He's earned a B in my book. Lots of style, not a lot of substance.

I'd like to know how he scored the Nobel Peace prize.

Reply #10 Posted: January 21, 2010, 04:30:12 pm

Offline liquidpain

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Quote from: varkk;1054006
They still have a majority, they are just scared to actually use it. They now have 59 to 40 in the senate(with Lieberman Independant to make 100)


Reply #11 Posted: January 21, 2010, 07:15:34 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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Fuck, thread disappoints :(

Reply #12 Posted: January 21, 2010, 08:05:56 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline liquidpain

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;1053815
10/10 for hype
3/10 for performance

3/10 seems pretty low... He did an outstanding job in his first year. Stablised the financial systems, time plan to withdraw from Iraq, boosting the war effort in afghanistan, putting alot more pressure on pakistan to do more. I bet he could of done alot more in regards to domestic and foreign policy if it wasn't for butthurt republicans slowing everything down.

Reply #13 Posted: January 24, 2010, 10:33:07 am

Offline TuataraDude

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Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
Stablised the financial systems

Not sure I can agree with you on that one. Yes, things stabilised, but there has been nothing to prevent things from spiralling out again. Just look at some of the bonusses being paid out again (Merryl Linch anyone?).

3 is a little tough, but only a little. I give him 4/10. You cannot blame the republicans as nobody was willing to blame the democrats when the roles were reversed.

Reply #14 Posted: January 24, 2010, 10:57:44 am
Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in.

Offline Pyromanik

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I find it hard to beleive it's been a year already, wow.
We haven't heard much, but I assume he's focussing on getting his own shit (America) in line first, instead of just applying adlib patches all over the place with stopgap measures.
Still holds promise, but he better start doing (more) stuff and making it more apparent exactly what and why he's doing it so people understand.
Last thing anyone wants is to be rememebered as the president that sat on his hands.

A thouroughly on the fence 5 from me. I'd like to tip it to 7, but I think that's more because I like him as president rather than what he's been doing. But then again, I haven't kept up with the news either. So 5 is the best choice.

Reply #15 Posted: January 24, 2010, 12:28:48 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
3/10 seems pretty low... He did an outstanding job in his first year.

Normally I would agree with you, but Im not comparing his first year with the incredibly low bar set by George Dubya, Im comparing it to the other 43 presidents that have come and gone

Edit: George W Bush was, by far, NOT the worst president America has ever had. Just wanted to state that
Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
Stablised the financial systems

Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
time plan to withdraw from Iraq

Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
boosting the war effort in afghanistan

Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
putting alot more pressure on pakistan to do more

For starters, before I start pulling out the criticism stick, could I have some links to where you are getting these ideas from? Im not saying that you are wrong, its just that these are.....interesting points of view.
Quote from: liquidpain;1055695
I bet he could of done alot more in regards to domestic and foreign policy if it wasn't for butthurt republicans slowing everything down.

I dunno. He increased funding for abortion of African babies. Two thumbs up from me!!

Re-iterate: 3/10

Reply #16 Posted: January 24, 2010, 06:19:50 pm
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Offline Raped_ByA_Spoon

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What he promised in first 12 months:

  • G bay shut down
  • Removal of "don’t ask don’t tell" from the US military
  • Healthcare bill passed
  • Plan for going out of Iraq
  • Focus of Afghanistan
  • "Fix the US economy
  • Improve worldwide perception of US

What he has achieved

  • G Bay = changed trials to civilian, but apart from that its still going.  4 / 10
  • Don’t ask / Don’t tell = 0 / 10
  • Healthcare bill = this is bloody hard, to much $s involved and this nearly killed Clinton.  Not to mention Lieberman is a cunt.  However he lost control of the debate, allowed Fox to make stupid shit up and never came out in support of a particular bill (i.e. senate vs. house).  Basically amateur but a hard ask.  3/10
  • Plan for Iraq - going well, not sure he can really take credit but whatever - 6 /10
  • Afghanistan - planning a surge, going badly, but has got more international support.  Last successful person to "conquer" Afghanistan was Alexandra the great so difficulty pretty darn high.  6 / 10
  • Economy.  Fuck he got given the ultimate hospital pass.  Unemployment is higher than expected even with the massive stimulus and the US is now heavily in debt and to be honest he has actually managed to change anything cause he gave the money without conditions (except to the motor industry).  Conclusion the motor industry reckon 8 / 10 the banks 5.5 / 10 which due to Swedish rounding gives me 7 / 10.
  • Worldwide opinion.  He’s got the UN more onside, sorted issues with Russia more or less, being more aggressive with China which fuck kind of in favour of, friendly with Europe.  Failed with Israel but who hasn’t.  8.5 / 10

34.5 / 70 = 5 / 10 rounded
So I guess not so good, but its been pretty tough environment to start in.

