The thing is this government doesn't care about the long term. They are all about the here and now. Anything beyond the current fiscal period is for the next guy to worry about.
How can you say that?That's Labours way, always has been, always will be. National did jack $#@! in its first term other than clean up the $#@!storm of a mess that Labour left behind. National has always been about the future.
I love it when people rage about Muldoon, seeing every single one of his think big projects still runs today, in the black, and have directly employed thousands of people. His debts were at least on tangible things that made returns. What the fuck have any governments since created ? (And no relabelling/branding/imaging do not count as creations).
. Last election they talked about raising the retirement age over concerns of the affordability of the system.
And they are still talking about this and other parties are jumping on the same band wagon - but funny how they are all talking about bringing it in round 2020 - not tomorrow - so it is a waste and just grandstanding on an issue that isnt relevant today or even for the current term of government as the next 2 terms could change the date anyway.Parties should be addressing issues that are relevant and able to make change on today and retirement age isnt one of them
I pity the people who are counting on their kiwisaver fund to pay their rent in 2050.
I think you grossly misunderstand this issue.The problem with implementation is that it has to be phased in, so that people who're 64 today aren't affected - or grey power will be on your front lawn with pitchforks and a stake to burn you at. It is extremely relevant today, because our inaction now will cost us dearly down the track.
In Australia they are looking to raise the minimum super contribution to %12 because its current level of %9 won't be enough for people to live on.Now look at kiwisaver....Gen Y in NZ is $#@!ed long term.High levels of debt, a pathetic amount of super and the burden of paying the healthcare costs of the baby boomers going into retirement who will live for along time passed 65
That's as may be.But who will look after your kids when they're driving you nuts?
IMO the housing market should crash, and by crash i mean return to sanity. Theres no real reason a house should sell for more than land value + building value. And buildings deteriorate, not gain in value unless you've renovated. If we treated cars like houses, we would be spending $3k on a paintjob, and then be selling the car for $5k more than before the paintjob.
Step 1: Go to the rest of the worldStep 2: Try and find a house that wasn't built by shotty, cheap, short-cutting builders that leads to black mould and a cold, damp environment.Step 3: Found one.
Step 3: Realise that the Housing market in NZ is dirt cheap compared to international prices and so the housing market will never return to Sanity, because when Mr overseas immagrant can buy for the equivilent of a Palacial mansion for half to a third the price he would have to pay in his own country - the NZ housing market will continue to go up as it stops being under-valued....
IMO the housing market should crash, and by crash i mean return to sanity.
I can almost agree with that.But robots don't got tits. Essential for many important tasks, some even to do with children.