I like how people are coming together to catch this KONY asswipe, yet the America people aren’t doing anything to stop the corruption of their own government despite there being plenty of documentaries to show the facts.
Also America won’t send in people to kill KONY unless they benefit somehow. It’s all talk and no show with politics.
Its like a cool kids thing?
I read that as "Why do americans think that they should be fixing other peoples shit when they could be fixing their own shit." Is that not how it was intended?
true, $5 is of little concern to anyone. But if 24 million people donate $5 then that could buy a lot of guns. Or maybe a tank or something. I'm still trying to work out if it's propaganda. I mean they quote Kony as saying something like once he found out the GREAT POWER of america was after him he was changing tactics. Really? That's a bit hard to swallow
*edit I just found that part at minute 15, yes its very short so as I said a valid critisim about how they communicated that part I can see why its caused a bit of confusion but I don't think there was sinister intent.
They came out and said they intended people to think he was in Uganda and not in the congo?
After doing some 'looking into it' and forming my own opinion, I've come to this conclusion: