Do you do the surgical attachments or is that an optional extra?
How many feet in a bag?
so for 10$ more I can get a palm included with the set of fingers?
public static NinjaBody getNinjaBody(){NinjaBody ninjaBody=new NinjaBody();String[]sides={"Left","Right"};String[]parts={"Arm","Forearm","Hand","Thigh","Shin","Foot"};String[]body={"Head","UpperTorso","LowerTorso"};String[]digits={"Finger","Toe"}; for(int i=0;i<body.length;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(body[i])); }//4i for(int i=0;i<parts.length;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(String.format("%s %s",sides[0],parts[i]))); ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(String.format("%s %s",sides[1],parts[i]))); }//4i for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(digits[0])); ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(digits[1])); }//4ireturn ninjaBody;}//me get ninja Body
Code: [Select]public static NinjaBody getNinjaBody(){NinjaBody ninjaBody=new NinjaBody();String[]sides={"Left","Right"};String[]parts={"Arm","Forearm","Hand","Thigh","Shin","Foot"};String[]body={"Head","UpperTorso","LowerTorso"};String[]digits={"Finger","Toe"}; for(int i=0;i<body.length;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(body[i])); }//4i for(int i=0;i<parts.length;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(String.format("%s %s",sides[0],parts[i]))); ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(String.format("%s %s",sides[1],parts[i]))); }//4i for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(digits[0])); ninjaBody.addPart(new BodyPart(digits[1])); }//4ireturn ninjaBody;}//me get ninja BodyHow much would this cost me? Anyone?
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity
I need two new knees, some inner ears, could do with a butt transplant and maybe a couple of ankles and a hip for later? How much for a full skin?
I notice you aren't selling any brains. Do you have ETA on your next shipment?
How much for a bag of dicks?
We're sold out now after you bought them all.
Heres the next version of my console text based ninja attack game.I've attached a stand alone exe file, and the source code.You can only do two types of attacks, punch and kick. Type somthing like 'kick him in the face' or 'punch his head off' Kill him before he kills you.If your feet get damaged/broken, they'll do less damage. So it may be better to punch instead.
PunchYou attack him with your Healthy Hand for 10 damageYou hit him in his LegHis Leg is DismemberedHe Hit you in your LegYour Leg is DismemberedPunchYou attack him with your Healthy Hand for 10 damageYou hit him in his TorsoHis Torso is DismemberedHe is Dead!Play Again?