Reply #17 Posted: January 25, 2010, 10:44:56 am
Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas

Offline liquidpain

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Ok financial systems.

If he had not pushed the stimulus through it would of been a complete different ball game. The world would still be in a really bad recession, possibly a depression like the 1930s. If he had let some of the big banks fail like goldman sachs it would of triggered a derivatives nuke that would of dragged the economy down. In order to heal the economy you need time. This isn't something that will happen over night. The unemployment is high but usually that comes around later. Now you might not agree with his economic policies but he had very difficult decisions to make at the time to stop the economy going more south. The reason is ratings are down so much is because the common american does not get it. They want to see results instantaneously, and when you have cable news stations like fox news with their biased "news" shows bashing obama on every possible thing, it does not help. Also he did put alot of regulation on banks on how much financial risk they can take on mortgages and other tools they use but right now i cant be fucked finding any of it. But on the top of my head one very important that i can remember is the leverages that banks were allowed to take during the bush era was halved. Went from something like 1 to 30 to 1 to 15.

This clip from 3mins on explains my point.
David axelrod on MSNBC hardball


"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end."

Here is a usefull website to track Obama's pledges during the campaign.

Boosting war effort in Afghanistan

Since he is been in office, he pressured Pakistan to go on one of the biggest  military offensives against the taliban since 2001. He changed the Bush doctrine of just giving money to Pakistan and leaving it somewhat unchecked and allowing Pakistan to do little to nothing on their part thus leaving the taliban a safe haven across the border.

He increased the troop numbers as requested by generals in afganistan and carrying out more drone strikes in pakistan, to which i think is the right way to go, Many top taliban officials have been killed in drone strikes. It is only a matter of time before taliban loses its top members and left unorganized to pose a credible threat to the world.


Like i said before, with so many conflicting views in government, such as the US, he is doing an outstanding job trying to get bipartisanship.

The doctrine of the republican party is very simple but very effective. Touch the hearts of the stupid people, make false claims that strike the nerve centre of the uneducated and the ignorant and finally spew hatred dressed in patriotism. IMO he could do alot more to hit back at stupid baseless critisim thrown at him by some of the cable news and get back at some of the stupid comments from some republican mps.

I did not proof read so there could be errors in it.

Reply #18 Posted: January 25, 2010, 01:35:09 pm

Offline Raped_ByA_Spoon

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Quote from: liquidpain;1056150
Ok financial systems.

If he had not pushed the stimulus through it would of been a complete different ball game. The world would still be in a really bad recession, possibly a depression like the 1930s. If he had let some of the big banks fail like goldman sachs it would of triggered a derivatives nuke that would of dragged the economy down. In order to heal the economy you need time. This isn't something that will happen over night. The unemployment is high but usually that comes around later. Now you might not agree with his economic policies but he had very difficult decisions to make at the time to stop the economy going more south. The reason is ratings are down so much is because the common american does not get it. They want to see results instantaneously, and when you have cable news stations like fox news with their biased "news" shows bashing obama on every possible thing, it does not help. Also he did put alot of regulation on banks on how much financial risk they can take on mortgages and other tools they use but right now i cant be fucked finding any of it. But on the top of my head one very important that i can remember is the leverages that banks were allowed to take during the bush era was halved. Went from something like 1 to 30 to 1 to 15.

Argubly so, but he hasnt "fixed" the system.  The same stuff that happened to cause this mess, still happens.  All that has happened is the banks have been confirmed to be "to big to fail" removing the risk with how capitalism works.

Let me say it again, a depression, although horrible, would have been capitalism working.  Bizzare as that is it would have ensured those who fucked this whole thing up were gone, and therefore the risk is instated.

The alternative would have been to do what is done, i.e. bail out, but with strict conditions ensuring the same cant happen again.

Insted we get neither, and every American is now further indebt effectively.

In respect of Afganistan, yes he has acheived that, but it is also more instable than any point since the invasion and the Taliban control large areas.  Hardly glowing praise.

