Topic: Bloody Students!

Offline Spigalau

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Quote from: Zarkov;1487637
Why would anyone build a car like that?

The owner was schooled in NCEA, so nothing is ever fail.

Reply #75 Posted: May 29, 2012, 10:22:48 am
49 20 63 61 6e 20 72 65 6d 65 6d 62 65 72 20 77 68 65 6e 20 74 68 65 20 61 69 72 20 77 61 73 20 63 6c 65 61 6e 20 61 6e 64 20 73 65 78 20 77 61 73 20 64 69 72 74 79 2e

Offline Tandoori

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Quote from: Emrico1;1487638
Not to mention that it is a dirty 6 posing as a 351 :/ All for show, what a wank.
Comes with a free mullet, blue tank top and a zz-top cassette, all at no extra charge.

Nothing wrong with Ford's 6s tbh, the barras are relatively impressive for a 6. A supercharged 6 would be quite interesting - but it's pretty essential to actually have boost going into the engine - otherwise you're paying all that energy to drive the supercharger with absolutely no gain.

That car is an abomination.

On a side note, I was meant to post that in the CHCH thread - but NCEA literacy seems to have failed me.

Reply #76 Posted: May 29, 2012, 11:30:35 am

Offline 9unk

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Quote from: Pyromanik;1487617
Funny to say that.
Everyone fucking voted Labour for one reason and one reason only when they blatently BRIBED the entire country's student populace with a student loan ease up.

Also, I did a BA.
I get paid well.
It is my first job out of uni.
I do not begrudge paying a loan.
What I do begrudge is watching every drunk fuckwit running around partying hard on taxpayer money because their parents bullshitted on some form to enable them to receive the allowance. I worked hard, and I barely got by. I have no idea how one affords to get pissed as fuck every weekend, but I do know that it is fully taken for granted. Those whinging need to simply harden the fuck up.

I'm not against loans and allowances, I actually believe that what is currently paid is not enough. I do however believe that allowance is far too easy to get, and that the loan living costs is far too little. It may have changed in recent years, but that is how I felt when I left uni.
I still have over 30k left on my loan, but paying it back faster is CERTAINLY not something I begrudge. I'd rather welcome it. It may mean less disposable income each payday, but I seriously doubt I'd even notice the difference of a measely 2¢.

Totally agree. I have paid off my student loan via min repayments. It did suck seeing my pay dwindled down a bit but to be honest you don't notice that much and if you finish paying your loan off you are then in good steed to continue saving that same amount each pay if you choose to do so. Most students don't seem to be looking too far into the future however so I doubt this would happen.

I was bribed by Labour and voted for them when it suited me. Tbh I am unhappy with National and Labour's policies at present and don't know which is the lesser of two evils. The economist National or the handout Labour. I fall in the middle of who each are targeting. National the rich and Labour the poor. Middle income earners seem to be the ones getting f*cked by both parties and I would say middle income earners are the majority?

Reply #77 Posted: May 29, 2012, 12:17:56 pm
=] IRBS [=

Offline Pyromanik

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I could dispute that. Labour plays short game. Appease the people now. National plays long game, trying to pull the entire fucking nation up out of debt. I don't agree with everything they do, for sure. But I think that although some of the things they propose may have a hardship in the beginning, in the end we'll all be better off.

It's just like the students. Most of them are living completely in the now. And society grooms that. The must have gadgets. The fashions. The keeping up with everyone else. Spend all your money, save none. The typical Kiwi lives far outside their means for practicle futures. Greed has become the western world now more than ever before. And we sink ourselves with it.

Smart management breeds brighter futures. Many of us need to learn self control along with humility and ambition. Not "shit I need an iPhone so I can pretend to be someone."

Reply #78 Posted: May 29, 2012, 07:21:35 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Tandoori

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Quote from: Pyromanik;1487729
I could dispute that. Labour plays short game. Appease the people now. National plays long game, trying to pull the entire fucking nation up out of debt. I don't agree with everything they do, for sure. But I think that although some of the things they propose may have a hardship in the beginning, in the end we'll all be better off.

Well, it's National that got us into all the debt in the first place, and the time before that also.

