Retardo, you've always got to make yourself feel better by putting other people down.How weak.
I'm going to answer with a gif all day
I just want to play Halo.OH HI DERE, I WULD LYK DIS HERE 7 PAGES OF FULL A4 CONTENTS PUT IN 2 1 A4 DL FOLDED BROCHURE.HERP. WTF is wrong with people.
Get new material.shit's-weak.
Oh Really?
They're not shit on console. People just don't give them a chance. Yeah they feel wonky and highly uncoordinated but everyone's a virgin once.
Got results back from a 40% essay that I handed in late for NZ Politics.Somehow - despite me thinking it was a pile of shit - mine was the only A+. Soft marking I say, but makes me pretty stoked.
Make text size smaller, problem solved.:-P
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity
Pictures or there is no sky.