Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AMI've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me
Currently running through Abe's Exodus (on steammmmm) again.Does that count as an old game?
load runner
Insert blatent fake claim for owning abes exodus here
Comix Zone was the hardest fucking shit, I have it, I have never finished it
F-15 Strike Eagle IIIt was awesome, blowing up them enemy jets!Spoiler :
The original Caesar game. remember it being absolutely terrible when I was a kid, but I still played it. No manual. No instructions. The game was impossible to play or understand.
Sound like the last I heard was about 2 years ago then.(edit) just checked his site and it's still in beta, so not released yet.
Bullrush, banned in schools these days. I use to charge the tacklers when I did a run and broke a few of their bones, consequently I was often not asked to run by myself until there where a lot of tacklers because they need to team tackle me.