Topic: DayZ General Chat

Offline Speakman

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update today, 1.7.2

By the sounds of it, its pretty buggy like last time, so may be worth holding up for a couple of incremental updates
Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 11:30:28 am by Speakman

Reply #500 Posted: July 10, 2012, 10:33:48 am
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline Lathium

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Yeah it's fairly buggy.

Anywho, had about 263 kills. Went to NW airfield, saw heaps of Stationary zombies didn't add to the kill count. Killed a few, got a few pieces of loot, left, then headed east. Found an M24 with a mag, used it, and then found a bloudy helicopter crash site - First one I've found since I started playing. Started to snipe a few of the zombies, went up to try and loot it, and low-and-behold - I couldn't. Couldn't find the loot location anywhere over it.

Anyway, I see one zombie spawn in front of me, and then I back away. Instantly, one zombie - literally 100 meters away from me agros onto me, I shoot him, then I get all the bloudy Corps on my ass, I run backwards and try to shoot, yet they knock me down, and I die.

Had that character for a while. Oh well, time to Rambo again.


HOLY SHIT. Thank god for NZ10 Disconnecting/crashing. I load up the game expecting to start a new character, but my toon is still alive. The Server must of rebooted/DC'd right before I got facked up.

Thank the lord for bugs for saving my character. *Breathes huge sigh of relief*.
Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 12:20:27 pm by Lathium

Reply #501 Posted: July 10, 2012, 11:59:57 am

Offline dirtyape

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Heli loot is on the ground around it. Check under the tail there's usually something there. It only spawns loot once. Heli crash sites respawn at heli crash nodes per server restart.

DON'T CHANGE CLOTHES IN 1.7.2 or you will lose everything, wait for hotfix.

Reply #502 Posted: July 10, 2012, 12:27:05 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline Lathium

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Thanks for the heads up Dirty. I'll keep my eyes peeled next time.

Reply #503 Posted: July 10, 2012, 12:42:34 pm

Offline AvatarFACE

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Anyone else noticed that since the patch the zombies aggro from a much greater distance and even crouch walking will set them off from quite a way away in grass? Can hardly get anywhere without having to chop my way through a ton of zombies, whereas before the patch I had survived for about 7 hours of total playtime in my previous character and only killed about 30 or so zombies(I only kill them when i really have to)

Reply #504 Posted: July 10, 2012, 05:01:30 pm
Wallpaper thread (It was good when it was updated)

Offline Lathium

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Yup, if they're looking at you from a fairly decent distance they'll generally notice that you're 'edible' and chase after you.

Bad luck if you happen to fire off a shot when there are other zombies in the vicinity as well.

Reply #505 Posted: July 10, 2012, 05:05:50 pm

Offline Lathium

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Double post, different events.

Found another camp site with roughly 6 tents and 3 vehicles outside it on NZ10. Whoever you are (If you frequent these forums) you had Ghillie suits for Africa. I took the liberty of freeing them to some poor souls (when they get fixed) and sent them to my own tent.

Oh also. I may have taken some ammo and possibly your FN FAL NV gun...  Was pretty tempted to take the DMR as well, and the M249. I might be back for those later :P

Reply #506 Posted: July 11, 2012, 06:20:44 am

Offline Lathium

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Double post, different events.

Found another camp site with roughly 6 tents and 3 vehicles outside it on NZ10. Whoever you are (If you frequent these forums) you had Ghillie suits for Africa. I took the liberty of freeing them to some poor souls (when they get fixed) and sent them to my own tent.

Oh also. I may have taken some ammo and possibly your FN FAL NV gun...  Was pretty tempted to take the DMR as well, and the M249. I might be back for those later :P

Reply #507 Posted: July 11, 2012, 06:29:07 am

Offline Skeet

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Quote from: Lathium;1493550
Double post, different events.

Found another camp site with roughly 6 tents and 3 vehicles outside it on NZ10. Whoever you are (If you frequent these forums) you had Ghillie suits for Africa. I took the liberty of freeing them to some poor souls (when they get fixed) and sent them to my own tent.

Oh also. I may have taken some ammo and possibly your FN FAL NV gun...  Was pretty tempted to take the DMR as well, and the M249. I might be back for those later :P

Gutting to whoevers tents they were, but if you leave them in a silly place......

You're gonna have a bad time.

