Holiday Inn.
Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn in DC is great place to stay - one block from air and space muesum and the rest of hte mall - and behind the hotel is a train station which can take you out to other suburbs for shopping.also holocaust muesum is a pretty interesting place - very emotional place with staff members who were survivers.Native american museum is very cool too - and has a great food court.
Combo breaker.Holocaust museum was freaky, and well worth the visit. Also the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in DC is cool, get to see lots of moneys. Museum of Crime and Punishment is an interesting stop to. Fuck. So many cool places there.
Going on a road trip tomorrow. Flying over to Cnaberra today to buy a car off my Dad then driving it back tomorrow. - 13 hour drive without stops, so bit longer than that
If you drove one direction for 13 hours in New Zealand, you'll end up in the ocean.
Not so Space monkey.Picton to Bluff is 31 hours on a velocimopede.
Spacemonkey is messing with our minds again.
I'm using the internet to read your thoughts.
can you reads mine
No, your blacked out glasses and stylish moustache prevent me from doing so.