Does it have an Aircraft Carrier? $#@!ing Breaking point killed my month old survivor for climbing a ladder on the carrier and falling me through the deck to drown
Downloaded this mod, but don't you need to get white-listed or something before you can play?
lol bl, breaking point = pretty ok, quick loots above average
dayzero = more enter-able buildings, unique video settings (graphics and visuals have been preset so you can't change the settings, everyone can see what you see..
dayzzero whitelist:
it's a simple 1-2 step process that requires a random email address and your in game name.. that pretty much solved it for me.
p.s it's also a lot faster to download the latest dayzeromod through their website compared to dayz commander (all you has to do is save the file where your usual dayz mods are...) useful info and updates