Unfortunately when it comes to dieting, you really do have to count calories/macros to make it all worthwhile, and yeah clean foods tend to taste bland. Honestly you just get used to it, and it helps build self discipline imo. Kinda hard to make further comments on your diet & exercise as you haven't said how many times a week you can go to the gym & long term goals ('toning' makes no sense to me lol).
I haven't picked a guy out of a muscle mag and gone OMG I WANT 2 LOOK LIEK DIS GUY.
You can borrow some of my muscle guy mags if you want.
Why is this?
Yep. Have been doing the bicep curls. PT showed me how to do them. My form will get better over time. I'll be shown more exercises come Thursday (next session). For now, I'm doing what I know and what I can when at the gym.
A guy called SheepShagger telling you to go to the Shed to drink and watch a game of rugby.This is New Zealand
Now I've put a kilo back on which I am hoping is muscle
I'm not sure if it's worth posting photos or even if I feel comfortable posting photos.If people want photos, I'll post them I guess.
/avoid training (resistance) for longer than an hour/you only get stronger when you sleep/stay off machines use free weights and get someone to show you proper form/if you train (are pushed) to hard you won't enjoy it and stop
The instant you tell anyone you go to the gym and every man and his dog comes out of the wood work and tells you to do this and do that and don't do that regardless of the fact that you've mentioned you're following the advice of a qualified trainer.