Just wanting to know who here has their Firearms License?What gun(s) you have?and hunting stories? Do tell... I bought my 4th gun on the weekend, a Norinco SKS 20" from Gun City in Christchurch.Which i am looking to customise up into a sniperish aestheticthey generally look like this;
SKS-sniperish? fail.the short Russian is no sniper round,its somewhat akin to the 30-30.With soft points suitable for small to medium game up to ranges of 200mtrs max.By the time you fit a drag stock,scope mount,bipod and other "wanker" bits the money spent would have got you a decent bolt action in a large calibre and a reasonable scope.Something like the Rem700 pictured above.The SKS makes for a great bush gun on pigs and goats and Deer.As for guns, I've had/have everything from flintlocks to 375 H&H.done Cowboy action,ISPC,Service rifle...hunted mouse's to Moose(took photos of Moose in Canada,to easy to shoot)Missed more ducks than plucked,shot Swan,Parry's and puks,eated once and shot no more(they is yuck).Currently shoot blanks thru MG's and SMG's as a re-enactor(C theactrical endoresment)ammo just as expensive as live stuff but youre not allowed to eat dead Germans.
That does look very Snazzy