Topic: Conspiracy Theories : You decide.

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I believe I've uncovered the greatest conspiracy of all....


Reply #350 Posted: April 01, 2011, 10:18:43 am

lol @ console hate

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: Daddy Clin;1373275
I believe I've uncovered the greatest conspiracy of all....


The conspiracy goes deeper then you could ever imagine.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 03:52:56 pm by Spacemonkey

Reply #351 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:42:20 pm

Offline Speakman

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i wish i could find my one :(

Reply #352 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:43:57 pm
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline Pitchey

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;1373372
The conspiracy goes derper then you could ever imagine.

Fixed for truth!

Reply #353 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:52:02 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: JontyB;1373374
i wish i could find my one :(

What did it look like? I have loads of them on my PC.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 03:54:46 pm by Spacemonkey

Reply #354 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:52:24 pm

Offline Speakman

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mine was the animal one

Reply #355 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:53:09 pm
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity


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Quote from: Daddy Clin;1373275
I believe I've uncovered the greatest conspiracy of all....


olol, biggest newfag ever you are atm.

Reply #356 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:53:50 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: JontyB;1373378
mine was the animal one

This one?
Conspiracy Theories : You decide.

Reply #357 Posted: April 01, 2011, 03:58:15 pm

Offline Spork

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Quote from: Obble;1373379
olol, biggest newfag ever you are atm.

I'm pretty proud that mine was the very first.. Of what ever those things are called. Everyone based theirs off of my Soccble.

Reply #358 Posted: April 01, 2011, 04:09:50 pm

Offline Clin

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Newfags, bestfags.

I could never be mad at you obble, you fat little kitty. Coochee-coo!

Reply #359 Posted: April 01, 2011, 04:25:28 pm

lol @ console hate

Offline Spork

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O rite, I didn't even see what you had done there when I first saw the image. Haha. Nice!

Reply #360 Posted: April 01, 2011, 04:28:51 pm

Offline 5tacK

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Reply #361 Posted: April 30, 2011, 09:49:08 pm
[INDENT]Click here to join our MAV Riding Platoon


Offline BerG

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Did Osama bin Laden mastermind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Why is there no evidence? Why did Osama repeatedly deny any involvement? The only 'confession video' released by the US Government is clearly fake.

The idea that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks has been an article of faith for public officials and the mainstream media. Calling it an “article of faith” points to two features of this idea. On the one hand, no one in these circles publicly challenges this idea.

On the other hand, no good evidence has ever been publicly presented to support it.

Colin Powell’s Withdrawn Promise

Two weeks after 9/11, Secretary of State Colin Powell, speaking to Tim Russert on Meet the Press, said that he expected “in the near future . . . to put out . . . a document that will describe quite clearly the evidence that we have linking [bin Laden] to this attack.”3
Powell reversed himself, however, at a press conference with President Bush in the White House Rose Garden the next morning, saying that, although the government had information that left no question of bin Laden’s responsibility, “most of it is classified.”4 According to Seymour Hersh, citing officials from both the CIA and the Department of Justice, the real reason for the reversal was a “lack of solid information.”5
This was the week that Bush, after demanding that the Taliban turn over bin Laden, refused their request for evidence that bin Laden had been behind the attacks.6 A senior Taliban official, after the US attack on Afghanistan had begun, said: “We have asked for proof of Osama’s involvement, but they have refused. Why?”7 Hersh’s answer was that they had no proof.

Tony Blair’s Weak Document

The task of providing such proof was taken up by Bush’s chief ally in the “war on terror,” British Prime Minister Tony Blair. On October 4, 2001, Blair made public a document entitled: “Responsibility for the Terrorist Atrocities in the United States.” Listing “clear conclusions reached by the government,” it stated: “Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, the terrorist network which he heads, planned and carried out the atrocities on 11 September 2001.” Blair’s report, however, began by saying: “This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama Bin Laden in a court of law.”8 Although the case was not good enough to go to court, Blair seemed to be saying, it was good enough to go to war.
The weakness in Blair’s report, in any event, was noted the next day by the BBC, which said: “There is no direct evidence in the public domain linking Osama Bin Laden to the 11 September attacks. At best the evidence is circumstantial.”9

