Topic: Christchurch Treehouse of Awesome-Where everyone knows your name

Offline Bounty Hunter

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Quote from: Pyromanik;1532833

Do go on.

I use to lead 30-50 riders "en-masse" to various Christchurch destinations. Many people called us a gang. I'd do my best to pull a silly face.

Actually pyro you should hit up the WNR, I think they've started up again. Wednesday night, 6pm at BK lounge on moorehouse.

Reply #18650 Posted: October 08, 2013, 05:59:24 pm
"We are the majority we arent the tards, the people we pick on are." -Luse_K

Offline winter

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Quote from: Bounty Hunter;1532829
When reading about this situation, keep in mind that according to the people bringing you this news, I am an ex-gang leader.

Did you go about brake checking other road users, blocking them from moving forward, riding motorcross bikes and other non-road legal bikes?

Didn't want to link to liveleak, but heres footage of the guy who ended up in hospital -
(additional footage of their peaceful road use here:
) Not really surprised.
He's since removed all of his videos from youtube.

Btw: mute the videos, he not only was a dangerous road user, but he had TERRIBLE taste in music.
Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 09:42:01 am by winter

Reply #18651 Posted: October 09, 2013, 09:39:36 am

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: winter;1532862
Did you go about brake checking other road users, blocking them from moving forward, riding motorcross bikes and other non-road legal bikes?

Didn't want to link to liveleak, but heres footage of the guy who ended up in hospital - (additional footage of their peaceful road use here: Not really surprised.
He's since removed all of his videos from youtube.

Btw: mute the videos, he not only was a dangerous road user, but he had TERRIBLE taste in music.

Does pulling a wheelie somehow mean that he either deserved to get paralyzed or that he was in some way asking to be crippled?

I watched 3 of the videos in the second liveleak - Dunno about you, but I saw a bunch of bikes going for a ride (I lol'd at the couple of Quad bikes) yeah I saw a couple of people doing the odd bit of show boating (a couple of 3rd gear wheelies by the looks) but I didn't see anything particularly obnoxious - Even in the first video when they are filtering en masse, nothing particularly bad happening there - is there a particular video I should be watching?

Reply #18652 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:08:43 am

Offline Retardobot

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I licked a power socket.

I want charges pressed against the electrical company.

Reply #18653 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:27:13 am

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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The power socket should be charged for indecent battery on your tongue.

Reply #18654 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:39:11 am

Offline winter

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Quote from: The Demon Lord;1532866
Does pulling a wheelie somehow mean that he either deserved to get paralyzed or that he was in some way asking to be crippled?

I watched 3 of the videos in the second liveleak - Dunno about you, but I saw a bunch of bikes going for a ride (I lol'd at the couple of Quad bikes) yeah I saw a couple of people doing the odd bit of show boating (a couple of 3rd gear wheelies by the looks) but I didn't see anything particularly obnoxious - Even in the first video when they are filtering en masse, nothing particularly bad happening there - is there a particular video I should be watching?

You clearly have a differing definition of what a road user is and isn't allowed to do on the road.. pulling wheelies in dense traffic and kicking other road users cars isn't in any road code book I ever read?

Not to mention, the guy who got hit hasn't even had a valid permit to drive since 1999 and has NEVER had a motorcycle license..

I never said he deserved to be paralysed, more so that he was constantly putting himself and others in danger on the road, something like this was bound to happen. And further to that, only his family has said he will never walk.. have you got a source for your information credited to a doctor treating him that he is paralysed?
Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 10:57:04 am by winter

Reply #18655 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:52:01 am

Offline Retardobot

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Reply #18656 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:54:12 am

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Quote from: Retardobot;1532871

Especially not a Demonic lord of Hippydom.

Reply #18657 Posted: October 09, 2013, 10:56:55 am

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: winter;1532870
You clearly have a differing definition of what a road user is and isn't allowed to do on the road.. pulling wheelies in dense traffic and kicking other road users cars isn't in any road code book I ever read?

Not to mention, the guy who got hit hasn't even had a valid permit to drive since 1999 and has NEVER had a motorcycle license..

I never said he deserved to be paralysed, more so that he was constantly putting himself and others in danger on the road, something like this was bound to happen. And further to that, only his family has said he will never walk.. have you got a source for your information credited to a doctor treating him that he is paralysed?

I did say that I didn't watch all the videos in their entirety - I watched the first 3 for about 30 mins and didn't see anything other than a bunch of bikers having a ride - so it is possible I didn't get to the parts where the behaviour deteriorated.

I hear what you are saying - that pulling wheelies and riding dangerously are bound to end in tragedy - if the rider had fallen off and twatted himself whilst riding like a knob I would be fully in your camp - dude had it coming. But this isn't what happened.

