We have looked into the traffic patterns at the times mentioned andupon investigation, the traffic seems legitimate. A user wasbrowsing the site and there seem to be multiple requests for differentimages to be displayed from the webserver but this is regarded asnormal. I'm not sure why this would take the web server offline, thoughwebsite design can contribute to this, but that is the next thing toinvestigate. I'm not sure who looks after the webserver but I trust youcan direct this to the right place.
Shankle ribeye shoulder, tri-tip meatball t-bone cow headcheese meatloaf rump tenderloin. Rump pork corned beef flank tail shankle, pork belly spare ribs salami meatball ground round. Hamburger corned beef ham hock sausage pancetta pork. Beef pancetta cow, shank bresaola swine ball tip tenderloin. Swine headcheese spare ribs short loin, beef ribs tri-tip salami jerky drumstick venison beef biltong pork belly tenderloin. Biltong tongue bacon meatloaf hamburger tail tri-tip. Ribeye strip steak beef tri-tip pork.Strip steak pork chop shankle ribeye, chuck tongue shoulder short loin. Drumstick turkey sirloin, shank short ribs chuck jowl beef ribs ham tri-tip ground round pork belly sausage andouille bacon. Pancetta drumstick ribeye tongue short loin short ribs, jowl turkey. Biltong ham hock drumstick pork, sausage flank bacon bresaola tri-tip short ribs. Rump pork pancetta pork loin. Bacon bresaola andouille, brisket shoulder swine shankle beef ribs pig short loin meatball chicken venison beef tenderloin. Pork boudin pork chop flank pastrami, sausage bresaola swine shank salami t-bone pork belly ball tip shoulder.Beef ribs swine flank headcheese, tail pork pig biltong fatback. Beef ribs beef brisket, biltong ground round ham hock pork chop salami bresaola. Brisket bresaola chicken shank drumstick. Pastrami chicken pork loin, tongue swine shank pancetta. Pancetta sausage boudin, hamburger strip steak ham jowl. T-bone pancetta meatball flank chuck. Strip steak short loin tail turkey tongue jerky.Strip steak brisket shank salami, venison short loin shoulder. Boudin ham pastrami, beef ribs sausage venison ribeye pork chop bacon brisket fatback short loin. Ham strip steak pastrami pork belly, salami brisket turkey swine chuck rump meatloaf pork chop sausage. Spare ribs tongue cow tail bresaola pork chop. Short ribs shoulder rump jerky, venison tenderloin pastrami meatloaf boudin ground round sausage drumstick bresaola. Corned beef drumstick pork chop sausage tenderloin, pastrami tri-tip ground round beef tongue jowl bacon beef ribs hamburger. Strip steak t-bone swine, pig fatback ham ball tip jerky beef ribs.Ribeye salami sausage, ham ground round ball tip jerky bresaola shoulder turkey tail headcheese strip steak short ribs. Tenderloin beef jowl tongue venison, hamburger pork loin salami pancetta tail shankle. Meatloaf tongue cow short loin rump. Chuck fatback boudin pancetta. Salami shank pastrami ham fatback. Chicken corned beef tenderloin short ribs ham, jerky headcheese biltong pork loin. Swine shoulder pastrami venison pork chop.
Well life being a shitbag continues on.. Apparently my interview didn't go well enough and I found out last night I have been made redundant, at 3.30 this aft6ernoon I go in for back surgery, and we still have no action from our insurance company on our house. My recovery time for back surgery will about match the amount of notice I get paid out for at work, so I won't even be able to job hunt properly till the money stops coming in. Fortunately chch is very short of drivers and I have a class 2, so that will be first probable option.I have discovered in life that when the pile of shit gets high enough, you almost stop noticing the new shovel fulls being heaped on. If it wasn't for having a perfect wife and awesome kids it would be getting close to looking for a bridge time.Ahh well, onwards and dowwards
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity
update on woo:out of surgery now, just had the call from the surgeon. all went well, he's currently in recovery & I'll see him in the morning.thx for all your support folks, means a lot.& we're really really really looking forward to xlan. omg yes. xx