No, just self-obsessed
I'm also waiting on another shipment from Playtech for a Sata DVD-drive and a 120mm fan.. no doubt something will go wrong with that too.
"Oh hi guys, I hear you've been fucked over by Imperial and Colonial Powers and consigned to the rubbish bin of Humanity, mainly because of the .....".
You won 400,000 POUNS in the 2011 UK movile draw Send, your REF: NZ/04 to email: [noparse][/noparse] for more info to claim money Mr Evan +4470318307933
Deforestation causes droughts.Colonial powers cause deforestation.
I didn't research at all. But it sounds good right.Also, did they release a patch for BC2 that's TWO FUCKING GIGABYTES in size, or has steam just fucked me up the arse?
Boss has me come in at 8:30 because there's some urgent deadline.9:30, still waiting for him to discuss this deadline.FFS.
Open mac pro case, fap into case, close mac pro case
I do need to take a dump.I've always wanted to drop a turd into a PSU and then turn it on.WATCH SHIT HIT THE FAN.