Unusual choice of HDD 'Seagate Constellation', refer -http://www.playtech.co.nz/afawcs0139235/CATID=235/ID=15034/SID=324860507/productdetails.html $89
Huh. Well, I guess this is why I wrote this up haha.Why the hell was the Seagate double the price
Yeah, I kinda figured the same thing. I'd look at the SSD for windows + steam/bf3/any other games I finally can get around to playing and then everything else I'd store on the HDD like music/other non-important programs and all that. Quick question re SSD loading times, loading into a multiplayer game eg bf3, is this gonna help speed up the time it takes? Or is this more for singleplayer/LAN-hosted games off my computer?Also, looking at the i5, I've seen a lot of reviews around that seem to be praising this CPU and I was curious whether or not it would have any difficulty with loading higher-tier games at the higher video settings. I'm not looking for the highest settings or ultra or anyhting but after playing on a laptop for the last 2+ years I'd love to see games at the quality they should be viewed!
i5s are good solic CPUs, and if you aren't quite getting the performance you would like out of them, the OC very Very VERY easily which normally can give you the extra boost of performance if needed.
Am I gonna regret not using a cooler? And cheers, I'll check the mouse out.