Try hitting it.If that fails, try hitting it harder.
Just use photoshop!
Hey guys, what should we call our photo editing product?Let's call it Gimp.You mean like a guy dressed in a black leather suit?Yeah, that's a great name for a photo editing product.
GNU Image Manipulation Program.
GAH!just turned down a magazine photo shoot....... must stick to guns and make my holidays about family!
If you shoot raw, mass editing in PS is a breeeeeeze, like super duper mega awesome simple! I will give LR catalogue the thumbs up!I must look at LR4 and see if they have improved on the bits I didn't like. I think my biggest hurdle is I have used PS since 1996 and it's all just 2nd knowledge to me now.
dedicated scratch disk = awesome for PS/LR. A dedicated 60GB SSD for PS/LR would speed you up to ludicrous speed!
Happy plug.Spoiler :