The point I am more debating is that was the SUV driver justified in his fear? Did his initial actions play a vital role in what happened (looking through other comments on liveleak several people believe that he didn't get out of his SUV after the accident - which I put forward may have been the catalyst for the escalation that we saw) and lastly - Are the police right not to press charges to the SUV driver? if the driver claims he was acting in Self defence - fine, let him have his day in court to argue his case. I put forward that a reasonable case can be made that either his fears are exagerrated or that his actions contributed to what we saw or he could have removed himself from the situation without running anyone over.

Last points for thought - How would you feel if you saw one of your mates attacked at a Metal Gig because someone got a bit scarred of lots of angry looking Metalheads and then lashed out (because they were scarred) after they got jostled by some of them?

Reply #18658 Posted: October 09, 2013, 12:03:21 pm

Offline winter

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Quote from: The Demon Lord;1532879
Last points for thought - How would you feel if you saw one of your mates attacked at a Metal Gig because someone got a bit scarred of lots of angry looking Metalheads and then lashed out (because they were scarred) after they got jostled by some of them?

I've seen many a gig fight go down in the past and I personally never get involved. They're usually silly little drunken squabbles and no ones life (see: infant child) is in danger.

If I was the SUV driver in this situation and my son was in the back seat I can easily say I'd do something very similar, avoid them as much as I can obviously.. but if I my SUV was being surrounded by 6 angry as fuck bike gang members (one being an off duty police bike officer... wtf - I would gas the fuck out/around/through them to get away.

Family > sperglord unlicensed fuckwits on the road.

Reply #18659 Posted: October 09, 2013, 12:12:57 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: The Demon Lord;1532879
The point I am more debating is that was the SUV driver justified in his fear? Did his initial actions play a vital role in what happened (looking through other comments on liveleak several people believe that he didn't get out of his SUV after the accident - which I put forward may have been the catalyst for the escalation that we saw) and lastly - Are the police right not to press charges to the SUV driver? if the driver claims he was acting in Self defence - fine, let him have his day in court to argue his case. I put forward that a reasonable case can be made that either his fears are exagerrated or that his actions contributed to what we saw or he could have removed himself from the situation without running anyone over.

It's ridiculous to say that him not getting out of the vehicle was the catalyst.

1. There was about 10 seconds between hitting the bike, and the car driving off. It's completed reasonable to spend that much time before getting out of the vehicle (i.e he could be checking on his family). If this aggravated the biker, then it's the bikers fault be being aggravated so easily.

2. He should not be getting out of his vehicle right away. He would need to pull over to the side of the road for safety, as not to be in the way of other traffic. He couldn't do this as the bikers were blocking his path.

Reply #18660 Posted: October 09, 2013, 12:34:09 pm

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: winter;1532880
I've seen many a gig fight go down in the past and I personally never get involved. They're usually silly little drunken squabbles and no ones life (see: infant child) is in danger.

Agreed, my point was more about collateral damage

Quote from: winter;1532880
If I was the SUV driver in this situation and my son was in the back seat I can easily say I'd do something very similar, avoid them as much as I can obviously.. but if I my SUV was being surrounded by 6 angry as fuck bike gang members (one being an off duty police bike officer... wtf - I would gas the fuck out/around/through them to get away.

I also agree here - that were my family in actual danger, I too would do whatever it took to protect them - I am questioning whether the danger was real or imagined in the first instance. Also ask yourself this - what if your actions directly caused your SUV to be surrounded by 6 Angry as fuck bikers, would you still be in the absolute right? This is as opposed to getting out, having a conversation and then going your seperate ways?

Quote from: winter;1532880
Family > everything else.


Reply #18661 Posted: October 09, 2013, 12:39:55 pm

Offline Growler

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There was no accident for him to pull over for... the fucknut on the bike pulls in front and checks him, gets nudged at what 10km/h for his own douchebag skills, then him and his goons surround the car, intimidate him and his family, pull out knives and proceed to try and slash his tyres/truck/whatever.

The one thing you seem to ignore DL is that the police have confirmed that knives were pulled out.  ->

Police said some began damaging the Range Rover, hitting it with their helmets and slashing its tires, though it’s not clear from the video.

What would I do..... I would go mexican monster truck on their ass too if I saw a knife pulled.

Don't bring a knife to a truck fight.

Now if he (bike rider) hadn't initiated the check and been such a douche and it was a legit accident it would be a dif kettle of fish. But the fact remains, dude was a douche surrounded by douche mates partaking in the art of douchebaggery. Final result = douchebags try to act tough to truck and get fucked up when the guy flees (fight or flight).

I can't see any court siding with the bikers with the video evidence and the facts with knives being pulled etc.

This isn't about bikers, it's about a group/gang. Their chosen method of transport reflects badly on most genuine Bike groups. Same as boy ricers vs car enthusiasts.
Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 01:21:34 pm by Growler

Reply #18662 Posted: October 09, 2013, 01:19:01 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: Growler;1532886
There was no accident for him to pull over for... the fucknut on the bike pulls in front and checks him, gets nudged at what 10km/h for his own douchebag skills, then him and his goons surround the car, intimidate him and his family, pull out knives and proceed to try and slash his tyres/truck/whatever.