You can definitely argue that Labour bought votes with interest-free student loans, but National did the exact same thing with income tax cuts.

One did it with a multibillion dollar surplus, the other with a deficit. Which is less fiscally responsible?

As far as us being 'better off', I doubt that's going to be the case if they flog off our assets.

It's just like the students. Most of them are living completely in the now. And society grooms that. The must have gadgets. The fashions. The keeping up with everyone else. Spend all your money, save none. The typical Kiwi lives far outside their means for practicle futures. Greed has become the western world now more than ever before. And we sink ourselves with it.

Smart management breeds brighter futures. Many of us need to learn self control along with humility and ambition. Not "shit I need an iPhone so I can pretend to be someone."

On this, I agree. New Zealanders need to stop living outside their means. Hire-purchase, credit-cards, tick-a-tinny; it's all bad. Instant-gratification lifestyle :S
Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 07:55:09 pm by Tandoori

Reply #79 Posted: May 29, 2012, 07:50:00 pm

Offline Pitchey

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Quote from: Super_Hori;1487737
Well, it's National that got us into all the debt in the first place, and the time before that also.


Reply #80 Posted: May 29, 2012, 07:51:35 pm

Offline Tandoori

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Quote from: Pitchey;1487738

Labour left government with an 9bn surplus (more like 6, after Nats found all the hidden ACC fuckups.

I actually don't know when the last deficit was prior to the current sich, but our economic plague during the 90's is off reforms from the fourth Labour government in the 80's - of course those reforms were in response to the massive crisis left by Muldoon's mismanagement of foreign exchange.
Two very different National governments though really.

Reply #81 Posted: May 29, 2012, 08:00:36 pm

Offline Aloysius

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Labour inherited a $20bn deficit and left with a $9bn surplus. ( I guess 6 if Hori is right about whatever ACC fuck ups he is referring to, I trust him :P)
National has racked up a $60bn deficit. Yes they came in during a recession, yes they have to deal with devastation in christchurch. But the fact that $2bn of that deficit was borrowed to cover a shortfall for their tax cuts to the rich in the midst of a recession is disgraceful. Bear in mind that that is just the shortfall, not the full cost. Most of that was borne by the rest of NZ txpayers.

Also I am still waiting for that report on the sale of Govt assets that refutes all the treaury and independent reports that their sale won't improve the govt's books. Plus I loved the fact that they borrowed more than was required because the going rate was pretty cheap. But yea sure Labour can't be trusted with NZ's finances.

Shall I go on? (Who's off topic now? :P)

Reply #82 Posted: May 29, 2012, 09:31:06 pm

Offline mattnz

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Yeah National totes have the long game in mind, selling off assets to pay debt that costs less than the they are returning.

Best way to get a knowledge economy, stop subsidising those who are generating the knowledge.

Reply #83 Posted: May 29, 2012, 09:41:48 pm
Now that you have read this, plz give me neg rep :>

Offline Pyromanik

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Income tax cuts were off set with a GST rise to 15% which everyone bitched and moaned and whinged about when it happened, convienently forgetting that they already had less income tax to counter the affects.

Last I recall Labour had a massive surplus... which suddenly disappeared somewhere. Fuck knows.
Politics is so not my bag, baby. The Labour bag was more a cheap shot at an almost 100% effective troll.

I was more trying to point out the differences between long game and short game. Appease the people vs upset a few and ride it out for a better future. Ngai Tahu are fantastic examples, look at what they've done with the settlement money compared to other iwi who just went and spent the lot on new XR8's.

I also said I don't agree with everything National is about, asset sales being one of them. That's short game to me.

I hate politics because there is never a correct answer. Benefits are a needed thing, the trouble is regulating it between those who actually need it and those who "crack it". I have a friend who's mother was in 100% no condition to work, but had her benefit cut off under National's 'work for the dole' scheme. That was a complete fucking failure. Although the idea of not letting people get complacent on it was not misplaced, the execution was extremely poor. But some people really just need a bit of motivation to get out and help themselves. Govt. Can't look after us all, unless our taxes go through the roof, and I'm pretty sure everyone would rant their fucking skulls inside out on that. But again, that could be an effective long game solution.

