Topic: Christchurch Treehouse of Awesome-Where everyone knows your name

Offline Craigor

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We should rename this thread the singles club

I officially just joined.

Reply #21500 Posted: August 22, 2014, 05:01:37 pm
<a href="steam://friends/add/76561197966242864/">Add me to Steam</a> <- Fixed! lol


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We should rename this thread the singles club

I officially just joined.
saw that, wasn't sure if real, sorry to hear x(

Reply #21501 Posted: August 22, 2014, 06:27:41 pm

Offline Retardobot

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We should rename this thread the singles club

I officially just joined.

Dude, I'm sorry. *warm hugs*.

Reply #21502 Posted: August 22, 2014, 06:41:38 pm

Offline Pitchey

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I'm not gonna hug ya, but a firm brotherly pat on the shoulder will suffice.

Reply #21503 Posted: August 22, 2014, 06:55:57 pm

Offline Retardobot

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I'm not gonna hug ya, but a firm brotherly pat on the shoulder will suffice.

It's 2014, pal.

Reply #21504 Posted: August 22, 2014, 06:58:40 pm


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I'm not gonna hug ya, but a firm brotherly pat on the shoulder will suffice.

It's 2014, pal.

Reply #21505 Posted: August 22, 2014, 07:08:36 pm

Offline Speakman

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I'm not gonna hug ya, but a firm brotherly pat on the shoulder will suffice.

It's 2014, pal.

Yeah Pitchey...

Two firm brotherly pats on the shoulder

Reply #21506 Posted: August 22, 2014, 07:15:13 pm
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline Xenolightning

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Yeah Pitchey...

Two firm brotherly pats on the shoulder
Your avatar keeps fooling me into thinking you're arseynimmitz

Reply #21507 Posted: August 22, 2014, 09:53:26 pm
-= Sad pug is sad =-

Offline Bounty Hunter

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Assignment due at 11pm.

Bug in my code I cannot find, so I've emailed my lecturer.

Even if he'd responded right away I would never get it in on time.

Fortunately I can take an extra week at only a 15% penalty, in half a week I can probably get close to 100%.

85% in a week or 20% now?

Calling it a night.

Reply #21508 Posted: August 22, 2014, 09:55:44 pm
"We are the majority we arent the tards, the people we pick on are." -Luse_K

Offline Retardobot

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Your gambling on the assumption your work is worth full marks.

Reply #21509 Posted: August 22, 2014, 11:18:19 pm

Offline Arseynimz

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  • Posts: 2,600
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Reply #21510 Posted: August 22, 2014, 11:29:07 pm
Maybe if i just click this.....shit...DV gonna be maaaaad!

Offline Pyromanik

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Anyway; man some of those threats she received are foul

some people take themselves waaaay too fucking seriously.

I don't know anything about this, but sounds like this woman is on the right foot here. It's unfortunate that narrow minded biggots are always a plenty :(

Because i'm extremely stupid via the internet, I have no clue if you guys were also joking... but yeah I was kidding.

From what I understand

Spoiler :
She released a game called Depression quest, which is being hated because it's not exactly about depression, which might seem silly to say because I'm sure one man with diagnosed depression will possible experience life differently to another man with diagnosed depression.

Now, There is a site called "Wizardchan", A place full of "wizards", anyone over the age of 25 (or is it 30?) who have never kissed, touched, or have extreme trouble speaking to the opposite gender, who have all nearly given up on life because "their life sucks". Basically an unhappy place where they share their problems and talk about unrelated stuff. I've never been on WizardChan so i'd have no clue how unhappy they are, or if they're good people or not.

On this futaba-based image board website, A user started a thread saying "Does this bitch even know what she's talking about, This game has nothing to do with depression, It's sad that she's trying to gain popularity off of it. Then the next poster said something and mentioned the word "C**T". It wasn't anything that would make you assume you would be targeted, doxxed, DDOS'd or anything like that.

She got wind of this somehow and started playing the victim in this whole situation, about how she is getting raided and how WizardChan is full of fat, lonely, pathetic people.

4ChinChillas got word of all this and started mass phone calling her, and while technically she is the victim, she dug herself a giant hole by throwing a lot of trigger words around.

What is making a lot of people angry, is that she's no saint herself. She cheated on her boyfriend (possible Fiance?) with 5 other indie game developers, and also started 3 raids on 3 separate game design charities.

She continually posts about how she is a victim, how men are trying to stop women from becoming game designers...etc etc.

