Topic: Japanese Earthquake! 8.9 - 24km* deep

Offline kookynic

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we already know what you look like berg

Reply #150 Posted: March 14, 2011, 05:52:22 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Bell;1368251
Does anyone else think the media is doing a terrible job at reporting on the nuclear situation?
New Zealand reporting is generally terrible. So much so that I ended up watching the Japanese news broadcasts instead since they were up to date and very informative (plus they use simple Japanese that I can understand).

My Korean flatmate has been keeping up with the Korean news which have been really good too. He says that the Japanese government is downplaying the severity of the nuclear situation and are probably with holding information. The amount of casualties being reported have been.....optimistic at best.

Reply #151 Posted: March 14, 2011, 07:45:25 pm
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Offline Clin

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Hang on a second, is the Megawatt rating not the amount of power a plant outputs at a given time? We don't know if that relates directly to the amount and type of fuel rods in the respective reactors.

God, I've been a contentious bastard today. I don't mean to be.

Reply #152 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:03:31 pm

lol @ console hate

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;1368380
My Korean flatmate has been keeping up with the Korean news which have been really good too. He says that the Japanese government is downplaying the severity of the nuclear situation and are probably with holding information. The amount of casualties being reported have been.....optimistic at best.
I take anything a Korean says about a Japanese with a grain of salt and vice versa.

Reply #153 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:27:47 pm
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline Zenith

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It could be that we all have a more technical base and we realize there is a crap load we are not being told.
The NZ media like to deal with feelings and images.  Like the interveiw, Q: what were they yelling out. A: Help.  Q: how do you feel. A: Alive
Japan quake they will play the same stuff over again, the whole news staff need to read up about the nuclear reactors -then report on it.
Have any reporters actually got a map out and looked at coastal populations and where the tsunami hit and how areas have got on etc.  What the damage is like away from the coast. etc.
As far as I can tell from the news Japan has 5 Cities, Tokyo - where all the people live, Fukushima where they use nuclear bombs to make power, Sendai - got washed away, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the yanks blew up.

Reply #154 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:46:34 pm
 (Until I find a current one...)

Offline varkk

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/True but you have to also take anything that the Japanese authorities say on this with a grain of salt as well (preferably iodised). They have a history of covering up/downplaying incidents at their nuclear facilities.

Reply #155 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:48:27 pm

Offline LeadCollector

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Quote from: Daddy Clin;1368388
Hang on a second, is the Megawatt rating not the amount of power a plant outputs at a given time? We don't know if that relates directly to the amount and type of fuel rods in the respective reactors.

God, I've been a contentious bastard today. I don't mean to be.

Yes the MegaWatt rating is the max power it is rated to put out continuously, it would not have to relate to the size of the reactor more the type of turbines and how much steam the reactor can pump out I think they may have misquoted the Chernobyl figures though according to the world nuclear website it says the Chernobyl Reactor RMBK1000 is a much much higher output.

Reply #156 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:54:48 pm

Quote from: Spork;1411842
Your face won\'t make top four!

Offline Speakman

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yeah, power output is dependant on the turbine/s that the steam push, not the core itself

Reply #157 Posted: March 14, 2011, 08:59:36 pm
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline Clin

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Quote from: varkk;1368393
/True but you have to also take anything that the Japanese authorities say on this with a grain of salt as well (preferably iodised). They have a history of covering up/downplaying incidents at their nuclear facilities.

Surely, in this day and age, while the Japanese put on a brave face for the Media and the global populace, governments and experts are working behind the scenes?