Reply #508 Posted: July 11, 2012, 08:33:16 am

Offline Lathium

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I'll definitely be covering my tracks ;)

Reply #509 Posted: July 11, 2012, 09:09:50 am

Offline Lathium

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I hate coming into human contact.

Lost the loot that I looted from that campsite I found to a dumb-ass axe psycho. I'm too nice, I give them too much time to stop but they just keep coming.
Assholes. Bye-bye DMR, AK-74 Kobra and every other easy thing to obtain.

Reply #510 Posted: July 11, 2012, 03:18:57 pm

Offline Emrico1

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Reply #511 Posted: July 11, 2012, 03:43:17 pm

Offline Emrico1

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Reply #512 Posted: July 11, 2012, 03:45:59 pm

Offline krasher

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I was nice to a stranger a couple dayz went well. All the other times...

And, I gotta say, I am really enjoying my silenced mp5 and hooning round with 2 mates. So much easier when you have 3 people all kitted up.

Reply #513 Posted: July 12, 2012, 06:31:42 am

i5 2500k|GTX560ti|GA-Z68X-UD3|8Gig DDR3 1600|24" LG 19x12|650W Corsair|64GB SSD Cache WD640

Offline NZFez

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it is but you still need to be cautious as 1 guy can still take all 3 of you out, that is the great thing about dayz.

Reply #514 Posted: July 12, 2012, 09:33:07 am

Offline Warcrimes

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Quote from: krasher;1493655
I was nice to a stranger a couple dayz went well. All the other times...

And, I gotta say, I am really enjoying my silenced mp5 and hooning round with 2 mates. So much easier when you have 3 people all kitted up.

all you need is a dude with a 50cal. 1000m away to kill you all very easily

Reply #515 Posted: July 12, 2012, 06:22:13 pm
Kookynic - "facebook, it\'s a Pokédex for people"

Offline NZFez

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Quote from: Warcrimes;1493779
all you need is a dude with a 50cal. 1000m away to kill you all very easily

we know all too well about this don't we. Was checking out the distances today and it would have being a good 700+m to take all 4 of us out.

Reply #516 Posted: July 12, 2012, 06:27:18 pm

Offline Warcrimes

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yeah was a good lesson learnt

Reply #517 Posted: July 12, 2012, 07:07:02 pm
Kookynic - "facebook, it\'s a Pokédex for people"

Offline Si1ent_Assassin

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20% off ARMAII:CO if anyone was waiting for a sale to pick this up.

Reply #518 Posted: July 13, 2012, 09:17:28 am

Offline NZFez

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Dayz is serious business
DayZ General Chat
Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 10:48:49 pm by NZFez

Reply #519 Posted: July 13, 2012, 10:43:12 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Pretty much got my dream gear today, got to starry and promptly got shot by a guy with a m4 sd with terrible aim who met a end from my DMR. Nabbed gps, nightvision, rangefinders off him. Went round looking for choppers and found these two beautys, one with a l85 (with the most ridiculously overpowered scope in existence), and a m107 and more nightvision.

The L85 heat vision is insane i watched a dude go through a town and get chased out the other side by zombies all from 700m away without losing sight of him lol

Reply #520 Posted: July 13, 2012, 10:58:07 pm

Offline Warcrimes

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Quote from: KiLL3r;1493966
Pretty much got my dream gear today, got to starry and promptly got shot by a guy with a m4 sd with terrible aim who met a end from my DMR. Nabbed gps, nightvision, rangefinders off him. Went round looking for choppers and found these two beautys, one with a l85 (with the most ridiculously overpowered scope in existence), and a m107 and more nightvision.

The L85 heat vision is insane i watched a dude go through a town and get chased out the other side by zombies all from 700m away without losing sight of him lol

had it all and lost it twice,

Reply #521 Posted: July 13, 2012, 11:38:02 pm
Kookynic - "facebook, it\'s a Pokédex for people"

Offline Cdr

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That 1.7.2?

Thought that the l85 was removed by accident by Rocket - sweet to know it hasn't :D

*goes to find choppers*

Reply #522 Posted: July 13, 2012, 11:59:54 pm

Offline Speakman

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existing ones definitely were, whether they were completely removed or not is a different story.

Reply #523 Posted: July 14, 2012, 12:03:34 am
Quote from: Mellcor
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Cdr;1493971
That 1.7.2?

Thought that the l85 was removed by accident by Rocket - sweet to know it hasn't :D

*goes to find choppers* :)

Reply #524 Posted: July 14, 2012, 10:20:25 am