Nah hes legit.32 or 48 player server on 32 player map sizes. Don't want huge $#@! off map with low numbers. If server is often full, then look to change to 64 player and large maps.
MadMike;1517039']Jordy in disguise?
Also leave out CQ maps imo.
Not all of them, whole point in mixed server is you play a bit of everything, I don't mind playing a bit of conquest when you are playing a bit of everything else
I mean Close Quarters, those maps are too small for 48 players, or even 32. Also they're shite.
Paging lead or venomoose to the thread to make changes which they will tell me to make permanent and I'll forget and have this thread revisited next wednesday after a server reset.
Your face won\'t make top four!
How about all maps and modes with map voting enabled, that way the players have control over what they feel like playing? Also would you like single rounds or the standard rounds?If I include SQDM then those of you who like squading up may, make that, most likely will, get scrambled unless I limit the slots to 16 (which I think sucks .One other thing.... If I configure this will you populate it?