Dont get me wrong, I could not have done better, and neither could have Bush.  But there is a reason he is hurting in the polls and its deaper than a concentrated Fox attack.

Reply #19 Posted: January 26, 2010, 10:18:02 am
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Offline qwerty4me

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He gets a low score in my opinion. He's expanded government spending. It's by far the most important issue in the US, but no one really seems to care. Not that I was expecting any different, but that doesn't deter the fact he's still sinking the US. I'm not implying he's the only one doing it, Bush and McCain are just as bad. Planning to expand government spending further and increasing taxes for the rich certainly isn't helping either.

I think it's great he's planning to exit Iraq, and numerous other small actions he's taken over the year.

Quote from: liquidpain;1056150
Ok financial systems.
I did not proof read so there could be errors in it.

I have to laugh when you say that the Republican voter base are a bunch of uneducated people, voting purely on patriotism. Here's some facts for you:

The only education group which voted overwhelmingly for Obama were those who hadn't graduated high school. Aside from those with postgraduate education, who I assume make up a small percentage of the population. The rest of the groups were near evenly split, and historically those with higher education voting Republican. It looks like you fall for nonsense that the TV tells you moreso than the people you accuse.

I won't bother with the rest of the garbage you produced, I'm guessing most others here see through it. I suggest you expand your knowledge base beyond what democratic youtube channels give you.

Reply #20 Posted: January 29, 2010, 04:48:48 pm

Offline liquidpain

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Quote from: qwerty4me;1059284
He gets a low score in my opinion. He's expanded government spending. It's by far the most important issue in the US, but no one really seems to care. Not that I was expecting any different, but that doesn't deter the fact he's still sinking the US. I'm not implying he's the only one doing it, Bush and McCain are just as bad. Planning to expand government spending further and increasing taxes for the rich certainly isn't helping either.

I think it's great he's planning to exit Iraq, and numerous other small actions he's taken over the year.

I have to laugh when you say that the Republican voter base are a bunch of uneducated people, voting purely on patriotism. Here's some facts for you:

The only education group which voted overwhelmingly for Obama were those who hadn't graduated high school. Aside from those with postgraduate education, who I assume make up a small percentage of the population. The rest of the groups were near evenly split, and historically those with higher education voting Republican. It looks like you fall for nonsense that the TV tells you moreso than the people you accuse.

I won't bother with the rest of the garbage you produced, I'm guessing most others here see through it. I suggest you expand your knowledge base beyond what democratic youtube channels give you.

1. When i said i did not proof read it, i implied the grammar.

Quote from: qwerty4me;1059284
I suggest you expand your knowledge base beyond what democratic youtube channels give you.

Lol. I see both sides of the agreement and no i do not subscribe to just the left side of the spectrum. Please explain why the republican party will do better?

You don't need a phd in politics to see that the republican party is against everything that obama does.

What is the main issue raised by republicans on deficit? They want to cut all of it. So, when a bill comes up that offers such a thing, what do they do?
Senate Passes Pay-As-You-Go Spending Rules for Borrowing Increase.

The Senate passed a 60-39 vote to institute pay-as-you-go spending rules, which would also raise the Federal Government's borrowing limit.

All the republicans voted against it. Now tell me how that is a smart move?

U.S. economy grows at fastest rate in 6 years

Reply #21 Posted: January 30, 2010, 11:43:51 pm

Offline Raped_ByA_Spoon

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Quote from: qwerty4me;1059284

I have to laugh when you say that the Republican voter base are a bunch of uneducated people, voting purely on patriotism. Here's some facts for you:

Nationwide Obama got about the same level of support from College Graduates as McCain, greater from people with PhD's, so as you said neither are really indicative.

What is, is where you come from.  I.e. a college graduate from New York much more likely to vote Democrat, and conversely one from Texas is more likely to vote Republican.

Also the reason allot of college voters vote Republican is generally for economic reasons, the social policy of the Repub party is purely aimed at getting central america (christian america's) vote, as the more liberal economic and social parts are not numerous enough in themselves.

Which is why the whole thing is really a pity.

Reply #22 Posted: February 01, 2010, 04:57:06 pm
Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas

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I rate him KKK

death to america

Reply #23 Posted: February 03, 2010, 02:57:41 am

Offline liquidpain

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post removed

Shouldn't you be banned?

Reply #24 Posted: February 03, 2010, 09:23:15 am