In any case of whatever the goal is at the end of a decision, lazy fuckwits raving about a 2¢ increase in repayment rates is far unfounded.

Some people really just don't belong at uni. Some should be in trade apprenticeships, some should be at polytechs. Most young people go to university these days because modern society pressures them into it. It's what is expected, it's what comes after school in order for us to make something of ourselves as if we'd be nothing without it. This ends up in some go because they feel they have to at least try, and they want the party experience, and that's all uni is to them. End up with debt, no degree, no job and a society that looks down on them for it.

It's all a heap of bullshit for anyone who's not there to get shit done to complain about anything.

Reply #84 Posted: May 29, 2012, 10:43:26 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Black Heart

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Labours 9bn surplus was accounting bullshit, the coffers were empty, nationals promises of tax returns were based on this lie about govt coffers due to the overtaxing of basically everyone. Labour hid the ACC lost monies, due to bad investments. Hid the railway fiasco (buy high, lose money,  sell low). after 9 years of running a country through economic boom time, there was nothing to show for it. National were forced to go through with tax cuts as promised, and have been attempting to scrounge funds ever since. Tax revenues have dropped along with the recession.

Reply #85 Posted: May 30, 2012, 02:13:14 pm

Offline NZFez

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WTF!!! seriously, they are at it again protesting on symonds street during friday evening when people are trying to get home from work at the end of the week, what a bunch of inconsiderate twats. What the fuck do they have to complain about, they already get the student allowance which a lot of people don't get, and they seem to have enough time of their hands to get a part time job as they seem to have plenty with being able to organise and participate in the protest even with exams in just over a weeks time, some of us don't have that much time with just our studies let along having to work part time. Bunch of ungrateful fuckheads who don't know how good they have it. Glad the police are down there trying to contain it so that people can get home without having to make a detour.

Reply #86 Posted: June 01, 2012, 03:38:15 pm

Offline Retardobot

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Those students were protesting the new budget cuts to the education system. I for one support protests against such a thing.

Schools are being threatened with department closure because they wont have the money to fund them.

Reply #87 Posted: June 01, 2012, 10:17:52 pm

Offline Hmmmgood

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Bring back the red squad imo.

Reply #88 Posted: June 01, 2012, 10:51:52 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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Quote from: NZFez;1488244
friday evening when people are trying to get home from work at the end of the week

That's why.
Dicks do that shit intentionally to make the fact that they have no jobs and get supported for f(r)ee ultimately clear, so no one else will EVER give them ANY serious thought to their cause.

Auckland University.
The only university to protest the transition to voluntary student union fees (claiming it'd ruin their culture) when they were the only university in the country to ALREADY HAVE THAT RULE IN PLACE.


Reply #89 Posted: June 01, 2012, 11:25:23 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.


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They made my bus home half an hour late, i kicked one.

Reply #90 Posted: June 01, 2012, 11:27:32 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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Good work.
I hope you bruised them good without causing any permenant damage.

Reply #91 Posted: June 01, 2012, 11:31:14 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Pitchey

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I'd say that there actions have alienated them, and their message, from a lot of Auckland residents.

Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

Reply #92 Posted: June 02, 2012, 05:48:54 am

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Quote from: Pyromanik;1488300
That's why.
Dicks do that shit intentionally to make the fact that they have no jobs and get supported for f(r)ee ultimately clear, so no one else will EVER give them ANY serious thought to their cause.

Auckland University.
The only university to protest the transition to voluntary student union fees (claiming it'd ruin their culture) when they were the only university in the country to ALREADY HAVE THAT RULE IN PLACE.



Pyro, the nazi loves education budget cuts.  Like I posted. They weren't protesting the SA and post graduate changes, they were protesting the budget cuts announced that will do severe damage to the education system.

Reply #93 Posted: June 02, 2012, 09:10:59 am

Offline toofast

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I had a rather interesting talk with a friend yesterday about this whole situation. While it started about the protests, it ended up being about the zero budget, and whether its the right choice. He ended up raising some interesting points. His POV was that there is no point worrying about the deficit, because NZ % of debt of total gdp is still reasonably low. And on top of that, the goverment already subsidises ~75% of university course costs, and ends up puts a decent amount into writing off the interest from the student loans covering the part it does not subsidies. He says while a zero budget may make logical sense at first thought, coming out of a recession it makes more sense to invest heavily into education, to reap the benefits down the line. He proposes to pretty much make university free in terms of course costs, saying it will work out much better in the long term.

