I trimmed my beard today.Who wants to be fwends?
Beard high-five.
50 Shades of Beard.
50 beards of grey?
Why does the media feel it needs to tell me about social media?'s like, yeah I know, I have the facebook on my computer, and my phone and my tablet, 40 people have posted it in the last 3 hours.....I know it's popular.Who the fuck doesn't see this shit? and so what if they don't? it's like the whole fucking country has FOMO.Imagine what mighty happen 3 months down the track when someone makes a reference to it AND YOU DON'T GET THE JOKE! AAAAAHHHH NOOOOOOOOO!
haha yea it's pretty sad how irreverent some of the internet newsites are getting a lot of them are reduced to reposting the top reddit and facebook stories.I feel like a lot of new journalism grads must be tasked at searching the internet for cool stuff all day, not a bad job for some I guess but I wouldn't call it journalism.
I wouldn't call anything sourced or created at stuff journalism, they level of retard exceeds 9000
And Chris Hadfield is awesome.
they level.