The FBI’s Surprising Statement

What does our own FBI say? Here is a surprising but little-known fact, because it has scarcely been reported in the mainstream media: The FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorist” webpage on “Usama bin Laden” does not list the 9/11 attacks as one of the crimes for which he is wanted. It does list bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi as terrorist acts for which he is wanted. But it makes no mention of 9/11.10 In 2006, Rex Tomb, then the FBI’s chief of investigative publicity, was asked why not. He replied: “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”11

After this story started flying around the Internet and was even covered by a TV station in Louisiana,12 Dan Eggen tried to downplay its significance in an August 2006 Washington Post article entitled “Bin Laden, Most Wanted For Embassy Bombings?”13 Complaining about “conspiracy theorists” who claimed that “the lack of a Sept. 11 reference [on the FBI's "Most Wanted" webpage for bin Laden] suggests that the connection to al-Qaeda is uncertain,” Eggen quoted the explanation offered by a former US attorney, who said that the FBI could not appropriately “put up a wanted picture where no formal charges had been filed.”
But that explanation, while true, simply pushes the issue back a step to this question: Why have such charges not been filed? Rex Tomb’s fuller statement, which Eggen failed to mention, had answered this question the previous June, saying:
The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice then decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.14

Far more on the website....

Reply #362 Posted: May 03, 2011, 12:30:03 pm

Offline nick247

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Wouldnt surprise me if this was true

Reply #363 Posted: May 03, 2011, 12:48:24 pm

Offline BerG

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I believe its about the only plausible conspiracy theory.

The lack of evidence is astounding.

Reply #364 Posted: May 03, 2011, 12:50:41 pm

Offline Wandarah

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"The only thing interesting about any of these theories, is that people are willing to believe almost anyone who has a contrary opinion to the sources of authority they already distrust" - A senior unnamed Taliban official said.

Reply #365 Posted: May 03, 2011, 01:20:56 pm
Immanentize the eschaton

Offline Pitchey

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Quote from: BerG;1380141
Did Osama bin Laden mastermind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Why is there no evidence? Why did Osama repeatedly deny any involvement? The only 'confession video' released by the US Government is clearly fake.

But he later claimed to be responsible for the planning of it.

Reply #366 Posted: May 03, 2011, 01:25:22 pm

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Quote from: BerG;1380151
I believe its about the only plausible conspiracy theory.

The lack of evidence is astounding.

Yes, but if one subscribes to this it opens a can of worms regarding who DID do it.
for my money I will say there was MOSSAD involvement.

Quote from: Pitchey;1380163
But he later claimed to be responsible for the planning of it.

Are you talking about that faked video?

Reply #367 Posted: May 03, 2011, 01:39:35 pm
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline BerG.

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Where did he claim to be responsible for planning it?

I mean actual him. Not fake, fat, right handed him.

And I'll admit that I cant offer any evidence for an alternative 'mastermind'.

Reply #368 Posted: May 03, 2011, 02:28:33 pm
Somewhere, somehow, someone\'s going to pay (for making avatars smaller)

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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I read that there were a few different videos of him claiming responsibility. I haven't seen any of them though.

Reply #369 Posted: May 03, 2011, 02:46:12 pm

Offline Bell

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I heard Osama was the result of a genetic experiment on monkeys gone terribly wrong

Reply #370 Posted: May 03, 2011, 03:13:13 pm

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I heard Osama was actually a guy living in Australia working for a major gaming company, posting on a forum trying to fool people into thinking Osama is the result of a genetic experiment on monkeys gone terribly wrong.

Reply #371 Posted: May 03, 2011, 03:16:14 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: RetardoBot;1380198
I heard Osama was actually a guy living in Australia working for a major gaming company, posting on a forum trying to fool people into thinking Osama is the result of a genetic experiment on monkeys gone terribly wrong.

I heard that too from the guy who just posted above me. So if you heard it too, it must be true.

Reply #372 Posted: May 03, 2011, 03:30:21 pm

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You should tweet about it. So other people can revel in the truth.

Reply #373 Posted: May 03, 2011, 03:33:28 pm

Offline Bell

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If he would just release his birth certificate we would know the truth.

Reply #374 Posted: May 03, 2011, 03:45:28 pm