just port them all to mega with links
What actually happened is that there were far too many dicks on the dance floor.
Nah.Liquor Mill for some vodka. Just rub it down once I'm done, should leave me squeaky clean.
Oh god.. so reminds me of Sam DeathWalker (google if you dare)Sam "Da Man" Deathwalker was this middle aged weirdo, who made a bunch of money (like LOTS) by being a slum landlord in the US, and pretty much lived in a basement with a huge multiboxing setup (originally EQ then onto WOW ), and posted pics of himself having sex with street hookers, and bragging about how he used alcohol sprays after sex to not get aids n stuff.
Oh god. -googled it. Get it out! It burns!
Nimmo got drunk with a cardboard cutout of Miley Cyrus in the data centre, 'Wrecking Ball' ensued and shit got wrecked.
I'm in your COLO, moving your serverz?
I hate it when people move my servers
Servers look fine mang...
sooo um.... who changed the logo to some trippy hippy shit?2 degrees takeover?
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity