"Lol my idea with the water and pump was something I figured could work."I'm in hysterics that you started a funding campaign asking for $450K knowing NOTHING about what you're doing.Despite $450K being about a 1/3 of what you'd need.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-saladPotato Salad by Zack Danger Brown6,911 backers$55,492 pledged of $10 goal0 seconds to goI'm making potato salad.Basically I'm just making potato salad. I haven't decided what kind yet.
now if only somebody would do Theme hospital
Currently, this surface needs to be a non-ferromagnetic conductor. Right now we use commonly available metals in a simple sheets, but we are working on new compounds and new configurations to maximize our technology and minimize costs.
OMG HOVERBOARD!https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/142464853/hendo-hoverboards-worlds-first-real-hoverboard
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grimmbros/dragon-fin-soupI only heard of this after the Kickstarter was finished but was able to pre-order, I guess, through the Humble Bundle Store via their website http://dragonfinsoup.com/ .
After 10 amazing years, it's time for TV Tropes to grow a beard. With your help, we can hire dedicated web developers to focus solely on making TV Tropes more awesome. This will include upgrades to the underlying hardware infrastructure and outdated code base, a new design with simplified site navigation and fewer ads, optimized mobile experiences, attention to the community wishlist, a complete database overhaul, thematic discovery of new media, fun Trope tools and toys, and generally just making all of our wildest Trope dreams come true.
Woo-hoo!You are now an official backer of Shadowrun: Hong Kong.If this project is successfully funded, the creator will send you a survey to collect information needed to deliver your reward.
6,680backers$271,380pledged of $100,000 goal34days to go
Or if someone tried to kickstart something like phoneblocks. I could see many a derphead throwing a fist of cash, but all it'd make me want to do is throw a fist, sans cash.