Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes...there\'s too much fraternizing with the enemy.-Henry Kissinger
I've played with Microsoft's Table Surface at their Redmond HQs if that's any help.
You know for years now i've read your name as dirtyrape and have only just noticed it's apeohgodwhathaveIdone
lol - i'm sure Sigmund Freud would say something about that but don't feel bad I get that all the time. You'd think my avatard would be something entirely inappropriate if that actually were my alias...
How did you find it?
He's not the only one who thought there was an Extra R in your name.the avatar did make more sense when I realised the correct spelling.But that primate in your picture - he has got his rape face on....
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The Demon Lord again.That's awkward
But that primate in your picture - he has got his rape face on....
Microsoft Believes Peripherals Are Old NewsRuss Pitts | 13 March 2010 3:16 pmCiting the videogame industry's birth in commercial arcades, Microsoft's Eric Havir suggests Surface may be just getting started taking over the game industry. Already installed in a number of venues around the world, including the Palms casino in Las Vegas, Surface allows users to play by touch, using off-the-shelf processor and infrared camera technology. In addition to casinos, the Surface is landing in educational institutions and in hospitals, helping victims of head trauma and other injuries regain motor control through gaming.According to Microsoft's Surface Game team lead, Gretchen Richter de Medeiros, gaming accessories and controllers are the biggest "barrier to entry" for a large potential gaming audience.
No one can hear you scream in space...
The 'barrier to entry' is the fact you are a huge, multi-million dollar heartless machine