If everybody had a rate on their loan, the rate would be determined by the grades you get.A=5%B=10%C=15%Obviously not exactly those number and people from the lower class have it a bit easier but it would help weed out the ones that aren't serious enough about it. Or even if you get a D or less you get funding cut? Medical students wouldn't suffer as much because they would be getting around A for most of their papers.
What a stupid idea. Do you you even know how grades work?
^that sounds like spending $10,000 in admin costs, chasing $10.Then there'd be the loopholes. ie if your insurance guy specialised in insurance for physics labs ?
Inb4 conscription
The trouble with that idea is that it is incredibly narrow minded. The finance industry for instance targets people with Mathematics and theoretical physics degress as they have the knowledge and ability with numbers etc which many with a degree in finance are just unable to grasp. The point of a university education is to encourage 'critical thinking' and not just the specifics that are included in the degree courses.The actual facts you may learn as part of your education are just a side-effect to developing the analytical skills which are vital for any non-trivial job. By the end of a degree the student should be able to apply these skills in to a wide range of fields, and not just the specifics they encountered in their course work.
an Educated person doing a job in the field that they studied is a great thing and IMO throughout their life time, they will pay society back through Taxes and general improving society - for these people, they should get free education, because in the end society reaps the benefits of having more educated people in a particular field
Weren't you just advocating experience over education?Society.
The point of a university education is to encourage 'critical thinking' and not just the specifics that are included in the degree courses.The actual facts you may learn as part of your education are just a side-effect to developing the analytical skills which are vital for any non-trivial job. By the end of a degree the student should be able to apply these skills in to a wide range of fields, and not just the specifics they encountered in their course work.
Do you you even know how grades work?
And you already get your student loan funding cut if you fail a certain percentage of your papers in a year.
Fair enough. But I bet most of those protesting students are still studing, and don't actually have to pay it back yet.The ones who are paying it back are too busy working to waste time standing on a street protesting.What is a bit silly, I think, is that they removed the voluntary repayment bonus. Which takes aways the only incentive to actually pay any more then the minimum amount.
maybe the builder was an art student, and it's a powerful message shrouded in anguish.