Basically, She says a lot of stupid things (i.e I didn't want to prevent people from commenting on my game because I want criticism but if you're just going to say negative things about my game then you make me wish I did prevent commenting) and is essentially causing herself to be targeted. While you could say that I'm "just as bad as rape culture" by blaming the victim, If you walk around wearing a KKK suit, you SHOULD expect to get the shit beaten out of you, and you don't deserve to complain about it.

Admittingly, This is all stuff that I've read off of one site (which had plenty of screenshots which would be a far stretch to say any of them were taken out of context), so what i'm saying may be biased / not the whole truth / truthful at all, but from what I "know" of the situation, she's asking for all of it by continuing to blame everyone but herself.

Here is where I read it all, written by people who obviously hate her, so you chose what to believe.   <- POSSIBLY NSFW

*ehem* I wonder if i'll get hate for admitting that i'm against her.

Thanks for that.
But I don't actually care, so I didn't read any of it.

Reply #21511 Posted: August 23, 2014, 08:15:58 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline mycoolcar

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Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Has Tinder actually been successful for anyone other than that girl who got fucked off a balcony on the Gold Coast?

Reply #21512 Posted: August 23, 2014, 05:05:39 pm


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Assignment due at 11pm.

Bug in my code I cannot find, so I've emailed my lecturer.

Even if he'd responded right away I would never get it in on time.

Fortunately I can take an extra week at only a 15% penalty, in half a week I can probably get close to 100%.

85% in a week or 20% now?

Calling it a night.
wish I could help x(

Has Tinder actually been successful for anyone other than that girl who got fucked off a balcony on the Gold Coast?

Met my current partner through tinder, we've been together for a while now, so yay to tinder hah

Reply #21513 Posted: August 23, 2014, 05:48:40 pm

Offline mycoolcar

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Has Tinder actually been successful for anyone other than that girl who got fucked off a balcony on the Gold Coast?

Met my current partner through tinder, we've been together for a while now, so yay to tinder hah

Wut. And here's me thinking it's just for banging.

Reply #21514 Posted: August 23, 2014, 05:51:33 pm

Offline Retardobot

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  • Posts: 23,563
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Has Tinder actually been successful for anyone other than that girl who got fucked off a balcony on the Gold Coast?

Is that what they were doing on the balcony?

Reply #21515 Posted: August 23, 2014, 05:54:33 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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A young couple plunged to their deaths in london a few months ago though similar circumstance too.
sitting on the railing while you're doing at it is probably not the best idea.

Reply #21516 Posted: August 23, 2014, 06:21:57 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.


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Met my current partner through tinder, we've been together for a while now, so yay to tinder hah

Wut. And here's me thinking it's just for banging.

Somewhat, I was pretty fussy with it tbh, worked out well for me hah

Reply #21517 Posted: August 23, 2014, 06:35:44 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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What's going on in Christchurch?

A Christchurch man was left with a knife protruding from his skull, after a domestic dispute with his partner, police say.

News Update!

Make sure to delete suspect texts from your phone, just incase your girlfriend reads them and throws a knife at your skull.

30cm knife? That's a big knife!

Reply #21518 Posted: August 25, 2014, 01:17:56 pm

Offline Craigor

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  • Posts: 11,465
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Why don't you just install it yourself? hahaha

Reply #21519 Posted: August 25, 2014, 02:13:13 pm
<a href="steam://friends/add/76561197966242864/">Add me to Steam</a> <- Fixed! lol

Offline Kayne

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  • Posts: 3,298
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Why don't you just install it yourself? hahaha

He's scared he might enjoy it ;)

Reply #21520 Posted: August 25, 2014, 07:19:15 pm
Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AM
I've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me

Offline Retardobot

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  • Posts: 23,563
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Why don't you just install it yourself? hahaha

Because this:

Reply #21521 Posted: August 25, 2014, 11:01:35 pm

Offline Craigor

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Can't help but wonder why it stops at the elbow, surely if you were going that tattooed on your arm, you would be experienced enough to able to carry on...

Reply #21522 Posted: August 26, 2014, 10:00:31 am
<a href="steam://friends/add/76561197966242864/">Add me to Steam</a> <- Fixed! lol

Offline Xsannz

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  • Posts: 5,412
Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Why don't you just install it yourself? hahaha

Because this:

brings a whole new meaning to reach inside you and rip out your heart...

Reply #21523 Posted: August 26, 2014, 10:22:03 am

Offline The Demon Lord

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Craigor, while we all Tinder it up from time to time, you should get on the Grinder for a social experiment. Because, a) I really want to know how dodgy it is, and b) I want to know how crazy Whangarei can be with it's homosexuality. That is all.

Why don't you just install it yourself? hahaha

Because this:

Now we know Rii's Grindr profile user.....

Reply #21524 Posted: August 26, 2014, 01:05:42 pm