The one thing you seem to ignore DL is that the police have confirmed that knives were pulled out.  ->

What would I do..... I would go mexican monster truck on their ass too if I saw a knife pulled.

Don't bring a knife to a truck fight.

Now if he (bike rider) hadn't initiated the check and been such a douche and it was a legit accident it would be a dif kettle of fish. But the fact remains, dude was a douche surrounded by douche mates partaking in the art of douchebaggery. Final result = douchebags try to act tough to truck and get fucked up when the guy flees (fight or flight).

I can't see any court siding with the bikers with the video evidence and the facts with knives being pulled etc.

This isn't about bikers, it's about a group/gang. Their chosen method of transport reflects badly on most genuine Bike groups. Same as boy ricers vs car enthusiasts.

So I decided to re-watch the video just for that initial incident: so the bump occurs at 26 seconds, you can just about see the SUV pulling over to the right when the camera man checks 3 times what is happening behind him - then there is a good 20 second pause before the incident.

This is where I put forward that before any form of damage occured or weapon was pulled, the driver should have got out - you can't tell from the video and if it turns out my conjecture here is wrong - well I will happily admit it (and with it, all the points I have raised).

This is the part I am talking about, I can understand the frustration felt by the riders if they saw an SUV (and profiled the driver as an SUV driver) bump a bike but not get out and talk (if this is what happened) I am not condoning damaging the vehicle, but I am theorising that things would have been vastly different if what I think transpired didn't happen.

Also as a slight nit pick (and feel free to call me out for Grasping at Straws here) but in all I have read and seen, I have only read that the tires were slashed - nowhere has made mention of knives - I will at this point argue against myself with the line 'what do you slash tires with if not a knife?' but as of yet, I haven't seen anywhere confirm explicitly that knives were used.

Also in your article - there is a comment that I think is relevant (from the cameraman of the incident):

Based upon the sole fact that I ride a motorcycle, the public has  decided that I am a thug or a gang member. This is simply not true. I  was a spectator of these unfortunate events that occurred
Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 01:58:55 pm by The Demon Lord

Reply #18663 Posted: October 09, 2013, 01:57:15 pm

Offline Growler

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There is always innocent bystanders in these events, they will be cleared in due course.... OR MOCKED FOR ETERNITY BY CUNTS LIKE US!!!! MUHAHAHAHAH

but yeah, how do you slash a tyre with a helmet....... yes I admit I presumed by the wording used that it was a knife, I may also be wrong, and knowing the press and the sort of shenanigans they can do it could well have been a fucking whistlepop they were trying to give the kid in the back seat as a treat!

It will be interdasting to follow over the weeks and see what the outcome is. Is there any update on captain squash, is he paralysed? Also the driver, is he some rich suit type with lawyers for africa?

Reply #18664 Posted: October 09, 2013, 02:06:20 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: The Demon Lord;1532892
This is where I put forward that before any form of damage occured or weapon was pulled, the driver should have got out -

Hell, if you're surrounded by people who are on the edge of pulling out weapons or damaging your car, the last thing on Earth you would want to do is get out of your vehicle.

And I don't know why you keep insisting that he should get out anyway? It's perfectly reasonable to stay inside your car in the event of an accident, in fact, on busy roads and highways it's recommended. In this case the road had no shoulder, it would make sense for the driver to continue driving until there is a safe place to pull over.

Reply #18665 Posted: October 09, 2013, 02:21:25 pm

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: Growler;1532893

It will be interdasting to follow over the weeks and see what the outcome is. Is there any update on captain squash, is he paralysed? Also the driver, is he some rich suit type with lawyers for africa?

I think in one of the articles mentioned he was a well off Banker, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere else.

On a different note - I think we have managed to come to an amicable end to the Debate without any ad hominems

Reply #18666 Posted: October 09, 2013, 02:24:29 pm

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Reply #18667 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:08:25 pm

Offline The Demon Lord

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Quote from: winter;1532897

Nah brah - 1v1 DF

Reply #18668 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:12:45 pm

Offline Retardobot

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I like the part where TDL advocates you stop and get out of your car amongst a horde of angry bikers out for blood after a dangerous altercation they caused.

Reply #18669 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:16:54 pm

Offline Growler

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Reply #18670 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:36:35 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Retardobot

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Reply #18671 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:37:46 pm

Offline The Demon Lord

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Reply #18672 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:41:37 pm

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Quote from: Retardobot;1532901
Shit - THAT's why she had corn in her teeth.

Corn direct from the cob. GM free.

Reply #18673 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:44:59 pm

Offline Retardobot

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The cob had previously been in lady boy rectums!

Reply #18674 Posted: October 09, 2013, 03:45:37 pm