So what are someone, who is better informed than me on the economics of such a moves thoughts.

Reply #94 Posted: June 02, 2012, 09:11:03 am

Offline varkk

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Quote from: toofast;1488323
I He says while a zero budget may make logical sense at first thought, coming out of a recession it makes more sense to invest heavily into education, to reap the benefits down the line. He proposes to pretty much make university free in terms of course costs, saying it will work out much better in the long term.

The thing is this government doesn't care about the long term. They are all about the here and now. Anything beyond the current fiscal period is for the next guy to worry about.

Reply #95 Posted: June 02, 2012, 10:31:13 am

Offline Pyromanik

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Quote from: Retardobot;1488322

Pyro, the nazi loves education budget cuts.  Like I posted. They weren't protesting the SA and post graduate changes, they were protesting the budget cuts announced that will do severe damage to the education system.

Oh yup.

Well then, fair enough.

Quote from: varkk;1488331
The thing is this government doesn't care about the long term. They are all about the here and now. Anything beyond the current fiscal period is for the next guy to worry about.

Even more true for the citizens IMO.
People want the now fix. The government is for the people (lol!), and to appease them and continue to hold office so that they can see their long term goals through...

That said, the government is also made up of people who want the now fix, or are pressuring for the now fix to make the opposition (who aren't enacting it) look weak.

The whole thing is just bullshit.
Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 10:43:14 am by Pyromanik

Reply #96 Posted: June 02, 2012, 10:40:00 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline toofast

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Quote from: varkk;1488331
The thing is this government doesn't care about the long term. They are all about the here and now. Anything beyond the current fiscal period is for the next guy to worry about.

So you are saying they are trying to get into surplus, despite not caring about the long term?

Reply #97 Posted: June 02, 2012, 10:54:55 am

Offline varkk

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lol, you think they are going to reach surplus. Next year in the budget they will revise the date to be another twelve months later.

Reply #98 Posted: June 02, 2012, 01:42:05 pm

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I just got an email from IRD about my student loan
Add "SL" to your tax code
 If you’re earning salary or wages, make sure you add "SL" to your tax code regardless of how much you earn, unless you have received an exemption from Inland Revenue.

One view of your loan balance
 Check out your total loan balance through your Inland Revenue online account, including your StudyLink transactions. You must be registered for this service.

Pay period repayment obligations for salary or wage earners in New Zealand
 Your student loan deductions every pay period will be considered as meeting your repayment obligation, unless there’s a significant under- or over-deduction. You generally won’t have an end-of-year assessment.

Repayment exemptions for full-time students
 You can apply for a repayment deduction exemption if you’re studying full-time and expect to earn under $19,084 in the tax year.

Special deduction rate for secondary earnings
 If you earn under the pay-period threshold (e.g. $367 a week) from your main job, you can apply to reduce the repayment deductions on earnings from a second job.

Repayment holiday changes
 Going overseas? If you want a break from your repayment obligations you need to apply for the one year repayment holiday and provide a contact person. Interest will still apply to your loan during the holiday. Already overseas? The repayment holiday has been shortened from three years to one year and the interest rate reduced to 6.4% p.a.

Loans in default
 The rate that applies when loans are overdue has reduced to 0.843% per month. If you’re not sure how to get your loan back on track, get in touch with us.

Enhanced online services
 Staying on top of your student loan has never been easier with our enhanced Inland Revenue online services. Register and login at to check your latest student loan details, apply for an exemption, special deduction rate, repayment holiday or update your contact details.

Annual administration fee
A $40 annual administration fee will be charged on your account if your loan balance is $20 or more, unless you’ve paid StudyLink an establishment fee in the same tax year.
What the shit? They're charging $40 a year for this?
Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 04:29:57 pm by Tiwaking!

Reply #99 Posted: June 02, 2012, 04:29:23 pm
I am now banned from GetSome