In conclusion.If you want to read e-book: Buy a kindleIf you want to watch movies: Buy a big fucking tvIf you want to surf the web: buy a laptop.If you want to read an e-book watch movies, surf the web on one device while sitting down: buy a laptopIf you want to read an e-book watch movies, surf the web and send emails while standing up: buy a tablet
I take it on planes
Once again I reiterate, I have no desk and use a 17inch laptop, there are no groin sensations due to outward facing fans.My house mates all use netbooks on the couch and those things put out like no heat and
I look forward to seeing you sitting down with your ipad.
when I browse (sans forums) i very rarely have to type...... bookmarks... WOW COMPUTERS TABLETS CAN DO THAT??Last I checked, iPad could bookmark sites..... but maybe with bookmarks being a high end user ability, maybe it cant...... certainly seems out of your league SG
Why?A tablet allows you to do those things sitting down or standing up.A laptop only allows you to do those things sitting down.
what's that funny thing under the trackpad on that behemoth of a laptop?
I think you are referring to the mouse-buttons?
I dont own a iPad.... yet.... im very tempted, will all depend on if Nikon adds BT to their cameras and the support from there.I own a mac book pro, imacs and custom built pcs. Still when im browsing, very little need for a keyboard, I can't see any clear major disadvantage that the iPad would have there.
They are tactile feedback pressure sensors, pretty fancy stuff.
DSLR and tethered 'wireless' shooting.would be very sexy with an iPad. (if the current support was expanded). Yes a eeepc or laptop could do it too if it was BT. but the ipad software already available is just pure bliss to use, and cheap!
software to do what, forgive my ignorance. And the ipad is hardly cheap compared to even a touchscreen netbook...