Nah, AT4 weren't no thing if you were a good pilot (that's me btw :>)Don't know why they took out wire guided missile and put in the noob-crutch Javelin :/
A guy called SheepShagger telling you to go to the Shed to drink and watch a game of rugby.This is New Zealand
Most people don't like change but couple that with changing/removing the features that people LOVE and that equals hate.Honestly they have to be $#@!ing retarded to remove voip/commander mode and have small squads after bf2. Honestly, just god damn retarded.
You guys are like a bunch of old men/women sitting around going on about the old days were sooo much better.....Learn to adapt, or die.
Did the same "people" that made bf2 make bf3? I doubt it.Bf4 will probably have most of the same people that made bf3. That was a huge success and therefore they probably won't change much of anything. Just give it a new SP story & co-op missions and some new maps for mp. It will be $#@! and dip-$#@!s will still pre-order it.
NOTICE: ICONZ Arena to close its doors.
Oh well thats gay.I worked so hard for my rep.
You appear to have pretty good predictive powers for a physical games distributor :>
Yet you will still buy it, because in a world of mediocre fps titles it's still well above average
I lolled. If GoG wants proof of which is better go check how long competitive ladders lasted for each title. That would certainly betray any jaded opinion.
bf2 release = 1942 better2142 release = 1942, bf2 betterbad company 2 released = 1942, bf2, 2142 better + console port wtffff???bf3 released = 1942, bf2, 2142, BC2 better you guys are predictable as
bf3 wasnt as impressive as i was thinking, even the full game wont, its just all the countless things you could do with bf2 and not even half can be done in bf3.Dont think therel ever bee a game to match bf2 but yeh its time to move on
Classic response.Sure I'll adapt, by playing other games that aren't trying to make it big in the console market.Enjoy Battlefield360
BFV > BF42:FH > BFV:POE > BF42: DC > BF42 > BF2 > BC2 > 2142 > BF3
BC2 > 2142 > BF3