Kinda like going to a callout and seeing smoke alarms fitted but with the covers hanging down loose, or just the mounting ring screwed into the ceiling."I'm pleased to see you have a smoke alarm, but where's the battery?""Oh, it was beeping all the time so I took it out.""When was that?""Oh, I dunno, a few months ago?"Winner.
I'm in Wellington area.
Well I'm all the way over in little old Adelaide and don't get disconnected, so it must be. Flawless logic.
Doesn't the wind and the rain just put the fires out for you?
That'd be Mitchell Brown? I'm in Wellington area.
Ha! Naw, the wind just fans the flames!
You fan my flames, Pitchey.
I've watched enough TV to know that fire is faster than Cully and Tana.
Not even the All Blacks are immune to fire.
The NZ swimming team is.
big enough fire would boil their water?
some nigga stick his dick in ma sippy cup
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity