Total Members Voted: 40
Voting closed: August 28, 2013, 11:06:08 pm
I don't think Civil Union's can adopt.True?
There ya go.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans couples want to get married
What is a bisexual couple?
I'm lol'ing at the term 'pan-sexual'.Stop being special - you just want to fuck everyone, there's no need to put a title on that.
Not quite - its more a state where a persons gender doesn't have any bearing on your physical attraction to them
I'm a pan-microwave lover because I don't let the colour of the microwave depict what model I choose.No, I just like microwaves.
I love my microwave, I would die without it (literally, would starve)We have a special bondwait.. does that make me?dammit.
Microwaves are not cookware.They are infused with gypsy magic and perform miracles that science cannot duplicate.
I like where this thread has gone.I approve.
Some people are just confused and go through a phase where they like sticking their dicks in microwaves.
There's a Pun?Now I feel stupid because I can't see it.
Now I don't feel stupid. That was just lame.