Reply #158 Posted: March 14, 2011, 09:00:11 pm

lol @ console hate

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Reply #159 Posted: March 14, 2011, 09:00:44 pm
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline Lvl10

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LATEST: 10.40pm: A reactor at a power plant in quake-hit Fukushima has lost all its cooling capability, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says.

on stuff :S

Reply #160 Posted: March 14, 2011, 11:28:34 pm

Offline Zenith

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They can still get them under control. My understanding is: Of the 6 reactors at the plant 3 were already shut down so as long as they are in quick enough they shouldn't overheat.
The other 3 have been automatically shut down when the quake hit and take about 6 days to cool to about 6% output.  All lost power to the cooling systems and primary cooling has been abandoned with Sea water and boric acid being pumped into them all to try and cool them.  Venting pressure in the inner container releases hydrogen gas into the building which somehow ignites and explodes blowing to top and upper sides off the building.  I expect #2 will have exploded by morning.  If all the control rods are in and not melted down too much when the coolant levels dropped it could be alright.

Reply #161 Posted: March 15, 2011, 12:25:00 am
 (Until I find a current one...)


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Reply #162 Posted: March 15, 2011, 03:51:40 am

Offline Greaver

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Right this link may need to go in the OP

Before posting about meltdowns and explosions and the release of lethal radioactive isotopes into the air please read it people

Reply #163 Posted: March 15, 2011, 04:33:27 am

Offline Zarkov

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Quote from: Greaver;1368480
Right this link may need to go in the OP

Before posting about meltdowns and explosions and the release of lethal radioactive isotopes into the air please read it people


No chance.

Reply #164 Posted: March 15, 2011, 06:22:43 am

Offline Greaver

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You are going to have to elaborate on this for me Zarkov

Are you saying theres no chance of putting this in the OP or no chance of those singing Chernobyl 2011 reading an article explaining the situation the and systems in place for everyday folk
Japanese Earthquake! 8.9 - 24km* deep

Reply #165 Posted: March 15, 2011, 06:27:39 am

Offline SteddieEddie

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Quote from: kookynic;1368283
Fuck i lol'd, fucking americans

Yeah fucking hilarious dick.
I have friends on the west coast, one of whom is 6 months pregnant. I'm sure they are rolling around laughing at the thought of a potential meltdown

Reply #166 Posted: March 15, 2011, 08:43:44 am

Offline BerG

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Reply #167 Posted: March 15, 2011, 08:46:35 am

Offline BerG

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Quote from: SteddieEddie;1368502
Yeah fucking hilarious dick.
I have friends on the west coast, one of whom is 6 months pregnant. I'm sure they are rolling around laughing at the thought of a potential meltdown

Read above link.

Reply #168 Posted: March 15, 2011, 08:47:07 am

Offline SteddieEddie

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I have but kocky hadn't when he thought it was funny that Americans might get poisoned

Reply #169 Posted: March 15, 2011, 08:56:43 am

Offline Greaver

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The Americans can't get poisoned, its impossible.

The Hawaiians can't get poisoned, its impossible

The Japanese in the area will hardly be affected, even if a meltdown occurs

Reply #170 Posted: March 15, 2011, 09:00:46 am

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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I agree that the media are taking this way out of proportion. The effects of the Earthquake and tsunami are far more devastating and will be in the long term then the effect of any radiation escaping.

Oh and kookynic is a moron.

Reply #171 Posted: March 15, 2011, 09:22:29 am

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: SteddieEddie;1368502
Yeah fucking hilarious dick.
I have friends on the west coast, one of whom is 6 months pregnant. I'm sure they are rolling around laughing at the thought of a potential meltdown

Below link makes me weep for the future of humanity.

Reply #172 Posted: March 15, 2011, 09:26:58 am
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline hoodieblanket

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Reply #173 Posted: March 15, 2011, 09:43:24 am

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;1368520
Below link makes me weep for the future of humanity.

Showed that to an American mate and he was shocked, and this guy's ex. US Navy. He said "What a bunch of idiots. The have they no compassion for anyone other then them self.
The loss of life and property is staggering and all these mindless morons have to say is this crap...they need a swift kick to the head and other parts of the body.

I am embarrassed to see such bullshit...and that's what it is, pisses me off to see such comments from my country men.
Please do not think we all think that way...these are just a small group of narcissistic jerks with nothing to say.
Freakin aholes." so at least their not all complete twats!

Reply #174 Posted: March 15, 2011, 09:51:52 am