Topic: Christchurch Earthquake

Offline Pyromanik

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Sif that stops people from trying :P

Reply #2400 Posted: July 18, 2012, 12:37:35 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Growler

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25 months and counting...

No inspection, no money, no answers. Hear from no one. See no one.

And people think all is rosey down here, fucking shambles and EQC are the root of all the problems!

I must have clocked up a gazbijillion hours on the phone to those useless cunts.

Reply #2401 Posted: October 05, 2012, 12:19:04 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
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I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline SteddieEddie

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That is really bullshit that you haven't had any contact in over 2 years, bloody embarrassing really.

You should get someone to film a doco on all the shambles and the effect it is having on people and shame those inept fuckers into action

Reply #2402 Posted: October 05, 2012, 03:56:35 pm

Offline Zarkov

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Told you to leave town, right at the outset.

Reply #2403 Posted: October 05, 2012, 04:34:28 pm

Offline Xsannz

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Quote from: Growler;1504657
25 months and counting...

No inspection, no money, no answers. Hear from no one. See no one.

And people think all is rosey down here, fucking shambles and EQC are the root of all the problems!

I must have clocked up a gazbijillion hours on the phone to those useless cunts.


i'd go on ranting but you said it pretty much.

oh it will happen sometime dunno when, oh umm we forgot to tell you it's expected by end of 2015, oh umm maybe tomorrow.  FUCKERS

Reply #2404 Posted: October 05, 2012, 05:06:41 pm


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In other news state are giving contents insurance again, our policy is now setup

Reply #2405 Posted: October 05, 2012, 06:59:00 pm

Offline Growler

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Have emailed and laid official complaints with, John Key, Gerry Brownlee, Roger Sutton, Nicky Wagner (my local mp), The Office of the Ombudsman & The Human Rights Commission.

Reply #2406 Posted: October 09, 2012, 03:46:24 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Kopfjaeger

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Just been round home to check on the proceedings, internal stopping and painting all done but the colors look off and several walls have blatant brush marks.  We were told 3 weeks for the whole house to be fixed and after 2 they have only managed to paint the inside.  

We have been trying very hard not to bust anyones balls over all the little fukups but that may change soon.

Reply #2407 Posted: October 10, 2012, 12:01:52 pm

Offline Tandoori

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Can't say our experience with EQC has been very good, they continue to 'misplace' our assessment and although apparently all the damage qualifies etc. Subsequent to our assessment, we've been in discussion with the insurance company, and Fletchers is waiting to do the work. However, EQC has yet to sign-off Fletchers to start because they can't find our documentation (which they lost).

Needless to say it's all fun & games, thankfully I'm spared the headaches of dealing with them (the lawyer and le parents are handling that part). Frustrating, but the damage to our properties are nothing in contrast to the TC3 areas and I do get a sense that we are being looked after much better by nature of the fact our properties are on the 'right' side of town - keeps you humble, albeit a bit disgusted at the cronyism inherent in this city.

Reply #2408 Posted: October 10, 2012, 12:57:08 pm

Offline Growler

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To give you a basic rundown of where I am at.

April 2011 had an assessment, they did not check structural, flooriing or foundation damage. Which is my biggest and most costly damage. To date EQC refuse to acknowledge there is damage that warrant investigation.

here are 2 pics i took last night.

1, my hand going INTO the gap underneath my skirting board and above my kauri floors, about a 25mm gap, load bearing wall, ground visible, drafty as fuck. This goes the width of my house, and up 1 internal/external wall.
Christchurch Earthquake

2, my living room floor, you can just see my hand trying to pin the level to the floor and keep it somewhat level on the left, red lines indicate gap from level to floor, you can see the duct tape i have covering 1 half of the floor split, and there is another on the other side of that floorboard. About a 35mm gap over about 1.8m. This bounces like a trampoline, the tape is to try and keep the wind & dust out.
Christchurch Earthquake

Reply #2409 Posted: October 10, 2012, 01:21:35 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Zarkov

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Natural ground settlement.

Reply #2410 Posted: October 10, 2012, 04:20:02 pm

Offline Growler

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Finally..... 26 months later, EQC has agreed we are over cap and will pay us out for Sept and cap for Feb.

Fuck me what a relief, Now the wait for payment! Gonna start ringing every day!

Reply #2411 Posted: November 28, 2012, 01:34:58 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Kopfjaeger

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gratz fella

Reply #2412 Posted: November 28, 2012, 01:41:07 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Good News!

And you even used another font!

Reply #2413 Posted: November 28, 2012, 01:43:41 pm

Offline AvatarFACE

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Good to hear.

Reply #2414 Posted: November 28, 2012, 08:32:11 pm
Wallpaper thread (It was good when it was updated)


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Quote from: Growler;1510195
Finally..... 26 months later, EQC has agreed we are over cap and will pay us out for Sept and cap for Feb.

Fuck me what a relief, Now the wait for payment! Gonna start ringing every day!


Good luck mate... We're under 15k and our payment has a done when it'll be done stamp on it...

Good to hear though, drinks to celebrate? :P

Reply #2415 Posted: November 28, 2012, 08:41:38 pm

Offline Growler

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All money in the bank!

Now the IC battle, but that can wait till after the holidays!

Reply #2416 Posted: December 04, 2012, 03:26:03 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Growler;1510721
All money in the bank!

Now the IC battle, but that can wait till after the holidays!

Its good to hear that it is mostly all sorted now. The IC battle is going to be a long one.

Reply #2417 Posted: December 04, 2012, 05:06:39 pm
I am now banned from GetSome


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Quote from: Growler;1510721
All money in the bank!

Now the IC battle, but that can wait till after the holidays!

Good stuff

IC battle?

Reply #2418 Posted: December 04, 2012, 06:35:54 pm

Offline BeNZene

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Insurance Company?

Reply #2419 Posted: December 04, 2012, 08:06:56 pm

Offline Growler

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State... though it may not be too much of a battle, 0 fucks to give at the moment!!

Reply #2420 Posted: December 04, 2012, 09:46:16 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Aloysius

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Sucks that they got two years + use of your money.
Is it replacement value? So even if cost of materials have gone up you will get money enough to fix it?

Possibly on the list of things you give 0 fucks about but: Know if the Kauri floor will be replaced by chipboard or real wood?

Reply #2421 Posted: December 04, 2012, 09:59:31 pm

Offline deanox

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Rip Kauri floor up, say it fell down large earthquake crevice

Reply #2422 Posted: December 04, 2012, 10:03:07 pm


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If it's any help i've had a great experience with my insurance and state with buying our house etc and all the eq stuff wasn't a problem at all

Also did a claim for something else recently and had it sorted within a day of doing my end

Reply #2423 Posted: December 04, 2012, 10:21:33 pm

Offline Growler

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I'm not worried in the slightest little bit.

Actual replacement, wife ex state employee, friends are head of EQ part at state.

They want to repair our house for $350k which is stupid. So will go for rebuild under repai costs and take some of our old kauri fireplaces and floors with us if we can.

Reply #2424 Posted: December 05, 2012, 07:25:01 am
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!