I'm about to move to Mount Eden, no earthquakes please.. surrounded by volcanoes.
Earthquakes make things fall down, volcanoes make things blow up.
They should just combine all cities in New Zealand into one big super city.Then everyone will live in the same place.
I roofled once, it was a party.....i was young and naive.....................................
Why don't you all fucking move to Wellington then. I have no need to.
I was considering it a few months ago.
If any of you chch cool kids want to catch up, i've got this week and 2 more off of work.AlsoLawyers are going to rip me a new one it seems
Ill charge less for tea bagging...
but if you buy now, you can get the penisflopping teabag combo for the ultra low price of $9.99
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity